༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 55༒

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"Welcome to D&D, how can I help you?", the man asked you, his eyes not leaving yours. 

His voice cut you out of your trance like state and you felt yourself getting embarrassed, "sorry, I didn't mean to stare", you apologized surprising him since he didn't thought you would speak Japanese.

"It's fine!", he reassured you but you still felt bad, "I just saw the shop and got interested, nothing more!", you smiled at him making him nod his head. 

"Then, if you need anything, just say so!", "of course!", with that you started to look at the displayed motorcycles. You weren't an expert in those at all. Your father was only ever working on cars never on motorcycles and you never knew anyone who rode a motorcycle but you were always rather fascinated by them. 

You felt the presence of the Man coming closer, as he found himself next to you, "do you want some info about them?", he asked. Turning to him you looked at him, a small smile dancing on your lips as you boldly asked him, "can I get your name?", he flushed from your boldness before telling you his name, "ehm.. Seishu Inui.. and.. yours?", "(Y/N) (L/N)", you grinned. 

"You're very handsome Seishu", caught off guard by you once more, using his first name, he shyly thanked you before cleaning his throat again. "So... interested in getting a motorcycle or?", he tried to spark a conversation with you as he rarely saw girls coming here alone. 

Usually they just followed their boyfriends in here, nothing more. 

"Oh, I can't drive a motorcycle! I wish I could though. They're pretty cool!", "it's pretty easy, once you get the hang of it", "wanna show me?", you flirted, giving him a cheeky smile, making him blush once more. 

"Ah~", he rubbed the back of his neck making you giggle,"I'm joking! Unless you're down for it!", "I mean... I wouldn't mind." 

He was a little surprised of himself that he was able to 'flirt' back. Inui wasn't the type to, if he was being honest. Never seeking a relationship he was often very obvious to girls flirting with him or making moves. Only when his friends pointed it out to him, did he notice. 

You though, you were a different... caliber? You were pretty straight forward and something about your teasing manner was intriguing, making it easier to actually 'flirt' back. 

"Inupi? Everything alright?", you heard a deep voice call from the back of the shop when suddenly a tall man with shaved sides, a black ponytail and a tribal tattoo on his head appeared. 


Was all you could think upon seeing him. "Ah, yeah. Everything's alright Draken!", "who's that?", "I'm (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you, Draken", the way his name rolled form your lips made him eye you for a second. 

"You speak Japanese? You don't look like it", "Yeah, I learned the language!", you replied, "so, what are you here for?", "oh, I just saw the shop and got a little curious! I have never worked with motorcycles or rode one so I guess I just wanted to check them out up close?", you truthfully told him. 

"Worked on?", "yeah, I usually 'worked' on cars before but not on motorcycles", "wow, that's cool!", Inui said next to you, getting fascinated by the revelation.

You sheepishly chuckled, "you think so?", "yeah! Totally", he said giving you a small smile.

Draken and Inui seemed like such welcoming people that you were actually kinda happy to be able to make a conversation outside of Bonten. "So, what brings you to Japan?", Draken suddenly asked, cleaning his hands before walking closer to you and Inui. 

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