༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 87༒

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Living with Akashi was pretty chill. He left you alone most of the time and the only time you two would talk or interact was when you two were at work and there was something wrong with the papers or you didn't understood something. 

Yet despite the little talking and interactions you two were comfortable in each other's presence and that was all that mattered to you, if you were being honest. 

It had been over two weeks now that you lived with Bub at Akashis. He was very attentive when it came to bub, even doing the shopping for him. Even though you did wanted to see Kazutora and Chifuyu again, you didn't complain that Akashi was taking care of the stuff. 

It was less work for you. 

Today, Akashi was at a meeting while you were in his office, reading through the papers as your phone vibrated in your bag. Which was already pretty strange considering the fact that nobody ever called you, except for the Bonten Executives. Specifically telling the others not to call you. Kazutora obviously knew the reason, the others though, thought that you were just pretty occupied with your 'friends' in Tokyo. 

Fishing out your phone, you saw Kazutoras name on it. 

Quickly shuffling towards the door, you opened it and peeked outside. As you noticed that the coast was clear, you closed the door again, shuffling to the far back of the room to take the call. 

Quietly, almost whispering, you asked, "Kazutora, why are you calling-", "I know I'm not supposed to call for obvious reasons but you gotta stay away from Kazuya!", "huh?", "I heard from several different sources that he lost his mind. He's frantically searching for you. He already took down 2 Bonten Hideouts and warn your friends in your hometown to stay away from anyone that comes off as suspicious!", "wait.. what do you mean?-", "he had send people over, I don't know why but apparently he send them off towards your hometown. I'm trying to find more info but-", tuning out the rest of what he was saying, you stood in complete utter shock.

Your heart dropping down your stomach as the words of the police officer rang in your head..

'We're trying to figure out if it was an unfortunate accident or if he was an actual target.'

You weren't dumb... he had been a target.. Kazuyas target. 

"(y/n)? (Y/N)?!", Kazutora snapped you out of your thoughts, "hey, you alright there?-", "Kazuya killed Nat...", "Wait wait wait! What?! I thought nobody knew who it was yet!", "When I talked to the police officer.. He said they were investigating if it was an accident or if Nat actually was a target. If what you're saying is true, then Kazuya killed him!"

"Fuck...I'm so sorry (y/n) I wish I would've known sooner-", "Kazutora, No! Don't start! It isn't your fault. Fuck... i didn't... I never would've thought he would go that far..", "please be safe (y/n)! I know you're with Bonten but we still don't know how long you're gonna be in their 'safety'!", "yeah, I'm gonna keep an eye out... fuck... ", "please keep me updated on your well being!", "I will... and Kazutora?", "hm?", "thank you!"

"Akashi?-", you started but got instantly ignored. As soon as he came back you wanted to tell him about Nat and Kazuya but got instantly shut down when he walked past you. Not even sparing you a glance. 

"Did something happen?", you cautiously asked but was met with silence. 

The silence making you feel uneasy and uncomfortable. Deciding not to pry any further, thinking that he's stressed and maybe doesn't wanna be bothered, you quietly made your way to the table and sat down on the chair across Akashi. 

Quietly resuming back to work.

It had been a couple days since then. Yawning, you slid down Akashis Office chair, slouching in it with your legs spread out and stretched in front of you. Grumbling in annoyance as you were tired, your eyes couldn't even read the papers properly anymore. The focus long gone as you felt yourself drifting off to dreamland. 

Being back at work sucked ass. 

Not gonna lie, you did slightly enjoy staying at home and being spoiled with stuff you didn't had to buy yourself.

On top of that, being back to do your Bonten job instead of your normal one, was 10 times more exhausting as your job didn't require all that shitty paperwork you had to go through here and do. 

At your normal job you were working with clothes and customers, Not with numbers over numbers and contracts. Good thing was that you could do the work with Akashi. He was doing this job for years, he obviously didn't had problems doing and finishing the stuff fast. Problem was that Akashi had been attending meetings after meetings the past few days, leaving the work to you. It has been stressing you slightly out. 

The past few days all you had on your mind was the conversation with Kazutora. 

Also you and Akashi, both got little sleep and had to stay overtime. Him having to correct a few mistakes of yours, making you feel bad that he had to do this in the first place and not being much of a help to him.

He didn't say anything, though you could tell that he wanted nothing more than to snap, to be mad, but he still kept his calm composure. It made you feel awful and on another note you noticed his extreme distance towards you. 

After the day where Kazutora called you and Akashi got back from the meeting he had been awfully quiet. 

Mochi had told you that Mikey was pretty pissed that day but didn't want to engage further into the topic. Making you believe that Mikey definitely had said something about you to Akashi or he was just hella mad and pissed off that he just in general avoided you to not get further pissed at you. 

You didn't know. 

The only thing you knew, you almost got a fucking heart attack when Akashi suddenly bursted through the door and you were half asleep, slouching in his chair. 

Almost falling down from it, he stopped in his tracks when he saw you lazing around. He was about to say something but closed his mouth again. A sad feeling settling in your chest as you looked at him. 

"Akashi!-", "go home", was all he said. 

Short sentences that seemed top normal now. 

Pissing you off. 

You stood up, "Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you?!", "pardon?", "I said", walking closer to him and pointing your finger at his chest, "what the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"(Y/n), I don't wanna have this conversation with you right now!", "yeah, just shoo me away and keep avoiding me like this. You and I now damn well you won't talk to me, even at home", "shouldn't that be enough reason to drop the topic?", looking at him in utter disbelief, you felt absolutely offended. 

Letting out a high pitched, "Bitch?!", you waved your hands around, ready to smack him. 

"(Y/n) don't forget who you're talking to", Akashi said, annoyance lacing his voice. "Or what? Huh? Or what?! Fuck you gon' do?!", "my patience is running thin", "okay and?! You've been avoiding me and ignoring me for the past few days. You don't even speak to me anymore?!" 

He sighed, "are you attention deprived? Is that why you act like that?", "Maybe?! What does it matter? Cause there's clearly a fucking reason as to why you-", your breath hitched when he came closer, leaning his face down towards you. 

"Does my little Princess need attention?", feeling your cheeks heat up and your eyes going wide, you looked away. A pout painted on your lips as you huffed out annoyed. "Don't change the topic", "I'm not changing it", "you are!", you snapped, looking back at him. "It's part of the topic, isn't it? You said you're attention deprived. I'm giving you the attention now. Not enough?", "if you ask that way. No. Absolutely not enough. Now tell me-", "go sit on the table", he interrupted.

His voice laced with authority. Looking at him rather dumbfounded you asked, "what?"

The next thing he said, making heat instantly warm your cheeks, "I said, go sit on the table. Gonna give my princess all the attention she needs and wants right now. Alright?"

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