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"huh?", you looked at the blond haired man in front of you in confusion. Blinking at him one, two, three times before you let out another small, "huh?"

"You heard me", Mikey said simply. His eyes wandering across your face as you stared back at him in shock, "I'm... I'm not sure if I understood you right.. sir?", "You're gonna be in charge of the executives. Every upcoming mission will be under your command. You will make every decision, any order and all that it involves. Of course you have to keep in mind that you will be held accountable if something goes wrong. Understood?"

Nodding your head, still in shock, he asked you with a firmer tone, "understood?!", making you instantly answer back loud and clearly, "yes!"

"Good! You're dismissed!" 

Bowing to him, you felt actually overwhelmed with the whole situation. Still confused, for obvious reasons, but without another word from your side, you straightened your back, ready to leave. Though Mikeys voice stopped you once more, "(l/n)?"

Turning around slowly, rather hesitantly, you answered, "y-yes?", "Rest the next two days. You will  have another mission to attend and I want you to be in your best form!", "yes. I understand!", "If you're gonna perform a good job on the missions..", he said, his eyes locking with yours, ".. I will reward you with the promised dinner."

Walking towards the executives, who were lounging around in the living room area, you stopped Rindou from talking to you. Stopping in front of them all, your posture one of authority.

"I wouldn't talk to someone, who's in a higher position than you, in a disrespectful manner, Rindou", "what?", "I'm in charge now! Any mission will be under my command. Don't believe me? Ask Mikey", you simply stated, stunning them all. 

Sanzu immediately stood up, charging towards you and leaning his face close to yours, a pissed off expression on his face when he snarled, "why would he put someone like you above me?! I'm the number 2 of Bonten-", "Sanzu, can you hear that?", "huh? No?! Hear what?!", "the fucks I give!" He was about to snap when Mikey interfered, "Sanzu! If you or anyone else has a problem with her being in charge, I dare you to speak up and deal with the consequences" 

Sanzu looked at Mikey before asking boldly, "why did you chose her?" 

Mikeys gaze shifted towards you, his void eyes looking back into yours. No one has noticed that the light you held in your eyes before was gone, bringing a satisfying smile onto Mikeys face before he started laughing. Stopping with a maniac grin on his face, "cause she's everything I ever wanted her to be!", bringing more confusion upon everyone.

Two days later and you wanted to groan out in annoyance. You had slept at the HQ, not actually wanting to bother Akashi cause you knew he was gonna ask one question after another. It wasn't like you were on bad terms with him, no no, you were actually pissed off at the Haitanis and Sanzu only. The others not at fault this time but you wanted to avoid them for now in general as you didn't want to deal with one question after another.

It was better this way. At least for now, since you were back on square one when it came to the executives. 

As soon as you had a little hope that someone cared... all that went down the drain in an instant with the last mission. 

As you got ready, a knock interrupted your thoughts. You went up to the door, opening it just to be greeted with a bunch of flowers in front of your face. Confusion written all over your face when you took the bouquet of flowers that instantly turned your face into a bright smiled one, when you saw the all too familiar grin of a person, you got a little too well along with.

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