✨1k/ reader x y/n special✨

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"I don't know why you're still hanging around them", you snarled at y/n, who looked at you wide eyed from your remark. "Pardon? You DO recall that I was kidnapped?", y/n snapped back, making you click your tongue. "I wish I could kill them..", "hol' up! What's with your sudden attitude change", y/n asked, raising her eyebrow at you. You both were currently sitting outside a park bench, taking a little break from your shopping trip. The circumstances you met y/n were rather odd.

You recalled the day like it was yesterday. She was running away from someone, not looking at where she was running too and bumping into you. You both falling down, you on your ass, she on top of you. Romantic and cliché, right?


She immediately got up, continuing to run as she yelled an apology out without even looking back at you. Making you scoff. When you got up and dusted your pants off, you saw 5 dudes, apparently, running after her. 

"Where the fuck did this bitch run to?!", yelled one of them. Nonchalantly pointing towards the alleyway, they followed your fingers, running into it.

Turning around with a huff, you continued your way towards your previous destination. Though you didn't went far as you saw the girl, looking around in slight panic. Walking up to her you snapped, "Ayo! That was absolutely Rude of you-", but stopped mid sentence when she turned around. 

Too bright.. was all you could think when she looked at you. How can someone be this fucking pretty? But what the fuck did she do that those men were running after her?!? The question was quickly answered though when she quirked her eyebrows at you, "huh?!", her voice not matching her angelic face. Snapping you instantly back into reality.

"I said you were incredibly rude! You just knocked me down and kept running?!", "eh?! Sorry??? I don't have time and you better not talk to me or else you're also gonna be in trouble!", she hastily replied. "What the-?", "SHES THERE!", "FUCK". She instantly got a hold of your wrist, dragging you to god knows where while the dudes behind you followed you.

And that's how you two met. Incredible story, right? Not really, you still remember how she pushed you down a small hill and kicked one of the dudes in the nuts. Instantly jumping after you and literally crashing down on you.

Since then you two were for some reason absolutely close. You couldn't even explain it yourself. At first glance y/n seemed chaotic, innocent and just in general all over the place. But the more you talked to her and hung out with her, you noticed how far from that she is. 

Yes, she was chaotic, the sun in rainy days and your fluff ball, always cheering you up with her bright smile and giving you warmth and comfort with the look in her eyes. Though if you knew her better, you saw her truest self. In front of others she was the good morning sun. Alone, she was the 3am Moon, spilling all her deepest thoughts into the night.

And that... that drew you in like a moth to a flame. You knew that loving her could end up in a fairytale or in your deepest and most painful heartbreak. Because you saw the side of her no one had the privilege of seeing.

You saw her broken self. You saw how her eyes turned void when she was at her limit but you also admired her strength. The way she picked herself quickly up, again. Her eyes filling with warmth once more. The love in her eyes made your heart beat faster and oh god how you wished she would show you a little bit more love than others.

How you wished to experience just a bit more of her touch. Experience a bit more love and comfort. But no matter what, you were happy with how things were, cause you would rather have it this way than to loose her. 

Y/n looked at your deep in thoughts form as she poked your side. "Hello? You good?", "I mean it. You know...", "the killing the others part?", "yeah.. I wish I could.. save you."

Y/n eyes softened when she looked at you. Her hands reaching out towards you, hugging you tight to her body. Letting your face fall into her neck, you clutched onto her, feeling small against her. Her arms released themselves from you, already missing her touch. You were about to pull her back when she suddenly cupped your cheeks.

Your eyes widening as she pecked your lips softly. Butterflies erupting in your stomach. As she pulled back you went after her lips, making her chuckle. "Be good for me and don't do anything stupid okay?", she said.

Your cheeks feeling warm against her palms. You meekly nodded your head, feeling your heart beat against your chest in a rapid pace as her smile towards you never faltered. "I'll manage myself, alright?", "but-?!", you were about to protest but she shushed you with another peck, "when I get out, I'll find you again!", another peck, "and then I'll put you in my pocket!", another peck, "I'll take you home with me." A final peck before she left another kiss on your neck. "I have to go now, be a good girl and wait for me! Promise me". With that she left.

And so you did as promised. You waited for her. Tracing your lips every now and then and recalling the softness of them against yours. The way her skin felt underneath your fingertips. The way her eyes shone in the sunlight. The lights, that shone around her like a halo. Waiting day and night for her to appear at your door. Waiting day and night for a message. Waiting day and night for her presence though unfortunately that was the last time you ever saw her. Your heart aching more and more as you realized that you would never see her again. Missing her more than you thought you would.

But you knew from the very start. The moment your eyes met, that loving her would be either a fairytale or the most painful heartbreak you'll experience.

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