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"So that's where she lives, huh?", Koko said, Sanzu beside him grinning from ear to ear.

After yesterdays revelations of you knowing Japanese, the men stopped listening to what the subordinate still had to say about you.

Not interested in the slightest anymore, as they figured, they gonna spend more than enough time with you from now on anyway.

Even Kakucho wasn't here to 'protect' you anymore.

Not from Sanzu, nor from anyone in that matter, as you knew exactly from day one, what they were talking about the entire time.

You knew Sanzu was looking for you because you heard them. You knew Sanzu was ready to shoot up your boss. You knew.. that they were here for business. As you had heard every single thing they had talked about.

It was over for you.

They either had to kill you now or kidnap you until they were satisfied with using you and then kill you. Since Sanzu still wanted to toy around with you for a bit before killing you off, they all agreed to take you as a hostage for now.

You on the other hand was currently lying on your floor. Yep, on the floor.

Having one of the fluffiest carpets anyone could think off, you usually found yourself just rolling around on your carpet next to your cat, who was usually sleeping.

Your thoughts drifted around, thinking of your next canvas painting.

Art was one of the few things you still kept close to your heart, as your mother used to love all the paintings and art pieces you created, always keeping them and hanging them up in your house to show off to anyone that came to visit.

In order to honor her, you kept continuing to draw, creating art pieces of things she used to love or that caught your attention.

The door bell rang. You opened your mouth slightly, furrowing your brows in confusion, as you didn't know who the fuck it could be.

Not having ordered anything, for once. Also, your friend didn't really text you anything, nothing about her coming over or something of that sort. She was never the type to come by spontaneously as she knew how much you valued your sleep and if she would ever, ever, come without a notification, while you were sleeping, god help her.

So you made the simplest choice ever, you ignored the door.

Sighing you rolled to your side, facing your cat. Laying a hand on top of him, as to spoon him slightly, you closed your eyes trying to drift off to dreamland.

"The lock was absolute easy to pick", Sanzu grinned while Kakucho and Koko started to look around the apartment with silent steps.

Akashi seated himself on your couch next to Rindou, getting a cigarette from his pockets.

Ran was already down the hallway, standing in front of the only closed door in the entire apartment. Slowly opening it up he peaked inside, seeing your form curled up on the floor next to your cat.

A smirk appeared on his face.

Looking back down the hallway, seeing as everyone was exploring every other part of your apartment, he silently went inside your room, closing the door behind him carefully as to not let the others hear. Strutting with silent steps towards your form, he crouched down towards you.

Bending slightly down, to look at your face, his right hand reached out to stroke your hair away from your face.

Caressing your cheek softly.

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