༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 29༒

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Several days had passed by since then. You were still housing at the HQ as Kakucho didn't wanna pressure you into housing with any of them and if he was honest, the last thing he wanted was you to house with Sanzu. 

The call was still on your mind as you kept silent and tried to stay out of trouble, being on your 'best behavior', you could say, and trying not to provoke Sanzu even further then you already had. As he seemed like the only one that would actually shoot a bullet through your head in no time and you tried to survive, hoping that you would become boring to them and that they would release you again.

You obviously knew that this was wishful thinking as you knew that they would just simply kill you off. 

There was one thing that you failed to notice though as your 'good silent behavior' wasn't getting boring, but rather pissing especially Sanzu off. Ran was rather unamused by your sudden behavior change. And that was something you would get to feel today.

Looking at the clock, you contemplated whether you should get up now or later. All you had been doing was sleeping, getting up to eat and lie down again. You didn't really do anything as there was nothing to do anyway, for you at least. 

Rotting away, that was what you were doing. 

You decided to get up and get some food, but when you went down to the kitchen in your PJ's, you were surprised by the others greeting you. 

Was there a Meeting? But Kakucho usually tells me... 

Looking at them with a little bit of a surprise on your face, you greeted them back shyly before walking towards the counter. Trying not to seem like it was obviously bothering you, seeing them here. 

You started to prepare something to eat for yourself. When you suddenly heard the tapping of a finger on a table, making you slowly turn around, eyeing Sanzu. The one who was tapping impatiently on the table. 

"Is.. is everything alright? Do you want something?", you mumbled shyly. "I'm just annoyed, Angel", Sanzu suddenly grinned, "oh?... why is that?", "Because you keep behaving like that", "Huh? Be...behaving like what?.. But... But I'm not doing anything to disturb you all?", "Yeah, that's annoying", "I.. I really.. I really don't understand?", you stumbled over your own words, confused what he meant and why he was acting like this again.

He stood up and walked towards you. 

"I'm annoyed how you're so.. silent. I'm annoyed how that little mouth of yours isn't spitting curses back. I am particular annoyed.. for the fact that this little childish glimmer in your eyes is.. Gone... Vanished. I don't like that. I don't. It's annoying. It's pissing me off. Bring it back or else I will fucking kill you and everyone you love!", Sanzu spat out, a menacing grin on his face as he usually wore. 

The others had to admit that since the moment they brought you here, your gaze, your entire aura, switched. Thus Sanzus mood swings getting worse and worse by every passing second as he wanted nothing more than to fuck around with you. 

But how could he now when you were like This

Unreadable. Unresponsive. Your eyes... empty and wary of your surroundings. Like the eyes of a deer. 

He hated it, with every ounce of his body. 

"I'm literally not doing anything and yet you're not happy", you mumbled back a little harsher. "What was that?", "I said! I'm literally doing nothing, I'm not getting in your way, I'm not trying to trouble you. Yet this doesn't make you happy, what am I supposed to do?!", you suddenly snapped making his grin widen. 

With a sudden grip on your jaw he pushed you back against the counter, his face extremely close to yours, "there there, she's still there! Bring her out again. Be a good girl and do it!" Trying to get his hands off, the pressure on your jaw was tight, "fuck off", you said through gritted teeth.

Sanzu rolled his eyes back a grin appearing on his face again. "good girl", he said before locking his eyes back with yours. You scoffed, "pervert", making him laugh, whispering into your ear, "I wasn't the one who got down and dirty with Ran in the Dressing Room of her workplace". You tried to distance yourself from him a little but he had such a tight grip on your jaw that it was almost sheer impossible.

Ran, Koko and Kakucho eyed you two but before anyone could say anything Mikey entered, Dorayaki in hand, munching on it with empty eyes until his eyes met yours. 

"I was thinking about something the past few days", Mikey started, coming closer to you and Sanzu. 

Everyone eyed their boss, Sanzus grip on you now gone as Mikey stood in front of you, "I was thinking and thinking and decided that you're gonna live with me for now. Until I figure an appropriate role out for you", "Mikey.. are you sure?", Kakucho asked cautiously as he stood up walking up to Mikey. 

Mikey just nodded his head, dismissing everyone with a swift hand move, "we're gonna hold a meeting tonight. Stay on guard! There's a gang trying to against us", was all he said. 

Without another word everyone slowly left the HQ but Mikey stopped Kakucho, "she's gonna stay at yours for a couple days first, I have somewhere to be so I can't watch her. Make sure she's not doing anything dumb", with that Mikey left you and Kakucho alone in the 'living room'. 

Kakucho let out a sigh, rubbing his temple a bit. "I can stay here-", "no! Grab your stuff and let's go!", "alright...", you mumbled. Not really sure how you should feel now. "What about my cat?", "huh?", "Bub?...", you mumbled. He stared at you for a second before sighing, "who said you're gonna leave him here?", "I wasn't sure, if it's alright?", "we wouldn't have brought him here if it wasn't alright", "you're right... sorry", "don't worry...", it was a bit of an awkward silence until he decides to clear his throat, "I'll wait in the car..", with that he left.

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