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"Okay. First of all, calm down! Second of all, he's literally just my Childhood friend", you deadpanned. Obviously not so pleased from the way you were held at gun point.

Akashi raised an eyebrow, "'Childhood friend', you sure about that? Doesn't seem like that to me"

You sighed, "Yeah! Let me just lie about something so insignificant, like a fucking childhood friend. Are you on crack?", "I'm not joking", "Does it look like I'm joking? Bro, fuck outta here with this shit. You really think I have nothing better to do then let myself get kidnapped by my Childhood friend that I, on top of all that, actually forgot about until like barely an hour ago?", "Is that so?!" 

Akashi was clearly not believing you a single word. "you're telling me, he's your childhood friend. Yet, you forgot all about him. Are you sure he's even your childhood friend? Maybe that's something you two just made up for shits and giggles. Hmm? Saying your childhood friends so you could get rid of us. I don't know how you got into contact with him or when-"

Interrupting him with a defeated sigh, you answered, "then don't believe me. Shoot me, for all I care." 

Now it was Akashis turn to sigh.Rolling his eyes, he lowered his gun. 

Walking closer to your form, he lifted his hand to pet your head, "I honestly don't like you talking like that all the time!" Raising your head, you quirked your eyebrow in question. Confusion written all over your face. Not understanding what he was saying.

"You always talk about not minding dying. Have a bit more will to live. You're young. I believe you, alright? Now stop talking like that", "it was just weird, seeing you all so close to each other", Koko side eyed, still not pleased but nobody really cared. 

"So what now?", Rindou asked, looking at Mikey who was watching you closely. "Sanzus currently taking care of Kazuya. Kakucho managed to get a hold of our things. He already called the others-", "Hol' up! what do you mean, Sanzus taking care of Kazuya?", you asked, turning towards Mikey with wide eyes. "Hope you had spend some good quality time together, cause that's gonna be the last time you see him", Mikey said, walking past you and out of the door. It didn't even take you a second to think about it when you sprinted past Mikey. 

So fast, he didn't even got a chance to get a hold of you.

Running down the hallway in the heels you still had one from the club, you almost stumbled past the corner you previously were. Though what you saw, made your blood run cold. You were too late. Kazuya was on the floor, a bullet wound in his shoulder, blood slowly pooling around him. Sanzu stood above him with a wide grin, pointing the gun towards his head. 

He was about to pull the trigger but before it went off, you pushed his hand away, the bullet hitting into the wall. "Angel!", Sanzus voice laced with threat as he looked at you. 

"Leave him alone!", you snapped, fighting against his grip on the gun.

A pair of arms wrapped themselves around your waist, lifting you up and pulling you away. You started to kick and yell! "Darling, behave!", Ran voiced out behind you, his grip tight around you.

"Fuck off! I'll bash your fucking head in if you touch him, Sanzu!

"Shut the fuck up, Angel. Be a good girl and behave before I'll do much worse!", Sanzu said, gritting his teeth at your behavior. "Make me! You fucking cunt!", "Don't worry, I'll do that later", he grinned. 

Suddenly your attention shifted towards Kazuya, who on the contrary had also his gun pulled out, pointing it towards Sanzu. Your eyes widened and in panic you kicked Ran against the Shin, making him successfully let go of you. Kazuya pulled the trigger and you managed to push Sanzu away in time, almost smashing you both against the wall when you felt the bullet graze your cheek. A small cut appearing. 

Kazuyas eyes widened just like Sanzus, before he started yelling, "Fuck! (Y/N)! Don't jump in front of the bullet like that! Are you fucking insane?! Are you hurt?!" He tried to get up, the wound in his shoulder hurting a bit too much but he didn't care, not when you were probably hurt because of him. 

Sanzu immediately pushed you slightly away from himself, as you were pressed up against him, and cupped your cheeks. Lifting your head up to examine your face. Upon seeing the cut on your cheek he got furious. 

"You fucker!", "Let me see!", Kazuya pushed Sanzus hands away, studying your face looking for injuries. His breath hitched when he saw the blood oozing out of your cut like a tear drop.

"Fuck, (Y/N), I'm so sorry!-", "we heard a gun and someone yelling 'Fuck (Y/N)!' We immediately came!", Rindou said. 

The others behind him as Mochi chuckled, "fuck (y/n), hehe"

"Mochi, get yourself together!", Koko lowly snapped, eyeing your wide eyed form in concern.

Kazuya, was stroking your cheek, apologizing over and over while you were still in a sorta shock state. It wasn't a surprise to you. Since your mental stability was wavering with each passing day, you felt yourself more often drop into a momentarily shock state. Your body taking the control away from you for a moment, trying to make you calm down and regain your composure again. It was just unfortunate that you had no control over the fact when you would fall into shock state, giving you not a chance to even prevent yourself from going into it. 

Mikey walked closer to you two. As soon as he saw the cut on your cheek though, the aura around him changed, "I'll kill you-", but he couldn't even say anything further when you interrupted him.

"why can't you just get along..", you mumbled, pushing Kazuyas hands softly away from you as you were slowly regaining your control over your body again.

"You do understand that I rather kill myself then work with Mogambo?", Rindou scoffed. 

Locking eyes with Kazuya, he could immediately tell how stressed out you were getting. It was messy, the whole situation was messy and you felt yourself crumbling even further apart. Trying to understand your own feelings towards all the men in the room. You realized one thing... you didn't want to pick a side. 

This also made you wonder, if you would ever get home, when your mind was crumbling into pieces and your thoughts shifted from fleeing to protecting them. 

Everything felt suffocating. 

Your thoughts felt suffocating. Their presence felt suffocating. The room felt suffocating. You felt yourself loosing strength. Your legs getting weaker as your body suddenly, slowly, started to tremble. 

You felt yourself loose it, the memories of the constant fights you always used to find yourself in all flashing through your mind. The constant wars between men that saw you as nothing else than a trophy to obtain. The flashbacks of how they all lost their mind. 

Were you gonna go through all that again? Was the past seriously repeating itself? Would these men loose their fucking minds even though they were already on the edge of insanity? Or were you gonna be for once the one who would loose it, as you felt your insanity slip slowly but surely away from you. 

Was history really gonna repeat itself? 

Would you end up with blood on your hands once more? 

Something you didn't want to witness again. Something you didn't want to do again and something you didn't wanna go through again. You were still met with nightmares. The more you thought about it, the more questions popped up. 

You failed to notice the warning signs of your body. Failing to notice your heart beat increasing. Failing to notice the way you were shaking or the black dots appearing in your vision. 

Kazuya though, was the one to notice your defocused state and before your legs could give in, he wrapped his arms around you protectively. Catching your limp body as you fell unconsciously into his arms. The stress, anxiety and worry starting to creep up on you, something you had pushed down over the last months successfully. 

But everyone reaches their breaking point.. even you.

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