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You had reassured Inui that he shouldn't worry about you, leaving the boy in the dark because you didn't want to involve him in any of your problems. 

He was obviously concerned when he heard the name, Rindou, drop from your lips. The way you spoke to Rindou was something he decided to ignore for now as his only concern right now was on, how the fuck did you knew the younger Haitani and why were you in contact with him. 

He felt his heart squeeze when you shrugged his questions off. 

He didn't mean to pry and make you uncomfortable but he was just insanely concerned and worried for you. Trying to reassure him over and over that he doesn't have to worry for you and that you are still alive after all, was not giving his mind some peace but he let you be. 

Even though with a heavy heart, he decided to let you be. 

And by no means did you mean to sound harsh or push him away but you just genuinely didn't want him to get himself involved. You told him you would constantly send him a little message or call to ease his mind, telling him that you would tell him the truth one day, only if he promised you to not think about the whole situation too much. 

Concerning him rather with other things than breaking his pretty little head with your problems. 

So here you were now, in the passenger seat of Harukas car who didn't know how he could get you out of the situation that was about to occur. 

The executives were pissed. 

He has heard the way you spoke to Rindou, successfully marking the day of your death. Trying to ease the tension with a little joke, seeing as you still had Inuis clothes on, (which he obviously didn't know that it was Inuis), "I see from the clothes you're wearing, you had spent the night with a boy, hehe", he was met with silence and your emotionless face. Your eyes who had turned void, stared at the scenery outside of the car window you two were passing by.

He sighed, cursing himself out in his mind. He should've asked Mikey to accompany you in this mission. For some reason, whenever you were with the executives, nothing good comes out of it and you had to take the blame for it. Haruka wasn't even concerned about the fact that you had been literally in front of Baipā, he knew you were smart enough to make sure Baipā wouldn't even notice that it was you or recognize you, in that matter. 

From the info you two established, Baipā only knew your name, not your looks. Unless Kazuya had showed him but since you were still here, sitting next to him, that thought was pretty much thrown out the window. 

Haruka also knew that you would've been able to handle yourself if you would've gotten into a sticky situation. So yeah, Haruka couldn't understand the concern and the madness occurring at the Bonten HQ. 

You were perfectly fine and alive. 

If Haruka wasn't too concerned about you being alright, he didn't saw a point in the others being too concerned. Yet it pissed him off to know that.. cause it seemed like they were clearly underestimating you. Holding you back from your full potential. He understood now what you meant about, not sure if Bonten even cared for you, cause as of right now, he didn't know too. 

It seemed like they were concerned yet at the same time, a false move from you, and they would kill you. 

Talk about mixed signals.

But if there was one thing Haruka fucking despised in this whole theater, it was the empty look in your eyes. Praying silently that you weren't.. broken.. and that you were just tired. You were always tired, right? So.. you're just tired.. 

Haruka felt his heart getting heavier in his chest. 

Not wanting to let those negative thoughts fill his mind to the brim as he kept eyeing you. Seeing not his little partner in crime but a stranger beside him. 

Looking at Haruka with a raised brow, you silently asked him what he was waiting for as you two were still in the car, already in front of the Bonten HQ. 

He rubbed his face in frustration, "I'm just worried' s'all..", he mumbled into his palms. You lifted your hand up, ruffling his hair making him look up at you. You gave him a rather sad smile, when you leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "thank you for everything Haruka.. You're one of the few people that I genuinely feel honored to have met in my life. I had already told you this before but.. you're a good guy and I bet one day you will meet a beautiful girl who will see that too!" 

Haruka looked at you with wide eyes as he softly shook his head, his eyes filling with tears. He was never the sentimental type, never really emotional. But right now, he felt his heart stop. His heart heavy in his chest when it dawned onto him that you just told him goodbye in the most subtle way. The possibility of not seeing you anymore, 80 to 50.. 

"why are you crying, Haruka?", you asked in concern as you cupped his cheeks. Wiping his tears away. "Don't talk to me as if I'm never gonna see your annoying ass again. Don't tell me goodbye like this. Fuck you (Y/N)! That's fucking selfish!", your eyes softened as you bit your lips and looked down. Your hands leaving his cheeks. "I'm sorry..", you mumbled softly underneath your breath. 

Not giving the chance for Haruka to respond, you went out of the car, making your way towards the entrance of the HQ and to your destiny. 

Though what nobody would've expected was you holding your head high, entering the facility and taking anything that would come your way with open arms. Making your way towards Mikeys office as you were ready to either get yelled at, punished for or even die tonight.

Whatever it would be, you would take it without regret and with pride. Cause if there was one thing you made clear a long time ago, you weren't afraid to die. 

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