༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 35༒

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You awoke due to Sanzu shifting around and laughing at something they were currently watching on TV. 

Rubbing your eyes, his gaze averted towards your awoken form, still laughing, "I'm sorry, Angel. Did I woke you?", you hummed softly in response, making him hug you a little tighter towards himself.

"Sorry sorry, Angel." 

When you managed to finally open your eyes, you looked around, noticing that you were sitting on Sanzus lap like a Baby that was cradled, your legs thrown over Rans who was smiling at you lazily next to Sanzu. 

Akashi was having per usual a cigarette hanging from his lips while your cat was neatly laid on his lap, sleeping peacefully, while he brushed his fur. 

Koko sat on the opposite from you, eyeing you occasionally. 

He was always rather quiet around you, the only time you truly conversed was back at the shop. All in all he barely talked, yet he had always his eyes on you, a longing gaze yet unreadable in a sense. 

Your gaze shifted towards the Kitchen door when you heard laughter erupting from there. "Kakucho, Rindou and Mochi are in there", Ran said, noticing your gaze. You formed an 'ah' with your mouth nodding slightly before letting out a sigh.

You were still pretty tired and a little overwhelmed by the fact that everyone was here, except Mikey of course. 

It was a little odd to say the least. 

You didn't even bother questioning Sanzu as to why you were sitting on his lap in the first place as you don't recall a lot except for falling asleep on the couch. But if there was one thing you were glad about, it was the fact that you decided to wear some joggers with Kakuchos Shirt on, beforehand. 

Since that day he only let you wear his shirts around the house, liking the way it fits on you. 

You being the 'good girl' on her 'best behavior' complied with his request... well, order but usually you would walk around in only his Shirt and either some bootie shorts or just your panties since you were alone most of the time, anyway. 

Trying to get up, wanting to talk to Kakucho, Sanzus grip tightened around you. "Huh?", "where you going, Angel", "I wanna talk to Kakucho", you replied, trying to get up again."I won't let you, we're hanging out now", he said, making you huff out a sigh. Trying to wiggle yourself out of his grip he and Ran watched you with amused eyes. 

You were struggling, hard! 

"Gosh Darnit.... just... let. Me... gooo", you really tried hard to get away from him but he just simply held you tighter, nuzzling his face into your neck. 

"You smell so good! Like a strawberry, Angel", he grinned against your neck, goosebumps appearing on your skin. "Sanzu~, let me go~! I just wanna talk to Kakucho for a minute", you whined, the latter shaking his head tickling your skin with his hair. 

"I heard my name?", Kakucho appeared from the kitchen, his eyes locking with yours, "Kakucho! Tell Sanzu to let me go, damnit!", you whined loudly, still fighting to get out of his grip. Kakucho sighed out, "Sanzu", "no", "sanzu let her go", Kakucho said more sternly. Sanzu huffed, letting you go before leaning himself halfway on the armrest of the couch. 

"Finally", you sighed out, waltzing towards Kakucho and grabbing his wrist, pulling him towards 'your' room. Their eyes following your form before you disappeared from their sight.

"Why are they here?", you asked him in a hushed tone. "They insisted to come by and hang out", "but don't you usually have shit to do in the evening?", "not today, we're free for the rest of the day", "ah, okay, well... that's good I guess... and now, why did they insist on hanging out here? Like.. I don't mind it's just.. odd." 

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