༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 103༒

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Akashi had tried his best to be there for you. He has been none stop by your side since the passing of your cat. Taking days off of work to make you food and comfort you physically.

Occasionally you seemed fine but then the next second you would start crying. It hurt him seeing you like this but what was even worse for him, he couldn't do anything to take the pain away from you. All he could do was sit with you on the couch, in his living room, cradling you in his arms while you sat on his lap and cried into his shoulder.

"He was the only thing I had left from my parents... the only thing that kept me company and kept me safe... he kept me sane...", you had cried to him.

"I miss him", you said when you looked at the empty food bowl before you started crying, standing there and sobbing into your hands.

Kakucho had come by one day to check up on you, hearing from Akashi that you had lost your fury childhood partner. The pain unbearable. He had brought food, hugging you and giving your temple kisses as you cried and cried. Both men could agree, that you were taking Bubs death, the hardest.

Though when one day Akashi woke up without you next to him, he immediately jumped up in fear you were crying somewhere alone, surprised to find you in the kitchen.

You had a box in your hand, silently packing things into it. Upon coming closer he realized it was the unused cat food, bubs toys, the food bowls and more. "What are you doing?", he cautiously asked as he came closer, laying his hands atop of your shoulders, squeezing them. "There's a pet shop I usually went to, to get bub his food... I think they'll have better use of this stuff now than I have", "you're letting go?", "yeah...", "I'll help you."

You both packed the rest of the stuff in another box. Going to the bedroom, you threw on something real quick before heading out with Akashi and the two boxes, towards his car. He drove you two to the pet shop, though when he wanted to get up and help you, you stopped him.

After all, he was in Bonten and the pet shop was owned by Chifuyu. Kazutora working there. You didn't want to involve them, Kazutora was involving himself already too much for your liking. So without another word you went out, wanting to do this by yourself. Telling yourself you're strong enough to let go of bub and his stuff.

When you went into the pet shop, Kazutora was the first to greet you before rushing towards you, upon seeing the boxes stacked over each other.

"Careful, careful, let me help! Oh.. (Y/N) it's you", he smiled at you before his smile dropped upon seeing your face. He could see the red hue in your eyes and the rather sorrow expression.

He put down the box on the counter. You followed, putting down the box you were holding as well. Opening the box he saw all the cat stuff, immediately knowing what was going on. Without uttering a word he took you in his arms, hugging you and stroking your hair.

A few tears making it passed your eyes as you hugged him back. In that moment Chifuyu came from the back, seeing you two that close, he threw Kazutora a smirk, wiggling his brows but Kazutora was quick to shook his head. He nudged his head towards the box, making Chifuyu frown and walk up to the box.

Forming an 'oh' with his mouth, he patted your back, rubbing it comfortingly.

After a few moments, you regained yourself, giving both a small smile, "I thought the other pets here might have more use for the stuff..", "thank you, (y/n) we appreciate that", Chifuyu said, giving you a hug. "Well, that's all. I'm gonna go now-", "can I talk to you for a second?", Kazutora asked suddenly.

You turned to him and nodded your head, walking outside, looking around you saw that Akashi wasn't looking so you quickly rushed out of sight.

Kazutora, before going out, got stopped by Chifuyu, "are you pursuing her?", "what?! No!", "don't forget that Inui is interested in her", "I.. I know! I'm not pursuing her", "you two seem just very close, that's all", "we just met once randomly and realized we have a few things in common, nothing more!" Though before Chifuyu could say anything more, Kazutora went out.

He looked for you, noticing your outstretched hand around the corner.

Looking around,  he quickly went after you, "you're not alone?", "no, he's waiting in the car", "okay, I'll make it quick! Kazuya and a guy named Baipā teamed up", "I have heard", "they have taken down 6 out of 10 Bonten Hideouts, already. You have to be careful! There are ears and eyes everywhere", "Bonten wants to transfer me to a secret house", "I'm not even sure if that will do much", Kazutora truthfully said.

"What do you mean?", "I heard there's several people that managed to get into Bonten who work for Baipā and Kazuya. Someone probably has already heard from your transfer", "great...", you muttered underneath your breath.

"I'll see if I can get more info about-", "no! Kazutora you already did enough. I don't want you to get even more involved than you already are. I have lost my parents, Nat, my best friend, Bub.. and my childhood friend is a fucking maniac.. I don't want to loose you too. Not like this..you're gonna be the next thing he's gonna be after when he hears that we're talking!"

"Don't worry about me! It's cute though that you care!", "I'm serious!", "and I'm serious too! I wanna help you get back home!"

"I will probably never see you again"

"and I'll learn to live with that"

Silence fell upon you two as you stared at each other's eyes. You sighed and looked down, "Kazu..-", but before you could say anything else his lips softly connected with yours. Wide eyed you felt his hand cup your jaw. For a few seconds you felt like in a sort of trance, snapping out of it when his lips left yours, pinching your cheeks slightly.

"You worry about the wrong things, worry about yourself first", he said, a small smile on his lips when he kissed the corner of your lips once more. "I'll head back and you should too! Don't want to raise any suspicion now, do we", he chuckled nervously, suddenly feeling flustered from his own bold moves while also trying to hide the slight pain from your truth.

Clearing his throat he bid you farewell, leaving with a pink hue on his cheeks as you stood there, partially frozen.

With a slight shake of your head, you headed back to Akashis car.

As you sat down he looked at you, the state of you going unnoticed by him as he just thought that you were still out of it because of your cat. Laying a comforting hand on your thigh. Squeezing it, reassuring you he's here.

Little did he know that you were currently out of it, due to a certain long haired boy who just confessed his feelings in a subtle yet bold way.

Feeling your emotions all over the place as your heart was longing for someone..

yet you couldn't decipher who your heart was truly longing for..

Authors Note

I hope people don't forget that this is a BONTEN ff with remarks of mental health issues and so on. Cause reading some comments makes me literally wonder... like, this is an ADULT ff and the fact that I have already minors on here is making me personally iffy.

And no, if you're over 18+ I don't consider you a minor. In my country you're considered an adult at 18, I know that the opinions are different and vary on that topic but I'll just go from where I live, so don't come for me!

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