༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 34༒

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"How is it going Kakucho?", Mikey asked the no. 3 of Bonten.

Kakucho stood in front of him, his hands folded behind his back as he stood in a respectful manner in front of his boss, "very good! She's comfortable around me and she's showing clear signs of trust towards me", "good good."

Sanzu laughed a little, "do you really think she trusts you? I feel like Angel has each and everyone wrapped around her fingers and she's just playing with us", "Shut the fuck up Sanzu, you keep saying that shit as if she's not some brainless naiv girl like every other chick", Rindou scoffed. 

Mikey listened before clearing his throat, "did you got any more info regarding her criminal record?" 

Kakucho shook his head, recalling the conversation he had with you previously. "She just shrugged it off, saying there wasn't anything major. The only thing we know so far was from Akashis conversation with her", "alright, everyone's dismissed for now"

"((Y/N))", "Hey... Nat...", "(how are you? You didn't call yesterday, I got a bit worried!)", "I'm alright, I couldn't call you yesterday cause Kakucho came home earlier than expected", you heard him sigh on the other side. 

It has been a few days since you started living with Kakucho. 

Mikey wasn't gonna fetch you soon as he said, so you continued to live with him. In the meantime you found your phone, he tried to hide from you. He had locked it away, making you almost chuckle at his careless mistake. Well at their careless mistakes. 

Too focused on your bigger crimes, they forgot your smaller crimes that consisted of pick-pocketing, trespassing and stealing. 

Locked up things were as easy as putting on shoes for you and finding things were a piece of cake for you. Fools... all of them. 

"(I talked to Nami.. you should call her too)", you went silent, the guilt has been eating you up since the day you got 'kidnapped'. You were afraid to 'face' her as you got involved with Bonten even though she told you to stay away.. you shouldn't have went on that 'Date' with Ran. 

Should've never let yourself get dragged into the Dressing Room. 

Should've never even talked to them. 

Fuck. It was making you slightly pissed how one shitty conversation, one shitty customer service has now lead you to this situation. "I can't... she's just gonna start crying, I don't want that", you truthfully said. You kept looking outside the window, keeping an eye out for a potential car to drive up where Kakucho would come out off. 

"(She misses you)", "and I miss her too... after all she's like my mom", you chuckled sadly. "(I miss you too... she almost hit me in the head when I told her we're not together... yet..)", you chuckled, "(but (Y/N)... would you like to-)", "don't...", you interrupted him, making him go instantly silent. 

"Please don't do that now...", "(I'm sorry, I-)", "no, oh god that came out harsher then I meant. I just... I want you to say it when we're face to face. When we're in each other's arms again I want you kiss my face and ask me 'if you feel the same like before, do you wanna be my woman?' Is that doable?", "(of course! I'll get you outta there and then I'll kiss you on the face and I'll make you mine!)", "sounds like a plan", you chuckled.

You were napping on the couch when the door unlocked, Kakucho walking in, behind him the others. What occurred you may ask? A little flashback after the meeting ~

"Yo, Kakucho?", Sanzu called out, making the latter turn towards him. "What is it?", "I kinda miss our little Angel! Let's hang out at yours, drink a little", he grinned. Rindou scoffed, "weren't you the one who just talked shit about her?", "doesn't mean that I don't want to see her", Sanzu glared back. 

"I'll come too", Ran said, walking past them towards the entrance, Akashi looking at the men before disposing of his cigarette, "if y'all going, I'm coming too, wanna see Bub again." 

Kakucho, sighed looking towards Koko and Mochi who nodded their head. "Alright", he sighed out once more.

 ~ So yeah, that basically happened. 

When he walked in though and it was completely silent except the TV echoing in the apartment, he already knew you fell asleep as you would usually greet him with a loud "haallloooowwww".

Which he to be fair, found adorable. Bugging him slightly, that he's getting attached to small things like this. Sanzu was about to say something but Kakucho shushed him, walking towards the couch and peeking from above it, seeing your sleeping form lying on your stomach as your hands were underneath the couch pillow. 

One leg hanging off the edge of the couch.

"She's sleeping", he whispered before making his way towards the coat rack, hanging his coat and walking inside the living room again, the others following suit and planting themselves wherever there was a seat free. 

Ran and Sanzu stood above your sleeping form, a mischievous glim on both their faces. 

Though before anyone could even lay a hand on you, Kakucho whacked them both on the head, making Sanzu pull out a gun and aim at him while Ran glared at him. "Let her sleep", was the only thing he said when he turned around and went to the kitchen.

Ran followed Kakucho towards the kitchen, leaning his body against the doorframe, "you turned soft for her Kakucho", "I'm trying to gain her trust. Whatever you're trying to indicate, is false", he replied shortly, even though he didn't want to admit that Ran was partially right. 

He was a bit softer towards you then he wanted to and actually hoped that Sanzu wasn't gonna be right with his weird ass thesis about you 'playing with them' and having everyone 'wrapped around your finger'. Both men getting startled when they heard your whining.

Instantly rushing back into the living room. "sanzu~", you whined sleepily as the male lifted you up to settle you down on his lap. 

"Sanzu", Kakucho called out his name sternly to which the pink haired male just grinned back at him before hugging your body tightly to his, giving your forehead a kiss, "sleep, Angel, sleep", he cooed. 

Too tired to respond and too tired to actually wake up, you snuggled into his chest, falling almost instantly asleep again. 

He felt your small breathes of air against his neck, goosebumps rising up on his body. "Fuck...", he muttered underneath his breath, "she's gorgeous."

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