🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 65༒🔞

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//TW: Mature Content/ non verbal consent/ carnal-abuse / (partially) forced intercourse 🔞//

Locking eyes with Sanzu, wasn't the first thing you expected to do, when opening your eyes. 

"What hap-", "you fell unconscious", he said, his eyes returning to his hands as he was sitting with his leg crossed over another one while rolling himself a cigarette. Your eyes followed his hands, noting the 'mixture' he was about to smoke. 

"Really? Getting high right now?", you scoffed slightly, sitting up as you felt your head spin. Your hand instantly reaching out to grasp your forehead. 

"Got a problem with that?", "yeah", you shortly replied, trying to get up. "Lay down", "no", "Lay the fuck down!", he snapped. Letting out another scoff, you crossed your arms in front of each other, looking away. Already fed up for the day, with Sanzus mood swings. Shit, it wasn't even a minute since you were awake and he was already yelling.

"Stubborn brat", he mumbled, though you heard it pretty clear. So naturally,"shut up, cunt!", you let swear words flow out of your mouth once more. 

"That's it!"

What you didn't expect this time though.. Sanzu disregarding his rolled cigarette on the table beside the bed you were lying on, grabbing you suddenly by the throat. Your hands instantly flying towards his wrists as you dug your nails into his skin. He was unfazed. Pushing you down so he could get on top of you, you started to notice a significant difference in his hold around your neck. His grip around your throat, was not the type of choking to kill someone but the one were you apply pressure on the right spots to just decrease the air flow. 

The one where you didn't had to fear to fall into another unconscious state but the one that was there for pleasure. 

This is when you noticed another thing, his traveling hands and the bulge in his pants.

His free hand travelled down your body, cupping your chest before gracing down your stomach, finding his hand in between your legs. Cupping your clothed clit with his hand, making you arch your back slightly. Trying to wriggle yourself out from under him, he applied slightly more pressure on your neck. A moan leaving your lips. 

He instantly leaned down, trailing kisses down your jawline, "I told you before, that I'll make sure to take care of your little mouth", he grinned mischievously. 

He started rubbing you through your clothes, the friction stimulating you as you felt him slightly rub himself against you as well. 

You started to wiggle around some more, a wider grin appearing on Sanzus face when he realized you started to move your hips subconsciously, to get more friction. "my my my... what a little whore... my little whore", he muttered, his eye lids dropping, a lustful gaze on them as he watched you get off on his hand and his growing member. 

"I'm in desperate need of a new drug, a new high.... you know", he lowly said, his hand around your throat slowly releasing, traveling down your body as he inched down towards your clothed clit. His other hand, traveling upwards, so both hands were resting on your hips, the dress you still wore was hitched up by him before getting a hold of the hem of your panties. Taking them down he was greeted with your glistening pussy, waiting to be devoured by him. 

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