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"Next time, don't disappear like that", Akashi lightly scolded, "left me to do all the paperwork alone."  "I'm sorry! I'll make it up to you!", "there's no need for that", he said, waving his hand dismissively. 

"Ah~, please don't be mad", you pouted at him, making him quirk an eyebrow at you. 

"I'm not mad! Just telling you to not stall on your work", "I feel like I'm holding you back", "how come?", "I don't get most of the words, my Japanese is done", you whined, a chuckle escaping Akashis lips, "you could just ask me", "no! That's literally what I don't wanna do, because~ it would be distracting you and it would take us twice as much time! Imma just go get a dictionary", you said. 

"Since when did you suck so bad at Japanese?", "huh?", "you have been switching mid talk, languages", "oh... I don't know", Akashi shook his head, "That's it. We're only speaking Japanese!", "Eh?! You sound like those language teachers", "what?", "language teachers!", "what? I don't understand?" 

Groaning out and laughing, you huffed out a, "language teachers!", making Akashi nod in satisfaction. "Good Good! I mean, I have to if you're talking like that!", "yeah yeah", you rolled your eyes, a small smile on your face as you looked out the car window. A comfortable silence settling upon you two. 

Every now and then Akashi glanced towards you, studying your side profile as his mind drifted to your laughing figure beside Mochi. 

Kinda wanting to make you laugh like that too. 

Though he had to be honest, he wasn't nearly half as funny as Mochi. Akashi was always rather serious. Especially when it came to business stuff and Bonten. For him, life was never really fun. Not after Shinichiros death at least. That's why he didn't really take the business with you serious. You were something disposable... that was at least what they all thought at the beginning.

Akashi had to admit, after spending so much time with you and your antics, he was quite fond of you. 

Without his noticing you crept into his heart. 

That's why it was relatively easy to bring up the idea of you living with him, for a while, until you actually feel better. He kept telling himself that it was just for Bonten. Trying to keep your sanity at bay, so you won't go on a murder spree, was all for Bonten... yeah right. He almost had to chuckle at himself. 

He wanted to keep your sanity at bay cause he didn't wanted to loose you. 

The you, that gave a charming smile while telling someone to 'suck my dick'. The one that gave him a comforting smile with the words 'I'm not afraid to die'. The one that talked to him like they were long time friends or even lovers. The one that had no judgment and only love in her eyes for everyone that was kind to her. And you can't imagine how happy this man was, that you didn't look at him with resentment in your eyes. 

Not giving him an apologetic look like you gave Koko. Not a look coated with fake kindness, like you gave towards Ran. Not with a distant look like towards Kakucho. 

Despite not being able to fully read you, he could read your eyes like a book. The others thought you looked at them the same as always but he saw the subtle change. The change towards them.

He couldn't blame you though. 

You were always so kind and understanding. Never judging. Accepting them for who they were despite them taking you away from your normal life and future love. Guilt was filling his chest up, especially after you told him that Nat died. 

He still didn't know how it happened or what exactly happened. He wouldn't push you, though he was very curious. He wanted to hold his own promise of keeping you safe, as much as he could for now, and being there for you. Giving you the space and freedom you currently needed. 

They were using you left and right, being around you like buzzing flies. 

For now, he would let you use him whenever you needed to and wanted to as a sorta compensation, you could say. Akashi didn't show it often and at the beginning he really didn't care but he does. He does and he would make sure you would feel better. He did a lot of bad things and in moments where he should've cared, he didn't and he wanted to make up for it now. 

Life gave him a second chance to redeem his past with you. 

Glancing towards you once more, he noticed you looking back at him this time. "Akashi... if you wanna say something then... you know.. just say it", you said, to which he replied, "I don't know if it's appropriate nor alright to ask", "what is it about?", "Nat."

If there was one thing you like about Akashi, it was his straightforwardness. Never beating around the bush. 

You thought about it for a second, you weren't absolutely alright but at some point you had to talk about the topic nonetheless. "Is it about how he died?", "yeah", "someone broke into the house and shot him", "just like that?", "the police don't know if it was a regular break in or if he was an actual target. They haven't found out about it yet."

He momentarily looked at you before his gaze drifted back towards the road, "you talked to the police?", "I called him and they took the call.. told me that and then I hung up", "Understandable. Yet I'm impressed how you managed to keep your contact with Nat unknown. Thought that your phone was regularly checked?", "it was. I just know how to finesse your little check ups", "smart girl", "obviously", making him chuckle. 

"I'm an old man, give me some slack over here. I don't know how you youngsters do your stuff", now it was your turn to laugh, a beautiful melody in Akashi's ears. 

Akashi, feeling slightly proud of his little achievement, just shrugged his shoulders with a small smile on his face. "It's the truth", "you're not that old! You're the perfect age", "you trying to make me feel better about myself?", "It's the Truth!

Akashi just shook his head with a laugh. Afterwards, another comfortable silence followed, though not for long as he suddenly said, "just know that your little secret is safe with me!" 

A small smile appearing on your face, "thank you Akashi... I owe you!"

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