༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 20༒

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After Ran abruptly left, you felt a little bored since you couldn't go to work, as your boss practically yelled at you to stay at home and Ran basically forbid you to go out, which you understood since it did sound like a serious issue, earlier. 

So now here you were, on your couch, munching on some snacks, watching TV in a matching jogger set. 

Since your hair was short you had had it in a half ponytail to keep some of the hair away from your face, your bangs tugged messily into the ponytail. Letting out a yawn, you contemplated whether you should take a nap or not. Time would definitely go by faster like this. 

Before you made the decision though, you stood up, shuffling towards the door and opening it slightly, looking through the gap at the Bonten Subordinate in front of your door. As he heard the door opening he turned his head, glancing down towards your peeking form.

At first glance he looked super intimidating but he was actually very polite and super nice. His looks were quite deceiving as he had a beard and a scar across his face, sharp icy eyes and slits across his brows, a gruff expression on his face, slight wrinkles already evident on his face. Totally a meanie but a complete softie. 

"I just wanted to say that I'm gonna take a nap.. in case you're wondering why it's so quiet", you said making him nod his head. "please inform me when you're awake again too, miss", "of course", you smiled at him making him clear his throat, turning his head forward again. With a giggle you closed the door again, locking it and walking to your room. Quickly shutting the TV, in the living room, off on your way. 

As you entered your room, you practically fell on your bed, getting comfortable and snuggling into your comforter. Letting sleep engulf you and drag you into wonderland.

A loud noice awoke you, jolting up you looked around in distress before unraveling yourself from the blankets and standing up. You shuffled towards your bedroom door, opening it slightly to look through a little gap you created. 

Your apartment was by now quite dark as the sun started to set... damn how long did I sleep again..

Carefully listening for any movements around your apartment, you failed to hear anything... probably my paranoia... but nonetheless, you went ahead and grabbed your phone, unlocking it and opening the contacts. Looking for Rans number, you opened his contact info, your finger hovering above the call button just in case.

Yeah, you didn't want any more unnecessary contact with any of the Bonten members... even though to be fair you already went past that stage since you fooled around with Ran twice now and on top of that the whole night but you would be a dumbass if you wouldn't take the free protection he offered. 

Especially since at the end of the day, you only could do so much, as you weren't exactly an expert at fighting. 

Like yeah, you had your fair share of fights and street fights when you were younger *cough* criminal record *cough* but that was in the past as you are more or less a different person now. At least that's what you liked to tell yourself. 

As it was silent for a few minutes you went out, carefully and silently shuffling through the hallways towards the entrance door. Your apartment getting darker and darker till it was pitch black, only the moonlight and the street lamps illuminating parts of your apartment. 

Pressing your ear against the door, trying to hear anything behind it, you couldn't hear anything though. Letting yourself be deceived by the false sense of safety, you decided to peek through the peephole. But when all you saw was red, droplets of blood splattered around, you didn't even loose a second thought. Dialing Ran in an instant. 

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