༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 124༒

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Mikey tapped his fingers against the table impatiently. His eyes darting left and right as he watched his subordinates sweat drop. 

"What do you mean you don't know where she is?", "s-sorry s-sir, w-we r-really d-don't k-know w-where s-she I-is...", Sanzu who was next to Mikey sighed out annoyed, scratching his forehead with the gun in his hand, muttering under his breath "useless fucks." 

Kakucho cleared his throat, "did you check the hospitals as ordered?", another on came forward, "y-yes sir! They said there wasn't anyone by the name of (Y/N) (L/N) in the hospital registered! No matter where we asked. I-it's like she disappeared into thin air!" 

Akashi who sat on a couch with Koko next to him, took a drag out of his cigarette before talking, "so you want me to believe, she isn't registered in any hospital, not buried anywhere, not kidnapped by Kazuya, nor on a flight somewhere but she just disappeared? Into thin air?" 

The subordinates sweat dropped once more. 

After all, they wouldn't even believe it themselves if they ever said that shit. 

"Ha haHa", Sanzu unbelievably chuckled before erupting into laughter, "where the fuck could our Angel be, huh? Where?!"

The commotion was interrupted when Haruka knocked on the door, entering and bowing. 

"Sir, I apologize for the interruption!", "what is it?", Mikey started when Sanzu chirmed in, "Where were you when Angel got shot and disappeared? Huh?!", "Sanzu!", Kakucho warned him, making the pink haired man scoff. 

"I was at another mission sir while, if I recall right, you were with her. Respectfully speaking!", Haruka replied, Sanzus eyes sharpening, "watch your fucking mouth. Be grateful I haven't killed you yet, just because it seems like Angel is fond of you and you do your jobs properly. So watch it, she isn't here, I can kill you off and pretend it was an unfortunate accident!"

Haruka smirked, pissing the other off, "you wouldn't", "ha, what makes you so sure of that?!", "cause I know her whereabouts", he shrugged his shoulders. 

Everyone instantly perked up, Mikey keeping his calm demeanor, "tell me more!", "she was sighted near the coastal area. I assume she wants to sneak into a freight and leave the country like this", "when will the next ship leave the port?", Mikey asked, eyeing Haruka. "In two days!", "so, we have two days to find her?", "yes sir!", "get all men ready, we're gonna check the area!" 

As soon as those words left Mikey's lips, everyone stood up and practically ran out of the room. Leaving Haruka behind who took out his phone, sending a quick message to Baipā.

'the bait was set'

Baipā grinned from ear to ear, twirling around in delight in his office chair. 

"Get the bait ready!", he ordered to his subordinate, who bowed and went to get the dead body ready. They were gonna burn it, your clothes already on the decoys body. Now all they had to do was burn it unrecognizable and dispose it at the coastline near the ships. 

The plan had some plot holes but Baipā couldn't care less about that. 

He decided to leave it to the imagination of the executives. Maybe you burned yourself, maybe you were kidnapped, maybe somebody burned you on the open of the streets. Everything was possible due to the amount of enemies Bonten had and the obsession Kazuya had with you. 

At the end, it was like killing two birds with one stone. 

Kazuya would hear about your death and stop his nonsense obsession. Hopefully though, Baipā, Madame Rouge and Haruka would have enough time to get you out of the country before anyone tried to autopsy you. 

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