༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 71༒

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"I drove to Kakuchos Apartment and got a few couple items for you. You know, for as long as you have to stay here and he's gone!", Koko stated. 

He sat down on the chair of the dinning table, in front of you, "cool-", "even the dress I wanted you to wear when we go on a date!" "oh?!", you perked up. You continued to eat when he suddenly leaned in a bit, startling you slightly, "Let's go on a date tomorrow?" He looked at your eating form, suddenly asking you. 

"eh.. sure?", "alright! I have to go to work now, so relax today, get some rest, eat and just do whatever you want! Ask the house maid if you need anything or want anything prepared!", "ok-", "and if you choose to go out.. call me or text me!", "alright!", you said, your mouth full with food while he chuckled. 

He watched you for a while when you raised an eyebrow at him, "why are you still sitting? I thought you had work?" "I just want to give you some company until you're done. So you don't have to eat breakfast alone", "aww, that's cute", you cooed, smiling at him. 

It was shortly soon after, when you were done and it was his cue to leave for work. 

Giving you a soft peck on your temple, he disappeared from your sight, leaving you alone in his penthouse apartment. It was massive. Too big for your liking, feeling a lot more comfortable in Kakuchos small apartment. 

Walking around the penthouse, you saw a gift box sitting neatly on the living room table. Your name on it, written in cursive as you approached it. 

Koko went out relatively early today, so early, you were still asleep at that time. Fetching your clothes and apparently even more. The box was black and white, gold lettering on the lid as you took the card that was beside it. 

Opening it, you saw his neat handwriting, the words, "I'm sorry for yesterday! This is an apology gift. I hope you like it this time! - Koko" 

Curiously you opened the box, black paper neatly wrapped around something. When you carefully opened it, your eyes widened. Two sets of lingerie. One set in black and one set in white. Tracing the expensive lingerie that was neatly placed and presented in the box, you couldn't help yourself but admire the way it looked. 

Taking out the white set, you immediately went to try it on. 

Just by the sheer touch of the material, the fabric, you could tell that this set was worth more than hundreds. The brand name embroidered on the side. 

The bra alone was probably worth 300$ or 400$. 

Swaying your hips in the set you let your hands wander your body, tracing your fingers over the material and your skin as you felt more than beautiful in it. Your mind drifting away to the way Koko laid on top of you yesterday, the way his hair was tickling your skin, the way his lips felt against your hand. 

Deciding that you would wear this set tomorrow underneath the dress he bought you, you went ahead and tried the black lingerie set. Throwing the white one into the washing machine. 

The black one, wasn't as simple as the white one, yet was in it's own way cute. It wasn't a lingerie set you could easily wear underneath something. It was a set you wore for your lover. A set you wore when he comes home from work, opening the door in a playful lingerie set, letting his hands wander around your body before devouring you. 

You sighed as you sat down on the couch, letting your head fall back on the backrest of the couch. Wondering, what was wrong with you. Thoughts like these shouldn't occupy your mind. Closing your eyes you momentarily let your self fall back into silence. When you instantly snapped your eyes open again. "Bub!"

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