༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15༒

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Feeling your head throb, the pain of the hit getting a little too much as a headache was appearing from the situation, you hissed in pain.

Ran and Kakucho glancing towards you. A frown appearing on Kakuchos face.

Your white blonde hair stained with your red crimson blood while your clothes soaked in the color and liquid like it belonged there, it was not a pleasant sight to see.

Not when you usually had a smile plastered on your face and your eyes were full of love and shimmering.

Now they looked tired, almost, like you could fall asleep any second. It made Kakucho nervous, in all honesty. For some reason he found himself hoping, that the wound on your head wasn't fatal.

Despite all that and the way you looked right now, he still found you beautiful. Even with blood staining your skin all over.

"Why is she here anyway?", Sanzu asked with an obnoxiously confused expression.

"Isn't she your new play thing?!", the man laughed,"thought I would make you all a little gift, a little surprise gift!"

"Still don't understand why she's here?!", Sanzu said again. It didn't make any sense whatsoever. For anyone. Yet it made sense to the gang boss for some reason.

As far as your head would still let you think straight, you figured that this must've been the other gang they were currently dealing with or meeting up with. Remembering that bits and pieces you heard from their previous conversations.

The thought more or less confirmed when he started talking again. His reasoning just as dumb as he looked like. "The deal you made was shit. I don't like the conditions! Just because you're Bonten you think you're the hot shit? I won't kill you and your plaything if you cooperate!"

"What the-?", Sanzu was even more confused now. Just as Koko in this moment, who was about to say something. Wanting to tell the man how stupid that sounds.

Cause when was it their concern what happens to citizens?

Though before he could say something, you groaned out, another wave of pain shooting through your head.

The gang boss focused back on you, snapping at you, "Shut your fucking mouth up!"

Making you suddenly snap just back at him, "Can we get a fucking move on!", your head hurting from the volume of your own voice.

"i don't know who the fuck will come out of here alive-", "obviously me", the gang boss let out a crazy laugh but got instantly interrupting by you,"doubt that but anyways! Someone has to feed my fucking cat?! He's probably sickly worried that I'm not home yet and probably starving from all the worry", you dramatically whined at the end, "also... I'm hungry..."

"What the..?! Are you fucking nuts, bitch?! You're acting like it's a fucking amusement park event for you! It's a fucking cat, how about you start crying and begging for your life", the gang boss snapped.

Though you were having none of that, "it's my child! You fucking nutsack looking ass!"

Sanzu started to hysterically laugh, Mochi snorted while Ran let out an amused chuckle, Koko trying his hardest to contain his laughter.

"Fucking Nut Sack, Angel! Hahahaha, he does look like one!", Sanzu agreed making you snort.

"You're disrespecting me in my fucking house! I'll kill you and your bitch but before that I'll fuck her in front of you and slice her neck open!", the gang boss threatens, he was looking like a lost mad man.

If there was one thing you loved to do, it was provoking someone even further! Why would you keep your mouth shut if you could piss off someone even more?

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