༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 127༒

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"So, are the test results already in from the autopsy?", Ran asked as he walked into Sanzus office. The pink male looked up at the other from his laptop. "Yeah, but I haven't looked into it yet. I asked Mikey if he wanted to do a meeting but he declined. He said we can check the results out ourselves and then just report to him afterwards", "alright!"

It has been another week that had past in almost a flash. 

It was uncomfortably silent in the HQ, everyday seemed more and more depressing than the previous. Each day, everyone drowned themselves in work, alcohol or drugs. Occasionally even women were seen in the offices. 

Everything to distract themselves. 

Now that the test results were here, it almost felt like they were cheating on you. Running away from the reality of your loss. 

Ran sighed, "I'm kinda not ready..", he admitted. He felt like, the second he would read the results, it would crash down onto him that you were indeed gone. As soon as he would read what was on the flimsy little paper, he would need to gulp down the lump in his throat and prepare your funeral with the others.

Something he, admittedly, was not ready for. 

"Should I go first?", Sanzu asked. No ounce of emotion in this mans face nor voice. 

Anyone, at this point, could admit that with your death, you sucked Sanzus soul and smile with you. Taking it with you to the grave. Not that Sanzu felt like he had a soul to begin with. 

Ran shrugged his shoulders, sitting down in the chair that was in front of Sanzus office table. Leaning his head back, he let a hand glide through his disheveled hair. Since your disappearance and death, he didn't really do anything to it. His short hair, which was usually neatly styled, sticked all over the place. 

Sanzu let out a deep breath. Taking the letter, where the autpsy results were in, he took a quick scan through it before he froze. His eyes widening. 

Ran, who still had his head thrown back, asked Sanzu simply, "are you done?" 

But when he didn't got an answer and decided to straighten up and look at the pink haired male he was met with a Sanzu who had his jaw clenched and his fists balled.

"What-", "Ha.. Ha HA HAHAHA", Sanzu started to laugh. If anyone could compare him to someone, it would probably be Joker. 

The same maniac laugh. 

Ran raised a brow at him, pretty much sure that the pink haired male lost it at this point but, could he blame him? He didn't know himself how he would react. Though his thoughts were cut short when Sanzu spoke, venom dripping down from his lips, "Ha, ah~ what a naughty angel.. or.. should I say, our naughty little devil?", "what are you talking 'bout?", "she tricked us!", Sanzu grinned. 

Ran still couldn't comprehend what Sanzu was saying, looking at him puzzled. His questions were answered though when Sanzu turned the paper around, handing it to the elder Haitani who quickly took a once over before even he started to laugh. 

A knock on the door and Akashi entered, followed by Rindou. Both men bewildered at the laughing fit their brothers had in the room. "Whats going on with you two? Mind sharing the absolutely funny joke?", Akashi asked, furrowing his brows. 

Ran, without turning around to look at the men behind him, waved the hand with the document in the air.

"The joke doesn't even have a punch line, Akashi", Ran said, before continuing, "darling just decided to be a little prankster!" Now Rindou and Akashi looked even more confused, making their way towards the other two. 

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