༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 115༒

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Waking up from your slumber, you were met with Inuis face, your noses almost touching. 

Last night went in a blur as Draken and Kazutora brought up the alcohol. Now here you were, next to Inui, in his bed. You shifted the blankets a bit, sighing in relief when you saw that you were still fully dressed. 

The last thing you wanted was to have drunken sex you wouldn't remember anymore. 

With a yawn you sat up but was instantly pulled back by your arm, a huff escaping your lips from the impact, as your back hit the mattress. Inui lazily wrapped his arm around you, pulling you close to him. 

You looked at him but saw him still sleeping making you chuckle. Shrugging your shoulders, you decided to close your eyes once more. Might as well get some more sleep but that was thrown out the window when your phone rang.

With a huff you opened your eyes and reached over Inui towards your phone, that was lying on the bedside table. Inui groaned beneath you, his eyes opening as he was met with your chest. 

As soon as you grabbed your phone and went to retreat, Inui pulled you down on himself, turning you both around that his face was snuggled into your chest. 

Your hands found their way into his hair as you looked at the Caller ID, a slight groan making it past your lips. Inui gazed up towards you momentarily and gave you a reassuring smile, letting you remember that you changed and you're not the you from yesterday. So with that, you took a deep breath before calmly answering, "Yeah?", "(Where are you?)", you heard Kakucho ask, on the other side of the phone.

"Does it matter? I'm busy", you heard him sigh, "((Y/N)..)", "Kakucho, by all means.. You all wanted me gone, so I did just that. I don't see the problem. I'll be at work today, if you worry about that", you reassured him. Kakucho went silent for a second, his heart aching. 

There it was again, despite them all hurting you like this, you talked to him so calmly. In a way soft, even if it was probably due to the fact that you just had awoken.

He thought you wouldn't pick up the call. 

He thought you would curse him out and tell him to fuck off. 

They all witnessed how you had been the past few week. How you had talked to them. He expected anything but that! You on the other line, calmly reassuring him that you would come in today. 

"(I'm sorry..)", was all he managed to whisper out. 

He heard you sigh, his heart beating fast. He didn't know what he was hoping for. Was it forgiveness? Probably. He was waiting for you to tell him, 'it's fine, it doesn't matter!', waiting for you to smile at him and tell him, 'Don't worry about it! I still like you and the others', just like all the other times you smiled at him and forgave him. Though what he didn't expect was for you to say those words.. 

"Kakucho.. ", you gulped, carefully choosing your next words, "I'm.. I'm not mad at you or the others.. " He felt his heart fall at ease, humming for you to continue.

That was short lived though, feeling his heart rip apart in the next moment as he listened to your words, "But Kakucho... you and the others had.. hurt me so much... too much.. that I won't be able to forgive you this time.."

And there it was.

The thing he had feared the most. 

In a spur of a moment, he and the others had run their mouth. Their words weren't genuine. The heat of the moment due to your unresponsiveness, though you heard all of it. Successfully hurting you in a way they didn't mean to. 

He wanted to say so much, stumbling over his own words when you cut him off, not even giving him the chance, "I do have to thank you though.. I'm back on track!", you said before hanging up the phone. 

With a sigh, you let your phone fall out of your hand. Inui looked at you, a rather proud look on his face, making you giggle, "what?", "you're beautiful", was all he said before his lips covered your own. Completely catching you off guard. Though with an ease mind, you closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around his neck as he hovered above you. 

The moment was short lived when Chifuyu bursted through the door, scaring you and Inui. 

"Help! The Kitchen is burning!"

You and Inui looked at each other with wide eyes and shock before practically stumbling out of bed, running towards the kitchen. 

"If you want you can stay here for a few days..", Inui said as he waited with you for Haruka to pick you up. The others long gone after the chaotic morning and breakfast. "I'll consider it.. since I don't have a place to stay at..", you said, throwing your head back against the backrest of the couch. 

"Just call me and I'll prepare dinner and stuff", Inui said, making you smile as you sat up and cupped his face, kissing him, "thank you for everything!" He smiled with his eyes closed, a slight blush tinting his cheeks. 

A call on your phone brought the attention towards it, Harukas name flashing across the Display, "oop- my ride.. ", you said, getting up and walking towards the door, Inui following. He opened the door for you, as he bid you goodbye, giving you another kiss before he watched you walk up to Harukas car and getting in. Haruka looked at Inui for a moment before starting the car and driving away.

"Soooooo~..", he started making you laugh, already knowing that he wanted to know everything

Haruka on the other hand was delighted to see you all smiley and laughing again, the glimmer in your eyes back. "I see you got a new hairstyle and a boyfriend! Both suits you well!", he smiled, making you laugh once more. "Well.. I guess..", you shyly answered making him look at you in excitement, "omg, you're so cute! Tell me everything! Actually! Wait, yeah, tell me everything! Weren't you with the executives yesterday, how did you end up at a dudes house and who is that dude?!", Haruka asked, suddenly rather serious. 

"Okay okay, calm down! First of all... I'm not in good terms with the executives!-", "you weren't before though?", "Unredeemable..", "oh.. what happened?", "I kept wondering what they feel about me.. let's just say. I know now.. The dude.. nobody can know about him! I met him at the, rather, beginning of my 'kidnapping'.. I didn't know where to go!-", "you could've called me?", "I didn't wanted to bother you..", "you never bother me-", "Haruka... I felt like I had lost myself. The kidnapping, the pushing around, the death of my people, the missions,.. everything took a toll on me.."

"I know it's hard on you..-", "no,.. you don't understand.. I couldn't take it anymore.. I wanted to die..!", Haruka instantly went silent, his mind going blank as you had revealed your honest thoughts. 

"I was falling apart and my first instinct was to go to him. He has such a calm nature, he's so attentive and doesn't judge. We had talked the entire night while he held me.. and I realized how much bullshit I had in my mind... I kept holding onto the past. I kept holding onto things that were long gone. Dead. And I realized, no matter how much I said, I don't mind dying cause I lived with no regrets, how much utter bullshit that was. I'm not afraid to die but I don't wanna die. I have so many regrets that I want to redeem and fix first...I finally wanna be there for Me! I wanted to change!" 

A moment of silence went past you two, Haruka taking in everything you said when he nodded his head. 

Halting at a red light, he looked up in thought before turning to you. 

Looking back at him, unsurely, you waited for some type of reaction. The moment he reacted, you felt tears prickle your eyes. 

He lifted his hand for you to shake, "Hey, I'm Haruka! And you are?", "I'm (Y/N) (L/N)!", you answered with a small smile, shaking his hand, "It's nice to meet you, (Y/N)! I hope we'll get along well!", "I hope so too!"


Authors Note

(Y/N) will forever be soft for the people around her! She loves them too much!☹️💕💔

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