༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 75༒

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The ringing of your phone.. almost aggressively, pulled you out of your slumber. With a groan you took the call, not even looking at the ID as you almost barked into the phone, "what?!", "(good morning to you too, Love!)" 

You furrowed your brows, recognizing his flirtatious voice everywhere, "What do you want, Ran? It's early in the morning!", "(It's not. It's almost 12)", "Still morning to me!", you said as you stretched yourself, stumbling out of your bed. 

"(now, why did I call? Ah, right. I wanted to ask if you're free today?)", "No, I'm actually 164$ per hour", you said, making the elder Haitani laugh. "(Alright Alright, hmm. Let me rephrase my question. Do you perhaps have the time to spend the day with me?)", "Hmm, yeah, I guess so", you nonchalantly replied, drawing a chuckle out of him. 

"(always so snarky)", "you love it though", "(that's true, that's true. Well, darling. I'll fetch you later?)", "At Kakuchos", "(Kakuchos? I thought you're staying at Kokos?)", "yeah... we had a little miscommunication. Everythings alright though. I just.. Whatever", "(tell me, love)", "no no.. it's fine, really. Just different point of views, nothing much", "(If you say so)", "Promise, it's nothing too serious. So~, see you later?", "(Yes, wear something pretty. Not that I have to tell you!)", he chuckled. 

Bidding him goodbye, you started to get ready. 

Meanwhile in the Bonten HQ, hell broke loose. "What do you mean you're hanging out with her today?", Koko yelled, clearly and absolutely pissed off. 

Ran only smirked, "Can I not? I'm trying to be a good friend and perhaps even more..", "Fuck off, Ran!! Don't you dare do something funny?!","What? Afraid that I will surpass you? We're on the same level right now, aren't we? We both fucked up somewhere, didn't we?!"

"I didn't!", "oh? you didn't? That's not what she told me on the phone though!", Rindou and Akashi were sitting on the side line. Watching both men as Ran provoked Koko further, while Koko was clearly loosing it. Rindou thought about interfering but he really didn't wanna get caught up in this war, it wasn't his fight anyways. 

Akashi on the other hand was tinted with slight worry, not that he would admit it but when he heard Ran spill the beans about you not being at Kokos anymore but that you were staying alone at Kakuchos, he did got a bit alarmed. 

The last time he saw you, you were unresponsive and not in the right state of mind. 

Leaving you alone in Kakuchso apartment was giving him a uncomfortable gut feeling. 

And what about Bub? Was bub okay? 

"You don't know shit!", Koko snapped. He was pissed off. Absolutely pissed off and in a swift motion he took out his phone, calling you. "What? You gonna call her now and corner her?", "Ran, it's enough!", Rindou called out in his nonchalant voice. Getting annoyed with the shenanigans of his own brother. 

"leave him be. You clearly pissed him off, that should be enough", Ran only threw his hands up in surrender before walking away to his office. 

"(Yeah, Koko?)", "Ran just told me, you're hanging out with him today?", "(yeah..?)", "I thought you and I wanted to spend the day together", "(I figured you would be at work until later and afterwards you would come to me. No?)", "oh..."

Now he felt like an idiot. He was about to actually be mad at you but your reasoning was valid. Slightly annoying him but yeah, you were right. He didn't went to work yesterday, obviously he had to stay in longer today and fix up the deals and the financial shit for Mikey and the Gang that he hadn't done the day before. "yeah.. sorry, you're right", "(did.. did you got jealous?)", "yeah..", a heartily laughter erupted on the other side of the phone, making Kokos heart skip a beat. 

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