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"Baipā Shizuke, 36, owns several clubs across Japan. Has several connections to government officials, money laundering and is currently on the hunt for Bonten", Haruka read, making you hum in acknowledgment. 

"According to Madame Rouges girls, he had a USB stick with data on it. Probably data about Bonten", you said, looking through the pictures you took.

You and Haruka were currently sitting in a hotel room, he sprawled out on the bed while you sat on a chair that was next to a small desk. A laptop propped up on it, the pictures you took all loaded up on it. 

"So, there's definitely Someone in the HQ, that supposedly works under us, that gives info to outsiders", "a traitor...", "mhm, contact Sanzu! And warn him about it. I'll look more into Baipā!", "wait.. you going out?", you asked as he stood up from the bed, taking his jacket. 

"Yeah, I'll just take a look around, see if I can hear or find something. Stay in and take the rest of the night off", "you sure?", "yeah", he said, ruffling your hair, grinning down at you, "don't worry about me!" 

You let out a sigh, "if you say so. Don't be out too late though!", he nodded before waving and going out. 

Taking your phone, that was lying next to the Laptop, you dialed Sanzus number. Surprised that it barely took one ring for him to take the call. Before you could even say anything though, "(Are you alright? Did Haruka touch you weirdly? I'll kill him-)", "what?", you interrupted confused, "no?!". "(Good for him)"

He heard you sigh absolutely done with his shit already, "Sanzu.. I did.. I did not call for that. I called because I got some info", "(huh? Tell me, Angel! I'm all ears)", "there's a traitor in Bonten. Someone has been giving Info to outsiders. We're currently watching someone who has his eyes on Bonten. Be careful!" 

You wished you could give more info but unfortunately you didn't had enough. 

"Alright! Thanks for the info, Angel", you were about say something, though Sanzu beat you to it.

Your cheeks heating up, "(I'm proud of you for handling this alone without us! Continue the good work)", Sanzu said genuinely. It was something so unexpected from him. Something you never thought he would say in a million years, cause after all, it was Sanzu we're talking about.

Yet those few words of encouragement made you genuinely happy. A small shy smile appearing on your lips as you softly thanked him, "(no need for that. You're doing a good job! And by all honesty, I didn't expect anything else! So far any mission you had, you did great! So.. I expect nothing else!)" "Stop!! You're making me all flustered", you suddenly whined, hiding your face in your hands, though he couldn't see, he could imagine what you were doing. 

A laughter leaving his lips, "(take care, Angel and keep me updated!)", "I will...", a moment of silence passed between you two and he was contemplating whether he should say the words that have been sitting on the tip of his tongue. Though Sanzu was a bold man that didn't really care and just straight up said what was on his mind, he had to admit, uttering out those words... he would only be able to do so when he isn't sober. 

He found it weird though, the feelings you gave him. They made him question his sanity and loyalty towards Mikey. 

Was he genuinely falling for you? Well.. no.. maybe.. he did like you but.. more? He wasn't sure yet. 

He groaned out, letting his head fall back, completely forgetting that you were on the phone with him. "Sanzu? You alright?", you asked a bit concerned. He jolted up, "(eh, yeah, sorry.. everythings alright. Ehm, anyways, have fun bye!)", hanging up on you. 

You looked at your phone in confusion before frowning and mumbling to yourself, "weird guy.."

Now all you did was wait. 

Haruka came back relatively late, seeing as you were already fast asleep. 

He went to the bathroom to change before his phone lit up. Looking at the caller ID, he was surprised to see Kakucho calling. Taking the call, he wasn't surprised that the first question that came out of Kakuchos mouth was about you and your well being. 

"She's doing fine, sir", Haruka replied. Hearing Kakucho sigh on the other side of the phone, Haruka felt himself getting a bit worried. "Is something wrong, sir?", he asked rather hesitant. 

"(It's just... I got the info about the Traitor in Bonten. Though I have to unfortunately tell you that this isn't the only big concern we currently face)", "What do you mean?", "(Besides the traitor, which makes (Y/N) a possible Target... there's also Mogambo, where Kazuya, her childhood friend, is currently trying to get to her)", "If you're concerned about her safety, she's all times with me and she's the top priority, I put her above myself!", "(I know you do and I know you will but..)", Kakucho sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"(we haven't told her yet.. Kazuya killed two people in her hometown so far.. Nat and her best friend. We're trying to keep taps on his orders but he's too good with keeping his stuff confidential and in secure space. It's like nobody even knows that he's doing something at all)", "shit.. okay.. I'll keep an eye and ear out. Maybe I'll hear something.. Though, why is he killing her people when they're childhood friends?"

"(We don't know his motives yet. It seemed like he was in love with (Y/N) when we met him, so it is kinda odd-)", "what if he's trying to remove any hindrances? Anything that could possibly stand in the way of them together.. Since you mentioned that he seemed to love her?", "(that's a good point. Try to gather some info and maybe.. ask (Y/N) out about the relationship they used to share)", "alright. Will do so, sir!", "(Good. Keep me informed. That's all for now)", and with that Kakucho hung up. 

Haruka looked at his phone for a few seconds before shaking his head, "crazy bastard... killing her friends off like that.." 

Clicking his tongue, he decided to take a shower before heading to bed. He wasn't sure if he should freely talk to you about it or if he should keep the info to himself for now.. Those thoughts, making it a tad bit hard for him to actually relax under the hot water until he came with a perfect solution. 

He doesn't know you well enough anyways. 

Deciding to tell you or not, depended on your character now. He figured if you were a straight up- type of person, he would definitely tell you. 

Cause, if you were straight up, you would probably want people to be honest and straight up with you too. No beating around the bushes. 

Though if you were rather reserved and just the opposite in general, he would leave it to the executives to tell you. 

Cause according to that, he would choose the way he would start the conversation about your childhood friend. Straight up or beating around the bush and talking in cryptic sentences. Telling himself that he's gonna give you both two days, to get to know each other, at least a little bit, so he could gather some info quickly. 

"That's a good plan", he mumbled proudly to himself, before finishing up his shower and heading to bed.

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