Educational Chapter cause...

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people are getting on my nerves :) 

I'll break down everything for you bit by bit so people in my comments and other ff writers stop writing literal shit and spread false information and stop calling everything they see SA or being a whore.

So a thing that's often written in my chapters is

Consensual Non-Consensuality, in short cnc

And Non Verbal Consent

Now, for everyone who lives in a little bubble. Consent does NOT always happen in a 

"is that okay?" 

-"yes", way!

Reality looks different, babes. A clear, NO, doesn't need a question before. Just to be clear. 

Let's break both things down! 


Is as in the name, consent in a non consent way. This is BDSM play and is, obviously, not for everyone. This is NOT! R*pe. You literally consent to sex, while (pretending) not to consent. 

non verbal consent:

is another way to consent to sex without having to use words!

Both things are a clear consent to have intercourse with a partner. You don't always have to use words to consent. You do have to use words to NOT CONSENT though!

Keep that in mind. 


the one is use in my story is an IUD!

other contraceptives, that are widely known, are obviously the condom and the pill. 

Theres also, implants, injections, patches, female condoms and so on. Everything has its positive and negative traits. Some people are happy with an IUD, some prefer injections. Others like to be traditional and use the pill. 

Others prefer not to use anything and stick to condoms. 

Everyone has their own right to use what works for them and everything has to be talked about with a doctor to see what works best for you and your body. 

On the other hand, please stop spreading false information about, "my period stopped" or talking about, "what stops my period". 

Nothing stops your period. If your period stops, it means your body has health issues that could, in the worst case scenario, end deadly. Women, biologically, have periods, no matter what. The only thing you can 'regulate' is the blood flow, pain and schedule (in most cases). 

Again, if your period stopped out of nowhere due to any contraceptives, diets and so on. Your body is telling you, that you got a certain health issue.  

Please, seek a doctor!

Sex Lagging- Educational Things that I've noticed in FF's

Vaginal Blow

Often written in FF, partners blowing air onto/into the vagina. Do Not do this..

This can cause an air embolism! 

Especially during pregnancy this can cause trouble for the baby and the mother. Worst case scenario, you can die from it if it enters your blood stream. 

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