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"(Y/N)... (Y/N).. (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)", Sanzu dragged out, his head currently thrown back at the hotel couch, playing with the gun in his hand while his other hand held some pills.

"Truly an Angels Name!", he exclaimed almost dreamily.

Kakucho, who sat in front of Sanzu on the other couch next to the Haitani Brothers, sighed. He didn't thought that Sanzu would find your name out, more or less from yourself directly as you, Akashi and him didn't notice the pink haired bastard still lingering around when you told them your name.

Well, there was nothing he could do about it now, anyways.

Akashi stood next to Koko at the window, smoking a cigarette as per usual. Mochi was sprawled out on the bed, half heartily listening to what Sanzu was babbling about. Mikey, nowhere in sight.

"I'm hurt though!", Sanzu suddenly said, sitting up and pointing his gun at Kakucho, "why would she give you and Akashi her name but not me!", "cause you're an annoying bastard", was all Kakucho replied before standing up and going to the mini bar to get himself something to drink.

"Whats her last name?", Ran asked but Sanzu just shrugged, "she only said her first name!" "That's enough to figure out who she is, we know where she works, how she looks like and what her first name is", Mochi replied, his eyes closed as he was getting tired from all the shit they had to do today with Mikey.

Ran thought about it for a second before he pulled his phone out, calling someone. Rindou looked at his brother in curiosity, "who are y-", "hey, can you get me some info about a certain someone? Her names is (y/n) and she works at..."

You sighed, falling face first down on your couch.

It has been two days since your encounter with the 6 men, alone, in your shop. Glad that you didn't saw them again afterwards, hopping that whatever 'business'-trip they had, would be over soon.

It didn't sit right with you to have been so close next to probably some wanted criminals. Also kinda regretting to have said your name to two of them. As you were certain, that despite you just saying your first name, they were able to find out anything they wanted about you.

If they were, of course, a big mafia type of gangster group.. which you secretly hopped and wished for that they weren't.

Cause if there was one thing you obviously noticed, it was the fact that you had caught their interest. You must be absolutely blind or dense to not have noticed.
Now the last thing you needed was criminals jumping your ass like dogs in heat.

Your phone rang, interrupting abruptly your thoughts.

With a groan you stood up and reached out for it to notice that your friend was calling you, "yo?", "(hey hey, I hope you didn't forgot about today?)".

Your face instantly twisted into one of shock, fuck... "ah, of course not! I'm getting ready right now", your friend sighed before she chuckled, "(alright, I'll get you in two hours you doofus. See, that's why I called! I know you!)".

She definitely knew you too well, no matter how good you were at lying, she always knew what was really going on. "Sorry, I'll get ready right now, for real", you laughed.

Right... you sighed, you had promised your friend to go out with her tonight as it had been a while. Since you and her were quite busy with work and living, 30 minutes apart by car, away from each other, wasn't making the meeting up easier for you two.

As you got ready though your intuition told you to stay at home, your anxiety rising up, heartbeat getting faster and heavier. Taking a break from getting ready, you drunk some cold water to calm yourself down.

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