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Groaning in pain, your headache was literally killing you.

You couldn't even open your eyes as you were still too tired and the pain of your head was too much. Flinching a little when you felt someone sit down next to you, a hand suddenly stroking your forehead and hair back, softly, in a comforting motion.

It felt good as the hand was a little cold. The sensation cooling your headache, the pain slightly numbing down.

You don't remember a lot from yesterday, you couldn't even pin point at what point you lost your memories.

Remembering being in the car with your best friend, walking around town, laughing and dancing, getting some cocktails on the go and then spontaneously deciding to go to a club and boom. Blackout.

You couldn't have been that drunk right?! Your best friend certainly wasn't as she was the one who had to drive you both. You figured you're probably at hers right now, currently lying in her bed and it was her stroking your forehead, since as far as you remember you both were the entire time with each other.

About to open your mouth and say something, you got into a coughing fit as your throat was too dry.

Hunching over you winced and whimpered as the pain in your throat hurt like a bitch. Her hand, that was stroking your forehead, was now gently stroking the back of your neck, gliding down to stroke the back of your head while pushing your hair away from your face.

Comforting you silently.

Out of instinct, you laid your head onto her lap, snuggling into her. Her hand not stopping once the comforting motions. You felt like falling asleep again but you were too curious to know what happened yesterday.

Trying your best to turn around on your back, trying desperately to pry your eyes open as you tried to wet your dry lips and throat in some way.

"Drink some water and then try to sleep some more! Don't pressure yourself!", a deep voice said making you instantly freeze at the spot.

Wait... wait wait wait... no no no... this voice is way too familiar... you started to squirm around, trying to lift your arms tiredly to rub your eyes aggressively.

Panic settling in you!

The person tried to keep you still, tried to calm you down while stroking your hair, "sssh, don't panic. It's alright! You're safe." A bunch of bullshit, you wanted to yell, knowing that better than anyone.

Fuck, why was it so hard to open your eyes.. "calm down, you need sleep, after some sleep you will feel better..", the person reassured. His movements never stopping, lulling you unwillingly into another slumber.

"Sanzu, get the fuck out or I'll shoot your fucking brain out!", "why? Are you hiding my bitch in there?", "as if I have nothing better to do than hide one of your bitches in here", "I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about my angel! Cause she was definitely with me yesterday when suddenly, she disappeared from my side, just like her little friend!", "did you ever thought, that they both might've went home?"

You heard someone click his tongue in annoyance before someone slammed the door shut, "bastard", you heard someone else mumble under their breath.

"Thank god, she's still sleeping", he sighed, before sitting down next to you on the bed again, stroking your head in a comforting manner again.

You started to move a little, trying once more to open your eyes. He momentarily stopped before you felt his hands cup your cheeks, his thumbs gently stroking your closed eyes.

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