🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 24༒🔞

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//TW: Mature Content/ consensual/ 🔞

"I hope this place is alright for you?", Nat nervously asked, making you chuckle, "omg, don't worry about that! It's absolutely fine and perfect.. I don't like that fancy stuff anyway", you said, recalling the place you were at, last time with Ran.

It still gave you unpleasant shivers down your spine, the atmosphere there was way too uncomfortable, the sex kinda made it up though.

"Alright! I'm just a bit worried, I haven't been on a date in forever", he admitted, making you smile, "It's absolutely fine, really! As I said, I don't like this entire fancy stuff anyway. I'm not really materialistic, you could've taken me out for a burger at home and I would've loved it!", you truthfully admitted.

"Really?", he laughed making you laugh too.

"Yeah, I mean it!", "You don't like it when your man buys you everything you want and takes you out on fancy dates?", he grinned.

"Absolutely Not! I mean, don't get me wrong. I appreciate it, obviously! But if my significant other would come up with a lollipop in cherry flavor because he knows it's my favorite flavor or with an expensive brand bag just because, I would take the lollipop any day. Cause it's the thought that counts to me. I can afford shit myself, if I want something I get it, I buy it. I don't mind being spoiled! But... I like the thoughts behind the stuff more."

"So if I would get you a bracelet for 2$ which is for children, because I feel like it suits you because of your child-like attitude..", "I would love it and wear it all the time, especially when you get it in my favorite colors", you grinned.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind", he said, while looking at you, a small smile plastered on his face.

"My wife was the complete opposite of you", he admitted suddenly, making you tilt your head, throwing a curious and questioning look at him.

"How come?", "you already know that we weren't really together anymore. If I'm being completely honest with you, we were close to getting a divorce", "Wasn't she your high school sweetheart?", "yeah, I don't know when things changed so drastically, maybe when we got our child?", he rubbed his temple.

"I'm sorry, this is like the worst thing to mention at a first date-", "No, omg! I told you, don't feel pressured, the wounds are all still fresh! I told you I'm here for you and if you wanna spill the beans.. do so", you shrugged your shoulders.

"I'm still sorry", "you can talk to me about it, sometimes it helps you know. I feel like you have been bottling up a lot of stuff over the years", "yeah, that's actually true..", "then.. talk!", you gave him a reassuring smile.

"Well... where do I start... we used to be madly in love, no jokes...", he said, almost dramatically at the end, making you slightly giggle.

"...but... when we got our Baby girl she seemed to distance herself. First I thought it was the post pregnancy things you know. I read a lot about it cause I wanted to help her as much as I can, boost her confidence, give her reassurance, comfort her if she feels depressed but I quickly noticed how little she appreciated it!"

"That's so attentive of you! Men like you are rare", you said, pointing your finger at him with a glass of wine on your hands. "She just seems like an ass", you mumbled the last part, taking a sip of your wine.

"She pushed me away as far as yelling at me to not touch her. I thought it got worse and sought out for professional help... just to find out that she was cheating on me", you spat out your drink, you were attentively listening to him not expecting that.

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