༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 52༒

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"Sanzu, I'll send someone! You have to switch cars, they're onto you and the others!", Kakucho said over the speakers. 

You were quietly sitting in the passenger seat, next to him. The minute he started the engine, Kakucho had called, not even giving Sanzu a chance to say something yet. 

"Alright", he hung up the call, sending the others the destined location that Kakucho send him. The plan was for Sanzu to switch cars and get you and the girl out of sight for now until the coast is clear, the others would do the rest. Basically, clearing the coast. 

You heard him exhale next to you. 

"I'm glad that you found us-", "Shut The Fuck Up!", he snapped. Instantly closing your mouth you looked down at your lap again.

"How fucking dumb can you be?! To get yourself Kidnapped like this?! Are You Stupid?!", "can you please not yell at me!", you calmly replied, not knowing why Sanzu was taking out his anger on you. "I will fucking yell at you when I want to! Got it?! Can't believe this shit.. Do we have to put you on a goddamn leash and tie you to a pole?! Brainless fucking Bitch. How fucking dense are you?! Fuck were you even doing? Running away?! You're literally just a brainless fuck toy to use and nothing more. God for fucking nothing expect getting her cunt stuffed-!"

Cutting him off, you yelled back at him when he noticed the tears streaming down your face, his words piercing through you painfully deep, with each word and sentence that had left his lips. 

"I was fucking scared okay?! You all just fucking left me, to fuck some bitches on the low while leaving me alone with a man I had Told you, made me uncomfortable! Fuck!"

You aggressively tried to wipe your tears away, sobbing and chocking on your tears. Whimpering and mumbling to yourself, "Why don't you all just fucking kill me.. You say I'm useless and good for nothing, then why don't you just finally get fucking rid of me!?"

You didn't even notice that you reached the destination when he wordlessly got out. Looking up you noticed Mary already standing by the other car that you were supposed to take. Getting out yourself, you silently walked towards it. She noticed the tears on your face but you just shook her off, smiling at her warmly, "don't worry."

The sight broke her heart. 

You were falling apart in front of her, yet you gave her the most reassuring and warm smile you could give to not worry her. It made tears appear in her own eyes. 

"Get into the car, really! Don't worry!", you reassured before you two sat inside, you in the passenger seat, she in the backseat. It was a black Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat with 4 Doors, a beautiful fast car that suited a gang organization if you were being honest. 

Sanzu started the engine, the ride dead silent. 

His words kept spinning around in your head, mixing together with the words Ran had told you before. You were crumbling, slowly falling apart as you started to feel more and more attached and hurt. 

"I can't do this anymore..", you suddenly muttered, hiding your face in your hands as the tears continued to cascade down your cheeks. Sanzu was trying his hardest to keep his composer. Knowing well that he was wrong for letting his anger out on you. But still, he was pissed off and on pills, he literally wanted nothing more than to shoot up and torture the people that took you away from him and the others. The handprint on your face and building bruise not going unnoticed by him. 

He wanted to let out his pent up aggression and mend it with this. 

Your sobbing form next to him, not making the situation any better as he was getting pissed off at your weeping figure. Gosh he really didn't want to let out his anger on you but he couldn't stop himself.

So before he could even shut himself up, he was already yelling at you, making you flinch. "For the love of god! Can You Shut The Fuck Up?!"

"Stop fucking crying?!"

"Kill me if it annoys you so much!", you yelled back, pissing him off even more. "Kill me this! Kill me that! If you insist on it so much. I might as well grant you that fucking wish, huh?! Does that sound appealing to you?!", "Oh please! Do so that I'm finally fucking free of that misery. That fucking hell hole!"

Mary had her palms pressed against her ears, the yelling making her panic more and more, tears falling down her eyes. She was scared for you and herself but mostly for you as she kept hearing you repeatedly saying to kill you over and over again and again.

"You call this a hell hole? I'll show you a fucking hell hole!", "nothing is worse than this!", "Hahahahaha I'll show you hell, baby! You're gonna wish that those words never would've left your pretty fucking lips-", "Sanzu!", "Don't fucking Interrupt-", "Sanzu!", you shrieked, holding onto the door handle suddenly for dear life. 


The car headlights of the opposite car blended your peripheral vision. 

Sanzu swerved the car, hitting on the breaks as he reached out his arm in front of your body. Trying to shield you from the impact as much as he can. Trying to protect you. Your vision blurry as all you could hear was only a ringing in your ears, your consciousness slowly slipping from you as you tried to look around. 

Even though your vision was blurry and everything seemed dark around you, you managed to look around, noticing something horrid.

Marys dead body was squeezed between your seat and the car in the back. Due to Sanzus swerving the car didn't hit your side but hit the trunk, hitting mary and ripping her body almost apart from the strong impact. A second later and it would've been you. 

You felt the blood drip down from your forehead as you looked at Mary, noticing how you couldn't feel your legs. 

Glancing at Sanzu he had his head hung low, he was breathing but was also squeezed in like you, his stretched out arm in front of you clearly broken. You tried to reach towards Sanzus pocket, fishing out his cellphone and dialing the first number.

 Your vision too blurry to even make out who it was. 

"Sanzu?", "h-help..", you croaked out. "(Y/N)?", "mh..", you felt your consciousness slipping away from you, "what happened-", "car.. accident...", you muttered. 

It was hard for you to breath. Every word that left your lips, was taking a toll on you.

"wait wait wait! Car Accident? You got into an Car Accident?! Fuck. Alright!..", you heard him yell in the background, "Mochi! Track Sanzus Phone, Now! Send the Location to the others! Fast!" 

You heard him return to the phone, his soft voice ringing through your ears, "Listen to me! Are you hurt?", "mh", "how much?", "I.. can't feel my... legs...", you replied. You started to close your eyes, your breathing becoming more and more quiet. 

"(Y/N), we'll be there soon alright!? Promise me to stay alive!", "mmh..", "Remember how we talked about having mini me's walking around?", a painful light giggle left your lips, "papa... kakucho..", you muttered. 

"yes.. yes,..papa Kakucho. I'm still up for it.. so.. don't leave.. please..", you could hear his voice crack, the sadness settling in as you were sure that you were done for.

"I'm sorry.. maybe.. next time?", you asked, a closed eyed smile adorning your face as you slipped away into darkness. 

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