༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 39༒🔞

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Rindou stared at your for a minute, comprehending what you just said. 

He was irritated and annoyed, your response pissing him off so much, he wanted nothing more than- you giggled, cutting his thoughts off. He was annoyed and you... giggled?! 

"What's so funny?", "I'm sorry, I just got a little embarrassed by what I said", you smiled, trying to stand up, pushing his hand softly away from your jaw and straightening up your posture but Rindou was having none of that. 

He grabbed your arm pulling your forcefully down on his lap again, encircling your waist with his free hand. 

"You talk like a whore... you act like a whore... you behave like a whore... might as well ride my fucking dick like a whore, hm?", his grip on your arm tightened, pushing you closer to him with his arm that was wrapped around your waist. 

You suddenly felt nervous and embarrassed, "Rindou... we're in a store", you mumbled making him smirk, his lazy eyes piercing through you, "do I look like I give a fuck?", he genuinely asked. 

You shook your head, of course he doesn't. 

Since when does a Bonten member care at all.. he could just take you right on the spot, pay of the employees here to shut their shit and maybe even let them join or if he was funny enough, just kill them.. Bastard... 

"Rindou please", you placed your hands on his chest, trying to put some distance between you two but he just chuckled, "beg! Maybe then I'll let you off the hook", your eyes widening slightly when you suddenly looked down, leaning your forehead against his chest to hide your face. 

"Don't say that...", you mumbled, "don't act shy now", "I'm not acting shy, I'm embarrassed you fuck", "repeat yourself!", "I said...", you straightened up your posture, cupping his face with your hands and locking your eyes with his, "I'm embarrassed, you fuck!", "your attitude is pissing me off", "then do something about it", you leaned in closer, your lips brushing against his. 

You were about to kiss him when someone cleared their throat behind you. 

Stiffening up in his grip you turned your head to look who was behind you, Rindou tilting his head to look past your shoulder, a girl standing nervously there, her hands clasped behind her back avoiding eye contact with the both of you. 

"Ehm... sorry to interrupt but you would have to leave the store-", "shut up", was all Rindou said, making the employee in front of him flinch, "ehm... Sir, I... I need to call the authorities-", he pushed you softly of his lap, settling you down on the couch before standing up and gripping the employees chin, forcing her to look into his eyes.

He leaned closer to her, in a low voice he suddenly said, "you don't want to fuck with me, got it! Or I'll make sure that this will be your last day on this fucking earth", tears started to appear on her face, trembling as she realized who was in front of her as soon as she noticed the tattoo peeking from his dress shirt on his neck.

He didn't even notice you standing beside him now, putting a hand on his shoulder, pushing him a little away from her, "leave her be, she's just doing her job", you softly said. 

His eyes locked with yours, letting reluctantly go of her, he pointed towards the shoes that you were still 'trying on', "you want them?", "huh? Oh... yeah.. I guess." 

Without uttering another word, he took a stack out of his wallet, before throwing the money above the employee, leaving the shop. 

The bills falling down slowly, a rain shower of hundreds and hundreds of money bills engulfing you and her, your eyes never leaving his form as you sighed. Without saying anything you silently took your old shoes, putting them on before grabbing your things, leaving the girl standing in the middle of the money rain fall. 

"Talk about attitude issues", you said, walking behind the male who had his hands tugged into the pocket of his pants, ignoring your words. 

"Hello? Earth to Rindou! What's up with you?!", he still ignored you, pissing you slightly off. 

"Where the fuck are you going?", you snapped, following his fast long steps blindly. Not even noticing that you were walking out of the shopping mall, towards the streets of Harajuku. 

Desperately trying to catch up to him, trying to get a hold of his wrist, he slipped away in a sea full of people. Looking around you started to panic, not only did the amount of people make you anxious but the thought of having lost sight of Rindou and not knowing where the others were was making you tremble. 

You cursed at yourself, noticing how depended you were on them at the current moment. 

Not even having your phone was making it worse as any source of communication was impossible. You didn't know their numbers as the only number you had was Rans and by god you would be a fucking genius if you could remember a single fucking number but for a person that even forgot birthday dates... that would be just sheer impossible.

A miracle even if you were capable of remembering shit. 

Before you could react though, someone got a hold on your wrist, dragging you towards god knows where. Noticing the hair, for a split second you felt yourself relieved as you saw the familiar short styled hair but your heart instantly dropped when you noticed it wasn't Rans Hair but..

"Hanma...", you mumbled to yourself.

Dragging you into an alleyway he threw you slightly forward, making you stumble, the shoes in your hands dropping to the floor. 

"Found you♡︎", "what do you want?", "just wanted to get to know ya", "so you had to drag me into an alleyway?", you looked at him deadpan. 

He went closer to you, making you back up, his long arm reached out to you, pulling you closer to him before he trapped you in between himself and the wall behind you, "a gorgeous girl like you is protected! Do you really think we could've had some quality time alone? Just you and me?", he pointed out, grinning down at you. 

You felt your heart thumb in your chest, his face closer than before. A shiver running down your spine when he pushed your hair behind your ear, his lips tracing your ear. 

"I would love to devour you, just to piss Ran off♡︎", he said in a low tone, his hand that was leaning against the wall made its way down the sides of your body, halting at your hip, squeezing it. 

"Would love to send him a video of you spread out for me, moaning my name for me, over and over again", he grinned. 

You didn't know what to feel nor how to react from his sudden confession. Though you had to admit that your breathing became rigid. A slight sense of panic settling in but in a weird way a feeling of excitement as well. The feeling of being wanted, being used to piss someone off.. the effect of knowing that it would piss them off because it was You, it excited you in a way. 

And who where you to lie to yourself... you were fucked up. 

You had fucked up thoughts, only half of them that your therapist knew off. After everything that you had experienced and that had happened to you, it was natural for you to develop fucked up needs and wants. 

Fucked up, twisted cravings that only people who were equally insane could understand. 

And there was literally no one you knew. Cause if you were being honest, not even Bonten.. not even Sanzu reached that level you reached. 

"I'll save you", was once a sentence you heard from a man that brought hell upon you, how you wished you were able to look once more into his eyes and tell him, "nobody can save me anymore. There's nothing to save", as you pushed your lips against Hanmas, making the tall man grin. 

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