༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 81༒

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Sitting in Kazutoras Car as he drove, you recalled Madame Rouges words, before you left. 

"I know you're not gonna rat me out. Your eyes show too much kindness. Best believe I won't tell anyone you were here as well. I'll make sure that 'nobody saw you here'. 

Make use of that information I gave you. I can't stand you, so helping you in a way to get the fuck outta my sight, it's both a win win for me and you." 

She was right and even though you didn't want to admit it, you did need her help. Even appreciating that she was willing to give you enough Money. Enough money so you could get a plane ticket home, disappear for a good amount of time and keep your profile low until Bonten would get bored and drop their interest towards you. Not bothering to find you again so you could start to live normally again. 

Kazutora eyed your form with concerned eyes. Silent and sunken, deep in thoughts... that's what you were.

"Did something happen?", he asked rather hesitant, interrupting your thoughts abruptly. You perked up at him, shaking your head. Not wanting to worry him, you replied, "nothing worth mentioning. I'm having more chances for my plan to work though!", "yeah? How come?", "Madame Rouge will provide me with resources so I can get away from here sooner", "that's great!"

Kazutora was genuinely happy for you but also a bit sad as he did like you, from the way Inupi spoke of you to the way you were interacting with him and talking to him...

The thought of not being able to see you again, was making him genuinely sad but who was he to stop you. After all, you were kidnapped. Running away from a deadly gang that wouldn't hesitate to shoot a bullet through your brain when you disobeyed them in a way, that wasn't forgivable.  

"So, what's the plan for now?", "I'll try to play good. Continuing what I have been doing so far. Gaining their trust, not trying to act up, just all in all be a reliable person to them", "gaining trust in exchange of more freedom without control", "yes~", "sounds like a plan."

"Thanks for driving me home and helping me!", you said as you turned towards Kazutora.

"Don't worry! Friends help each other!", he said, giving you a reassuring smile which instantly turned into a shy flustered one as you kissed his cheek, "no, I mean it! It's dangerous and you helping me is everything! I can't thank you enough!", "ah, really! Don't worry!"

With a last glance and last smile you bid him goodbye, walking up to Kakuchos Apartment. Walking in you were met with silence, which was good, meaning you didn't had to explain yourself were you had been without him knowing.

Sitting down you thought of your next step. Recalling that you haven't called Nat in a while, you decided it would be a good time to call him and talk about the plan you had. His voice and reassuring words always calming you down when you needed it. Bringing you back down to earth.

You were also hoping that he could help you in a way out from his location.

Fishing out your phone, you also thought it was a good time to call him as you were also alone at home right now. Kakucho not being home and not coming home so soon either.

Dialing his number, the phone rang and rang for quite a bit.

Maybe he's sleeping? No, he always takes the call right away, no matter what time... 

You felt a bit weird but shrugged it off. Maybe he was indeed very tired. The whole situation was very stressful after all. You had been away for not only weeks now, anymore. It's been maybe two months.. three? maybe more, maybe less.

Sighing, you hung up. Waiting for a minute or two, you decided to call once more, when someone finally took the phone, "hello?", an unfamiliar voice spoke. 

It was a deep men voice on the phone. A voice you didn't recognize at all. 

"Ehm... Hi? Is.. is Nat somewhere near by? Can I talk to him?", "who are you, If I may ask? Are you his girlfriend?" Of course you wanted to say no, since that would've been the truth but something about the unfamiliar voice, your gut feeling telling you to lie... just this once. 

"Yeah.. I am! I'm currently out of the country, that's why I called..", the line on the other side went silent until you heard him sigh.. a rather.. sad sigh..

"I'm sorry to inform you miss... your boyfriend Nat was shot and killed at his apartment during a break in. We're trying to figure out if it was an unfortunate accident or if he was an actual target. I'm sorry and my sincere condolences"

"Thank you..", with that you silently hung up. 

Your mind went blank.

Not knowing how to take the news. Several emotions ran through your body as you tried to comprehend what happened. Tears welled up in your eyes as the sudden sadness hit you, yet you were still blank. Still not able to process what had happened.

He was alive just a few days ago. 

You hadn't talked to him in a while but he was alive. He told you he was gonna try to find a way to get to you. He said he wanted to live with you... he was waiting for you. 

And now? 

He's gone. 

Life was cruel to Nat. Life was cruel to you. Taking everything from him and you, that's why you connected so easily. That's why you understood his pain and he understood yours and now... he was gone. Leaving you here alone. 

Out of first instinct you called Kazutora. 

He was the last person you talked to and the last person who knew what you were going through at the current time.

"Hey, missed me already?", you heard him joking but as he was met with your silence he asked in concern, "Did you forgot something-". "He's dead...", was all you were able to choke out though. 

Silence engulfed you both before he hesitantly asked, "who?"

Taking a deep breath, the weight of the information now settling in, you said, 

"Nat... he's dead... Nat is dead..."

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