༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 16༒

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You felt an arm around your waist. Your face buried inside the side of a body while the other arm was wrapped protectively around your head.

The warmth of the blanket and the comfort of the bed, made you want to stay there forever.

You wanted to keep sleeping, too tired and drained to open your eyes. Yet the person beside you, a voice all too familiar spoke up, noticing your awakened state, "you're awake", he softly spoke.

My knight in shining armor... you thought as you remembered the last person you saw before darkness engulfed your vision.

Still leaving your eyes closed, you noticed something. You weren't in pain, which was odd, considering the fact that you got hit and stabbed. So with as much strength that you could muster up, you groggily asked, "why doesn't anything hurt?", "Pain killers. It's gonna be fine for a few more hours. But you should consider taking some more later!"

You hummed in response. Snuggling closer to his chest.

"I wanna sleep some more", you mumbled, a yawn making it past your lips. "Then rest some more-", "stay..", was all you said, wrapping your arms around his body. You felt him exhale, an odd feeling rising in his chest upon seeing you like this.

With a sigh, he readjusted his position and wrapped both his arms around you. His fingertips finding your scalp, letting his fingers run through your hair. Your hair surprisingly soft, despite the damage of the hair dye and bleach.

Soon he felt your breathing become slower and even, indicating that you had fallen asleep once more. His thoughts drifting.

He wasn't sure why he was so keen on 'saving' you. Why he was alright with you snuggling up to him like this. When he had brought you into your house, he was in slight panic. The blood was oozing out of your leg, not stopping despite Sanzus tie wrapped around it. Kakucho wanted to bring you into a hospital but rationally thinking, he couldn't. Not when he was a wanted criminal.

But to his luck, you had plenty of supplies. Bandages, ointment, disinfection spray and so on. He and Koko managed to stop your wounds from bleeding. And to your bigger luck, the stab wound wasn't too deep as previously assumed.

He had laid you down on your bed, Koko checking your temperature when you suddenly reached out to Kakucho, subconsciously. Tugging on his sleeve while you were breathing heavy, sweat around your forehead. Both men not sure if you were conscious or not as it seemed like you tried to stay awake but couldn't.

They could see, you were struggling hard.

He gave in when your grip around his sleeve got tighter. Telling Koko to go back to the others while he was keeping an eye out on you. Now that's where he found himself.

Your angelic form, despite the bandage around your forehead, still looking beautiful as ever. Tugged away in the safety of his arms. His mind drifted to your, previously, tied down form. Impressed how you didn't back off but instead, further provoked them, even when you faced a gun to your face.

You were an absolute odd one and he, admittedly, couldn't get enough of that.

He looked around your room, noticing how fairly minimalistic it is, everything was white, the only color in your room the light wood color in a few objects and the three plants you had standing around. Probably already forgotten and dying as they looked pretty dried out. Looking back to your sleeping form he carefully caressed your wound before deciding to rest his eyes for a bit, as well.

"How you feeling?", Ran asked, as soon as you limped inside the living room, Kakucho helping you as he held you up by your waist. Your arm around his shoulder.

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