༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 92༒🔞

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//TW: Suggestive Themes//🔞

Haruka knocked on his bedroom door, carefully entering as he saw you still knocked out. Pulling the blankets properly over you, he shook you slightly awake, "wakey wakey! We have to get ready!"

Groaning slightly, you stretched yourself before rubbing your eyes and locking eyes with Haruka. He had stop himself from laughing at your sleepy form. Your hair sticking out in all directions, mouth dry as the savannah, nose stuffed and eyes barely open. 

"Get ready pretty, I'll make breakfast in the meantime", he chuckled, leaving you to prepare a good proper meal for you two. You both needed it as the day was gonna be long. 

While getting ready you yelled from the bedroom, "Haruka?", "yeah?", he yelled back from the kitchen. "Can I borrow your clothes for today? And if we have a spare minute, fetch some clothes from Akashis place or Kakuchos?", "which ones now?", "doesn't matter, my clothes are scattered everywhere at this point", you said, rolling your eyes. 

It was true though, Akashi had your clothes, Kakucho had some, you also believed that Koko had some clothes left at his from you and at this point even Sanzu. 

"Alright!", was all Haruka replied to you. 

You took out some joggers and a tshirts, throwing on a sweater and went to the kitchen. He took a glance at you, nodding his head, "good choice! Comfortable choice",  before returning back to cooking breakfast. You decided to help him a bit and soon you two were done cooking and eating. 

And so, your mission started.

You sighed next to Haruka who was currently watching two men interact. Without taking his eyes off of them he asked, "what's wrong?", "I turned my phone on again.. love to read first thing in the morning a, 'I'll kill you if you don't pick up the phone', message", "wholesome." His answer making you snort and laugh a little too hard. 

The phone in your hand suddenly rung, looking at it, it was Sanzu. Another sigh left your lips, reluctantly taking the call, "hell-", "(Where the fuck are you?)", he instantly snapped, not even giving you time to greet him. 

"Hello, to you too. I'm doing great! Thanks for asking, how are you? Good? That's great to hear! Where am I? Oh, I'm on a mission with Haruka, if your peanut of a brain would've remembered that, you know?", sarcasm lacing your voice. You heard him mumble under his breath before he took a deep breath, probably, seemingly, calming himself down. 

Questioning you, surprisingly calm, "(where were you last night?)", "I could ask you the same? Oh, no wait, actually I know. Clubbing and 'clapping!'", "(don't start! Where were you? We were searching for you everywhere and calling you like crazy!)", "none of your business!", "(it Is My business, Angel!)" 

Letting out an annoyed sigh, you focused back on the two male when you saw them exchange something. You and Haruka glancing at each other. 

Without uttering another word, not even listening to Sanzu rant on the other end of the phone as he was just complaining about you not answering him, you shortly replied him, "I don't have time, I'm working", hanging up on him. 

Sanzu stared at his phone in utter disbelief. 

Ran interrupting his train of thoughts, "Where is she?", "with Haruka... you know.. the mission", "where was she yesterday though?", Koko asked with a raised brow. "I don't know..", "probably at Harukas", was all Kakucho replied, "where else would she go?" 

Sanzu gritted his teeth, "this little fucker. I would've killed him if it wasn't for the fucking mission", "let's all calm down! At least we know she's fine and alive. Maybe we can ask Haruka to keep us updated about her", Akashi suggested, Rindou and Mochi nodding beside him. "That would be the most reasonable thing to do", Rindou agreed.

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