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After you went home, yesterday, you couldn't shake the weird gut feeling off. The feeling that you would see the dangerous men again. Despite really, really, not wanting to.

If you were being honest, the way they eyed you and talked about you without their knowing, since you had understood every single word, was making your stomach twist and turn. And not in a pleasant way.

It reminded you of that one time... shaking your head you stopped your mind from drifting to a part of your life you wanted to forget.

Looking down at your breakfast rather disappointed, as you were not really hungry anymore due to the anxious feeling you suddenly got. The feeling intensifying by the second.

With a sigh, you took the plate with eggs, bacon and a half eaten toast and put a foil over it. Making your way towards the fridge and putting it inside, to maybe eat it after work. Your cat came up to you, rubbing your legs, noticing your shift in mood.

Grinning down at him, you crouched, grateful that you had your little fluff ball after all those years still with you.

Always cheering you up when you felt down by licking your fingers or giving kisses, as you liked to say. "Need to get ready for work", you sighed, asking him, "wanna come with me?" Before you even had the chance to get up, he immediately went ahead towards your room. You followed him, sitting down on your little chair in front of your vanity.

You started to apply your make up, as you liked to look presentable, waving your short bob. Running your fingers through it, making it a little bit more messy before you fixed your bangs up.

Leaning fully against the chair you let your head fall back. You were still so undoubtedly tired, the anxious feeling not going away, making your energy run out faster than you liked to.

Your cat nudged your feet, making you sigh, "I know I know. I'm getting up!"

Getting up from your chair, you made your way towards your closet. With all honesty, today was a day where you wanted to wear a pair of joggers and a sweatshirt. After contemplating for a minute or two you decided, fuck it and went for it.

Taking a pair of black slouchy joggers, a white oversized tee and a matching black oversized sweater, to put over, you put the outfit on. Taking a beanie to top of the "boy-ish" look, you took a backpack to pack your stuff up for work and put some white sneakers on. With a last glance in the mirror, you went to work.

Your boss started grinning as soon as you walked into the shop, a little excited to say the least, "I'm always so excited to see what you pull up in each day. Love the contrast from yesterday's look! Though I thought you gonna pull up in a grey sweat set today", she laughed, making you chuckle in return, "Nah, grey would be too bright for me today." You scrunched up your nose at the thought, making her laugh some more.

As soon as you returned from the common room, after putting your backpack away, "Today is another slow day, I pretty much already finished up all the stuff we had to do so you can just relax. I'll be actually going now cause I have an appointment but you'll manage the shop alone. As I said, it's a pretty slow day so I don't think you'll be stressed out. If there's a problem, you know, you can just give me a call!", she said, smiling at you.

She honestly didn't like leaving you alone in the shop. Even though she sometimes had to, she preferred not to.

It wasn't that she didn't trust you, it's the opposite actually, but she knew how easily stressed out you get. Even though you never showed it and always kept a calm demeanor. With just a glance she could always tell when your hands started shaking or you would get distant, spacing out to keep yourself collected.

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