༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 117༒

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"So what are we supposed to do exactly here?", you asked the two men beside you as you eyed the warehouse. At this point you were impressed how many abandoned warehouses they were actually around. 

Rindou looked at Sanzu, waiting for him to talk, not knowing why they were here in the first place too. 

Sanzu sighed, "Apparently, all our missed deliveries are stored in here. After you killed the dude, Mikey let some people of Bonten investigate the area and the last transactions. Leading us to this place!", you nodded understandingly your head. 

Shrugging your shoulders you went ahead but got stopped by Rindou, his hand on the collar of your shirt, holding you back, "you can't just walk in, we don't know if someones around here! Especially, since we're here in broad daylight, we gotta be extra careful!", he softly scolded.

"oh..", was all you replied before retreating and standing next to them again. 

Sanzu and Rindou took out their gun, Rindou telling you to stay behind him as they looked around the area. 

You carefully followed him, looking around as well when you reached the entrance of the warehouse. Rindou pushed you slightly behind him as he stood at one side of the door, Sanzu at the other. 

Sanzu gave a hand signal as he carefully pushed the door open, pointing his gun inside. He took a couple steps inside, motioning with his hand for you and Rindou to follow. 

Walking in, you were met with a bunch of wooden boxes and containers. You walked closer towards one box, opening it and looking at the contents. Taking a bag out from the box, you inspected it, mumbling to yourself, "cocaine..", before putting it back into the box. On the other side Rindou found the ammunition and guns that were stolen. 

"So it's true. That's all our shit", Sanzu said, taking out his phone to make a call when suddenly a shot rang through the warehouse. Both men looked around when they saw you suddenly fall to the floor like a rag doll. 

Everything felt like a slow motion scene in a movie. 

From you falling to the floor, to Rindou running towards you as Sanzu started to shoot the first person he saw. All you heard was ringing in your ear when Rindou reached you. 

And even though you should feel pain, you felt surprisingly numb.

Rindou was yelling something you couldn't understand at all as all you heard were muffled sounds. You didn't even feel Rindou pressing the palm of his hands to your stomach, trying to stop the wound from bleeding. 

Sanzu kept shooting, the more people came running in, sweat dropping as it was more than he thought. Your gaze shifted towards the pink haired male. 

With as much strength as you could pull, you pushed Rindou away, pointing towards Sanzu. Croaking out, "Help... him.."

He looked at you shocked, shaking his head as he tried to press at your wound down once more but again, you pushed him away. Urging him to help Sanzu, cause if he won't help him, you weren't the only one who would possibly die today. 

Rindou looked at you conflicted, when he cursed under his breath and quickly stood up. Taking his gun he started to shoot down on man after another. 

Sanzus gaze shifted for a moment towards you, checking if you were still breathing before diverting his attention back to the enemy. 

In a swift motion he ran towards Rindou and you before lifting you up and telling Rindou to take cover. Sanzu dropped you down on the floor behind the container, Rindou cursing at him to be more careful with you as he sat you up against it but Sanzu wasn't listening. He took out his phone, telling Rindou to cover him before making a call. 

Rindou did as told, occasionally glancing towards you as you held your stomach the blood not stopping from staining your clothes and hands. He was worried to the point he couldn't even focus properly, even though he knew he had to. If he wanted to get you, Sanzu and himself out of here alive, he had to focus. 

But when you coughed, blood making it past your lips, Sanzu and Rindou froze. 

Sanzu yelled something into the telephone, pressing his palms onto your wound, telling you that everything will be fine while yelling at whoever was at the phone. Not that you heard it though as you only heard white noise. 

At this point you felt your vision defocusing. Almost getting blurry. 

Breathing out, you tried to steady your breathing as you were pretty sure that today was gonna be your last day. 

Taking Sanzus hand into yours, he looked at you with wide eyes, shaking his head. There he was again yelling something you couldn't understand, though from his lips you could tell so much.. probably yelling, 'no' and to 'stay awake'.

Yeah.. that was probably it.

You gave him a small smile before lifting your other hand and cupping his cheek. Tainting it with your blood.

For the first time you saw Sanzus genuine feelings towards you. His eyes getting watery, as he stared at you loosing focus. Shaking his head over and over again. 

Rindou was loosing his focus on the enemy as well, his breathing getting rigid. 

Was he getting a panic attack? 

From the corner of your eyes, you saw a shadow, your breath hitching as you noticed how both men were out of it. With the last bit of energy you had left, you took the gun that Sanzu laid beside you and reached your hand out to the side and shoot whoever snuck up on you three before you let the gun fall. 

Your body dropping to the side. 

Both Men panicking as you fell, your strength leaving you. 

Sanzu snapping at Rindou for loosing focus. Rindou yelling back at him to fucking shoot. 

Yeah.. time felt like it was going slowly, like in a movie scene. The bullets raining around you. The other executives running into the warehouse. The Bodies dropping to the floor. 

And just like in a slow motion movie scene, you felt yourself turning to the ceiling, looking up at it as you recalled your life. 

Feeling your body get colder. Your vision getting blurry. And the moment you slowly closed your eyes, you felt yourself taking your last breath.


Authors Note

Don't forget to check out my TR One- Shot Book!

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