🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 58༒🔞

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//TW:// Suggestive Themes🔞//

Looking at yourself in the mirror, admiring the way you looked you turned yourself left and right, swaying your hips a bit as you pretty much felt yourself in the dark blue sparkly mini dress you were currently wearing.

You could only imagine how it would shine on the little stage in the VIP room, when the lights would hit it from all the right angles but your thoughts quickly drifted to the beautiful undergarments you were wearing, sparkly and shiny. Honestly speaking, you were almost wearing the stuff out of spite. Knowing damn well how annoyed and frustrated the others would get when they would see you like this, grinding down on a man that wasn't them. 

Even though most of them denied it, you knew damn well that you had most of them wrapped around your fingers, they showed it more than they thought, in their behavior towards you and towards others. 

Checking your make up and hair once more, you traced your lips with the lipstick for the last time before going out of the dressing room especially made for the strippers, pulling a coat over your dress so you could actually make an entrance on the little stage. If there was one thing everybody that knew you knew about you, you were extra. Extra extra. 

You had a performance? Guess who would have the most dramatic entrance. You, without a doubt.

Even though you don't always like the attention, sometimes you did like it. Which was to be fair, a normal thing but if you looked especially good it was a need.

Anyways back on track. 

If you wouldn't get the attention you wanted today you would throw a tantrum, no doubt. You looked hot, like a snack, 10/10. Any sort of attention was a requirement today. 

Walking past four girls who were muttering beside each other, you caught quickly their attention as they were gazing at you. Frowns attached to their faces. You could tell that they were talking about you just by the sheer looks they were giving. Though you weren't surprised since you always had one side of girls who were genuinely nice and complimented you and the other pack who was jealous and offended by you just breathing air. 

You could tell that they were the latter.

As you were walking past them you heard one mutter madly, "Why is this bitch with Bonten today? Usually I am there to entertain them. I'm their favorite." 

Deciding to be the 'bigger' person, you just walk past her, not even giving her a glance. Honestly, you didn't like acting like you were above anyone, you were as humble as you could be but shit.. if someone really tested your patience and kindness, you could be petty as fuck. 

And you didn't mind letting it be known by the other person. 

So when you walked past her without even sparing her a glance you almost had to laugh when she mumbled, "Bitch.. Does she think she's better than us?" 

Technically yes, since you're not gonna get down to her level.

Entering the VIP Room from the other side, so you could walk from the back to the front of the stage, you took a glance behind the wall that separated the men in the room from the backstage. A relatively handsome men sat at the front of the stage on a leather couch a bit to the left while Sanzu sat at the front to the right. A table between them for all sorts of beverages for the night. 

You saw Rindou and Koko, per usual, on their phones. Ran and Mochi were talking about something while Kakucho and Akashi silently drunk their drinks, Akashi smoking on the side as well. 

Mikey as always, nowhere to be seen. 

You were getting excited, your hands getting a little clammy. As you gazed one more time at the men. 

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