༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 44༒

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Honestly you were surprised when you saw Rindous face early in the morning. You weren't expecting him to be still there lying, next to you, sleeping soundlessly. 

Stretching your limbs, you contemplated whether you should go to the kitchen or more like, find the kitchen or still stay in bed waiting until he wakes up. The growling of your stomach made that decision for you though. Removing his arm, that was lazily wrapped around your middle, you tried to carefully stand up without waking him up. 

Tip toeing to his closet you took out a shirt of his and a pair of boxers before dressing quietly up and walking towards the door, taking a quick glance behind you to make sure he was still sleeping and opened the door, before quietly closing it. 

With a sigh you looked left and right, not knowing where to go as the mansion was huge when you suddenly giggled at your own bad joke... 'at least I would have my morning walk already checked'.. 

Dumb joke. Very dumb joke. 

Trying to recall where you came from while Rin was caring you towards his bedroom, you followed the steps back until you reached the entrance. Looking around though you noticed that you're clothes weren't on the floor anymore but actually.. gone. 

"Huh?", "Good Morning Miss", a voice rang out behind you making you slightly jump as you didn't even hear her. 

Turning around you were met with a Maid, obviously. The difference between Kakuchos apartment and The Haitanis living was kinda funny to you. While Kakucho had an apartment for himself, cooking and cleaning it by himself as he was fond of the peacefulness he got from a long day. 

The Haitanis literally flexed their luxury, having probably not even one maid but ten. Your mind drifted to all the possibilities the maids were being paid for and I don't mean just cleaning their house. If you know what I mean. 

"Are you perhaps hungry, Miss?", "eh... yeah-", "then please follow me", she said, without uttering another word she turned around making you follow her rather hesitantly. You were walking slowly behind her, her steps in comparison to yours swift, when she started to talk again, "Mister Haitani Ran, had already told us that we have a guest over! He's waiting patiently in the dining hall for you, Miss", "oh."

You felt a little odd, instantly being on alert as you felt like you were walking inside a cave with hidden predators around you. 

Even if those predators where just disguised as two brothers with lazy stares and nonchalant responses. 

You knew better. You knew to be careful. 

Yeah, the thought played in your mind when Rin was balls deep in you, the thought of how Ran Haitani would react when he knew that his little brother fucked the same bitch. In a way you knew he didn't care. You were someone Bonten wants to use, Kakucho had told you in the very beginning that the reason you were still alive was because Sanzu wants to fuck around with you and you have kept that in mind for all the past weeks since your very first encounter with them. 

Upon entering the dining hall you saw Ran drinking a coffee, newspaper in one hand as he scanned through the articles. Amusement on his face as there was another article about Bonten when his eyes found yours. 

His facial expression changing but keeping a fake smile on his lips, "Mister Haitani! I brought, like you ordered, the Misses", "Thank you, what about the other stuff darling?", she flushed from the nickname, "a-as you ordered! Her clothes are being washed right now, the bath will be ready as soon as she finishes eating and a new dress is already laid out for her in your bedroom", "Thank you, Darling! A good girl like usual", she bowed, blushing even more as she scattered shyly away. 

He motioned for you to sit down next to him, your mind playing with the thought of testing his limits by sitting down exactly where you were standing but when his eyes met yours... You knew better to not do so. 

You gulped before taking small steps towards his form, your bare feet shuffling silently before you sat down next to him, clearing your throat. 

He pushed his untouched plate towards you, "eat", his voice laced with authority. You silently took the fork poking into your breakfast and as soon as you took a bite, "I saw you had a little fun with my brother", you choked on it. 

He patted your back before crossing his arms in front of him, "you know, I'm not one to tell you what you can and what you can't do." 

You almost had to chuckle, ironic... that's exactly what you all have been doing so far... 

"but.. I don't exactly like sharing. Not with my brother, not with anyone else. Everyone's assuming that you already fucked Kakucho, you may have or haven't. Your good girl talk does make me wonder though! Seeing how you pounced my brother though makes me assume you have", he said, taking a sip from his coffee before deciding to down the whole thing.

You suddenly flinched when he abruptly stood up and threw the cup against the wall, your breathing getting rigid, your eyes widening, "what the-", gripping your hair he yanked your head upwards making you yelp.

"I fucking hate whores, I think I need to put you in your place, remind you that you belong to me now and not to anyone else." "What About Mikey?", you snapped daringly, your eyes boring into his as you dug your nails into his wrists, trying to make him take this hands off of you. He momentarily halted, gritting his teeth as he spoke, "you're just a fucking tool for him! Don't get your fucking hopes up", "and you think I don't use any of you for my satisfaction", you laughed mockingly at him. 

He threw you to the floor, yanking you by the arm, a backhand connecting with your cheek as he told you to shut the fuck up before he kills you on the spot. 

He ran his fingers through his hair when you suddenly jumped up on your feet, reaching towards the table, your fingers gracing the knife when he took you by the waist, lifting you up.

Thrashing around in his arms he walked you to his bedroom before dumping you on the floor again, planting his foot on your back, pressing you to the floor. "Don't try something funny or I'll make sure that your remains will be scattered around Japan and your head will be personally delivered to your little boyfriend, what was his name? Nat?", he laughed. 

"Take a fucking Bath now, you fucking stink, whore. I better see you ready in an hour all dolled up for me in that pretty little fucking dress", he said when he removed his foot from your back, walking towards his door, "also, don't you dare wear anything underneath it." 

With that he left as you felt your tears prickle down your cheeks, restraining a sob.

Authors note

Hey, is me again, bunny haha! Thanks to -HONEYBACHIRA  for pointing that out! My book was Reposted on another site! I can assure you all that I do not post anywhere else and that I only post here! Please if you find my book anywhere else or see someone claiming it as theirs, report it please! Again thank you love for telling me and thank you to everyone else who supports me and helps me 💕

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