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Coming back with the dress shirt tightly clutched in your hands, you approached the subordinate who was seemingly sweating in distress.

"Here", giving it to him, you side eyed him a little. Noting that three men were gone. Leaving only you, the subordinate, the one with the white long hair and the one with the scar across his face, behind.

Partly relieved that the pink haired dude was gone but only partly because now you wondered, where the fuck was he? And where are the other two?

And why is the dude in front of you sweating buckets?

The one with the scar approached you and bowed slightly, voicing a apology, "I apologize for the behavior of my colleagues." Surprising you.

You were a little taken aback since bowing wasn't really a thing in your country but he was japanese, you just didn't thought that he would bow despite being in a different country.

Manners, you assumed.

Waving your hands in front of you, you gave him a smile, "don't worry about it! It's fine! Should you need any more help then please tell me." With that said, you started to clean up the clothes that were left behind.

Kakucho shortly after, bid you goodbye and was about to leave with the subordinate when he realized Koko was still sitting, watching you.

"Koko, let's get going!", though Koko didn't react one bit. Ignoring Kakucho, he stood up and moved towards you. "I would like to have a new dress shirt. I have a meeting later on", he suddenly said behind you, startling you a bit.

Turning around, you nodded your head, "sure! did you had something special in mind? Cut, Color? And what's your size?", "Anything that suits me, really. I trust in your skill!", he said his sharp eyes locking with yours. You nodded your head and thought through your options before taking a dark blue satin dress shirt, guessing his size.

His gaze never leaving your form.

Kakucho decided to leave and look for the others, knowing that Koko wasn't as much of a troublemaker like the brothers or Sanzu were.

Now left alone with you, Koko moved towards you, taking the dress shirt from your hands, "my names Kokonoi btw", his tongue suddenly sticking out giving you a slight grin. Chuckling at his behavior, you paid it no mind, "you can try the shirt on if you want! I think dark blue would suit you well! I just wanna make sure it fits properly!"

Waiting for him to go into the changing room, you raised your brow in confusion when he didn't move but rather moved his face closer to yours, making you take a slight step back.

"Isn't it rude when someone tells you their name and you don't answer back?", he said, his eyes not leaving yours.

Though he was admiringly surprised, how your eyes not even wavered once the entire time.

You definitely stood your ground.

He could tell, you were quite a confident one. "I don't see a reason in telling you my name when you're looking for a dress shirt, sir!", you said politely, a smile adorning your lips while you slightly tilted your head to the side.

"Mannerism?", he more or less pointed out, raising a brow with a smile. Looking at him for a second before looking away you simply said, "I don't like giving my name to strangers, sorry!"

Koko hummed before he shrugged his shoulders and moved towards the dressing room, "any particular reason?", he asked as he disappeared into it.

You thought for a moment. Obviously you couldn't say something like, 'oh, because you and your friends are weird and you seem hella suspicious'.. no no, you couldn't say that. Opting for a more simple answer, "I'm just not comfortable! I didn't... had good experience in giving customers who... had flirted with me.. or strangers.. my name", slightly calling him out.

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