🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 33༒🔞

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When you awoke you were a little mad to discover that Kakucho wasn't next to you. Rolling around for a little bit before getting up you ruffled your hair and stood up, stretching yourself a little and grabbing Kakuchos shirt that he wore yesterday, slipping it on. 

Yawning you made your way out of the room, walking down the hallway towards the kitchen to see him shirtless, cooking breakfast. 

Walking up to him you wrapped your arms around him from the back, going on your tippy toes to lay your head on his shoulder, looking at what he's cooking. "Slept well?", he asked, not taking his eyes off of the stove, "also I already fed your cat, he's sleeping again, he sure sleeps a lot". "Mhm, I slept like a baby..", you said, snuggling your face against his back, a chuckle escaping his lips. 

"Why so soft?", "why not?", you asked back, giving him a kiss on the back of his neck. He turned his head toward you, looking down at you, his gaze soft and softening even more if that was possible, upon seeing you in his shirt. "Cute..", he mumbled, giving the top of your head a kiss before continuing to cook.

Kakucho knew he was walking on thin ice with the way he was acting towards you. 

It didn't help that you both slept after you two drank. Not that he regrets it, the opposite actually but he didn't thought that he would get himself swopped up like that. 

Kakucho made you the most comfortable out of all the Bonten Executives as well. As he was also the only one who truly showed emotions and compensation towards you. 

Giving you the option of a deal. It wasn't even his fault that the other didn't give a fuck about the deal and did what they wanted to do anyway. After all he wasn't the boss, it was Mikey. Seeing also how he took care of you, in more ways than one, despite you living with him for barely a day now, made you wonder how he would treat his woman. 

Flicking your forehead he brought you of your thoughts. "You alright?", he asked, a hint of concern lacing his voice. "Hmm? Yah, yah, I was just-", "in thoughts?", "mhm", "are you sure you're alright?", "yeah, it's just... mmmh. Nevermind-", "Tell me", "nah, it's embarrassing if I think about it", "it got you in deep thoughts though, just say it", "Mmh, ehm... ugh... man, I- mmmmmmh... I just....Argh, I wondered how you would be with a girlfriend.. like, how you would act with her and stuff..", you mumbled at the end.

Kakucho looked at you and decided to do something completely out of character for him, he bend over, his eyes locking with your wide ones before telling you, "wanna find out?", you felt the heat rise to your cheeks before shoving his face away from yours, rolling your eyes, "fucking flirt", making him laugh. 

Shortly after, he told you to sit down, serving the breakfast he made for you both before settling down himself. You both started to eat, his mind drifting to yesterday, he cleared his throat. "So.. am I gonna be a daddy soon?", you almost choked on the bacon he cooked, laughing. 

"I mean, if you want to!", you joked but shook your head, "but no no, don't worry. I have an IUD, in short, a spiral inside my uterus! It prevents pregnancy by 99,9%, like pills and condoms! I've been using it for years now and haven't had problems with it, so I keep getting it done!", "I didn't now that something like this... existed", he said a bit embarrassed. 

"Ah, it's fine, it's one of the uncommon pregnancy preventions. People usually do the most common things like taking everyday a pill or condoms but taking a pill everyday is such a hassle for me", you said with a sigh.

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