༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 130༒

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You didn't thought that throwing a fucking rock at the man that was approaching you, would help but here you were. 

Running after literally grabbing a rock from the street and throwing it at him. Escaping Kazuya, Sanzu and Kakucho, who were all hot on your trail. Your lungs burning as you were running through the streets and alleyways. 

Hoping to loose them at some point. 

It was absolutely ridiculous. 

The whole situation.. ridiculous. 

Just a few hours ago, you were peacefully gardening with Mr. Irahaga. Happiness rushing through your body, something you haven't felt in a while. Peace. Care. Genuine Love. Mr. Irahaga showed you something you had long forgotten. Yet everything came crushing back down as soon as Koko looked you in the eyes and not Mr. Irahaga. 

The dreadful feelings all coming back. 

The instant sadness and depression you felt when you saw the Haitanis and Koko, waiting for you. Ready to take you back, to what they call, 'home'. 

A home that was a fucking prison to you. 

Overwhelmingly sad.. thats what you felt. Maybe death was the only option after all?

Baipā was on edge. Fidgeting in the car, his leg bouncing up and down as he was loading and reloading the gun in his hands over and over. Telling his driver to speed up and fuck the red lights. 

Haruka had called him, instantly after Sanzu visited him, telling him that they had found you and figured out that the body isn't yours. Which was alright, Baipā had always a plan b and c.. The worst was the second call from Haruka though, telling him that you had escaped, going as far as fighting Mikey before making a run for it.

He would've never imagined for you to take such measurements. 


He thought you two agreed on keeping everything clean and rather calm. No fights and comebacks to make it easier to take you 'away' another time. The third call gave him his rest though, a call from Kazuya, "I have found (Y/N)! Get ready, we're gonna corner her. She's currently escaping towards the coast. She's probably running towards the warehouse that is located there!"

To be fair, that was probably a coincidence that you were running towards the warehouse there.

Since, if he recalled right, you didn't know shit about the locations or places you two drove past while you both were on the way to his pops. He could only imagine how you were running aimlessly around, somewhere, hoping for a way to escape. 

That's why he sat currently in the car, yelling for his driver to go faster so he could reach you sooner. 

Taking you with him no matter what. 

He finally made the decision to take down Kazuya. Today or never. He was gonna kill him and if luck was on his side, he would get rid of Bonten today too. Baipā was ready to risk it all, laying all his lucky cards out and praying that you would be safe.

Stumbling, you felt your legs giving in. Ready to hit the pavement if you wouldn't have saved yourself on the wall next to you. Holding onto it as you tried to breath when you felt your dry throat and the burn of every breath you took. Your stomach and lungs aching. Your ears ringing and your legs burning. 

With another push, you continued running though not coming far as you felt your body giving in.

Leaning with your back against a wall, you felt the tears hugging your cheeks. Your lips felt dry, just like your mouth as you kept swiping your tongue over them. A metallic taste hitting your senses as you were sure that your body would collapse soon. 

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