༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 102༒

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When you woke up, you were on top of Akashi. Next to you two, bub, sleeping soundlessly.

Lifting your head, you looked at Akashis sleeping form underneath you. His arms tightly around you as he hugged you close to his body.

Shifting a bit, you wanted to get up and make breakfast, though with a grumble of him and a muttered, "stay", you slightly smiled and laid your head back down on him. Your hand reaching out to stroke bubs fur. Giving yourself a mental note to check for his food supply.

"Why are you up so early?", Akashi muttered, "its not early", you reasoned back as you looked at the clock. It was almost 12. "You wanna stay in bed?", you asked him. He meekly nodded his head, "I'll take the day off today", muttering as he shifted you two.

You were now lying on your side as he pressed you close to himself and tangled your legs together. For some reason you felt your heart heavy in your chest, like a nervous feeling but not in a bad way as your heart skipped several beats. Hoping he wouldn't notice. Though Akashi noticed everything, so when you heard him chuckle you felt your cheeks warming up.

"Am I making you nervous?", "no", you shortly replied, nuzzling your face into his chest to hide your flustered state. Akashi laughed, cupping your cheeks he made you look at him as he kissed your lips.

His phone suddenly ringing, interrupting you two. He groaned, turning around he took his phone from the nightstand. Looking at the color ID he sighed and took the call, "Kakucho, what's wrong?", "(it's about Kazuya and Baipā. We got info that they teamed up! Be cautious, we're currently checking all subordinates throughout Bonten and send out two men to watch over (y/n) while you're away)"

"wouldn't it make more sense to have her close with us?", "(the risk is that they think we're gonna do exactly that, making her an easier target. We're thinking about switching her location up. Ran said he and Rindou have an empty holiday residence further away from here, nobody knows the location as it is practically sealed off from the city. It's near the countryside)", "didn't know they had a secret house", "(nobody knew but that's pretty perfect if you ask me!)"

"It is, with Kazuya and Baipā teamed up we have to be extra careful and make sure (y/n) is safe", upon hearing that you nudged Akashi. He looked at you as you mouthed "Kazuya and Baipā??", making him nod his head.

With a frown and furrowed brows you looked down at your lap.

Kazuya has taken things too far the moment he went to order Nat and your best friend to be killed. The fact that he teamed up with Baipā now makes things even worse.

At this point, you would have to repeat history.

Cause if there was one thing sure, you wouldn't let any of the executives touch Kazuya. He was yours and yours to take down. It was less revenge and hate for him but the feeling of wanting to bring justice down on him. Justice for Nat, justice for your best friend.

Akashi looked at you before patting your head, making you look up at him, "don't worry your pretty little head about it! We're gonna take care of them-", "I wanna help!", "no", Akashi shortly replied, practically cutting you off. He shook his head, turning his attention back to Kakucho, "when should we evacuate her?", "(as soon as possible. Ran said they're gonna make the house ready for her and then she'll be able to temporary settle down there)", "alright! Keep me updated", with those last words, Akashi hung up.

"What do you mean, no?!", you snapped slightly. "No, means no! You ain't gonna do none of the things you're thinking about!", he stood up, making his way out of the room, "you're gonna stay at the Haitanis. They have a house in the countryside, away from the city, away from
prying eyes or spies", "are you fucking kidding me?!"

He turned around, "do I nor the others look like we're joking?", "not sure bro, you do look pretty hilarious!", you deadpanned. "Watch your mouth", was all Akashi said before walking out of your bedroom.

Groaning in annoyance you turned towards bub, who was still asleep and threw your hand over him, "can you believe this dude", you muttered.

Though your heart stopped when, "bub...?", your eyes started filling with tears as you muttered repeatedly no.

"Bub?", sitting up, you lifted him up, your breathing getting rigid as bub didn't move. "Akashi!", you cried out, holding a not breathing bub in your hands. "Akashi Please!", Akashi almost bursted through the door when he heard your desperate cry, panic as he looked at you with furrowed brows, "what's wrong!!", "bub... bub is... he's not... Akashi... bub..", at this point you started to hyperventilate.

Akashi noticed what you were trying to say as his eyes widened upon seeing the dead cat in your arms.

He immediately rushed towards you, taking bub from your hands as he looked for any breathing and heartbeat. You next to him crying uncontrollably as bub was the last thing you had from your childhood and has been with you since you've been eleven years old.

He just turned 14 a few weeks back.

You knew his time would come sooner or later but not this soon.

It was simply too soon.

Akashi tried to do a light cpr on him. Hoping and praying that he could bring back your beloved baby. Though no matter how many minutes passed. No matter how often he tried, there was no movement.

All he could do was take you in his arms, letting you cry your heart out as he kept kissing your temples and pressed you against him. Ignoring the calls on his phone. His heart ached too for the little furry fella as he held him dearly to his heart.

It broke him further when you took bub in your arms, cradling him like a baby to yourself as you pleaded for someone to bring him back, crying into Akashis chest.

And just now he realized how bittersweet the last moments were. From the moment bub laid down next to you two to spend his last moments with you two to the point of nuzzling further into Akashi and you as he trusted you both, showing it in his last moments.

And just now Akashi realized that bubs goodnight kiss, wasn't a goodnight kiss but a farewell and thank you, promising himself and bub that he will protect you with his life as bub left you in his hands.

"Farewell, little one"

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