༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 128༒

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You sat in the garden in your Samue, the night sky illuminating the flowers beautifully as the moon smiled down at you. Her light engulfing you in a welcoming warmth. 

A comforting feeling as she watched over you in your lonely nights. 

Mr. Irahaga made you a little homemade snack, a recipe from his late wife. Bringing you some tea as you breathed in the fresh air.

"Ah, what a beautiful night.. isn't it?", he said, standing beside you with his hands clasped behind his back. He smiled down at you as you were focused on the little fireflies around the garden, dancing and illuminating the night. Shining brightly next to the stars in competition.

"Mmh", you hummed in agreement after a moment of silence. 

A knock on the door interrupted the calm moment. Mr. Irahaga patted your shoulder before disappearing into his little house, getting the door. You stood up and walked around the garden a bit, crouching down to admire the flowers you helped tend to every day since housing here.

Your mind drifted to Baipā, wondering for a moment how he would like to have a house in the countryside, with a garden like this.. 

catching yourself daydreaming, your cheeks warming at the thought of living with him like Mr. Irahaga and his wife. A small smile appearing on your face as you thought about your, again, normal life ahead.

The door behind you slid open again, the light from inside illuminating your back and the flowers a bit, before the door slid close again. You heard Mr. Irahaga approaching when you felt him crouch beside you. You turned to look at him with an excited smile, seeing as a few new flowers bloomed next to the grown once. 

But your smile disappeared, your eyes instantly casting downwards as an obvious sadness settled across your face as your eyes met Kokos. 

An unreadable expression on his face. 

With a soft voice you asked, "is it already time..?", making Koko deeply frown, looking down at your fingers that were playing with the mud and the flowers. 

"We thought you were dead..", Koko softly replied, "I thought I wouldn't see you ever again... are you really.. That unhappy with me? With us?" 

His heart breaking when you softly nodded your head as his eyes stung with tears that were threatening to fall. 

Regret. That's what he felt. 

The moment he saw you, admiring so peacefully and softly the flowers, all his negative feelings towards the situation vanished. He hadn't seen you smile like this in months. He hadn't seen you so content and calm in months. 

The door slid open behind you two once more, turning around you saw Ran and Rindou standing there. 

You turned your head away from them all, towards the flowers as you felt your tears silently cascading down your cheeks. Kokos hand softly reached towards your face, wiping away the tears as he stood up and kissed the top of your head before walking towards the Haitanis. "Give her a moment", was all he said before sliding the door open and walking inside, the two brothers following.

After a moment, you composed yourself again and took a deep breath. 

You stood up and went towards the door before turning around to the garden once more, making a deep bow before following the others inside. Imprinting the image into your brain, of the beautiful garden for the last time. 

With slow steps you followed the voice or Mr. Irahaga, stopping when you saw the four men seated across the table, talking while drinking tea. Mr. Irahaga noticed your presence, turning to you with a smile, "you should've told me sooner that your friends would visit! I would've prepared something to eat!", "Ah, you do not have to worry Mr. Irahaga. We wanted to surprise our little darling!", Ran said, a warm smile on his face. 

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