༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 41༒

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With a chocolate milkshake in one hand, two burgers in the other, Hanma was holding the nuggets for you, occasionally feeding them to you. How could he, not when you looked at him like a cute baby waiting excitingly for her food.

Heart melting, ugh. 

His car parked on a parking spot, close to the entrance of the fast food restaurant, you both were leaned against the trunk of his car. Literally patiently waiting for the others to pull up. It didn't take long for you to spot Rindous car, after him Kakuchos, both almost speeding down the lane, practically drifting into the big parking spot before coming to a halt close to both you and Hanma.

You excitingly waved to them, happily munching on a burger before taking a bite from the other as well. Rindou, almost in disbelief, slammed the door close when he got out of the car, stalking towards you before gripping your jaw. 

You almost spat out the food if you didn't had half of it already down your throat. 

You whined in annoyance, trying to get your face out of his grip. It was hard though, considering the fact that you didn't had any free hands. Giving side glances towards Hanma, you let your eyes talk. Asking for a little helping hand from the giant. 

"What The Fuck Do You Thing You're Doing?!", Rindou asked in a low threatening voice. 

Hanma beside him chuckled, "she's clearly eating", "Nobody asked you, fucker. Didn't I tell you to stay away from her?", Ran, who appeared beside Rindou, said. Annoyance lacing his tone. 

"Pressed that I'm making your girl happy?", "You fucker-", "enough!", Kakuchos voice rang out. 

Sure he wasn't pleased himself as it seemed like a big joke to you and Hanma. Mockingly waiting for them to arrive while you were happily eating away. "Rindou, let go of her. You..", Kakucho pointed towards you, "car, now. Hanma, you better stay away or we're gonna have a problem." 

"Ah~ I can't do that♡︎", "fuck do you mean?!-", "Ran! Quiet. Hanma, I don't care-", Hanma interrupted Kakucho with a laugh, eyeing your munching form beside him. You haven't even moved an inch, even though Kakucho clearly told you to get inside the car. He fucking loved it. Taking out another nugget from the nugget box, he sweetly called out to you, "you want another nuggie, My love?♡" 

Happily turning towards him, you opened your mouth obediently. The others, shocked, disgusted in a way how you were so 'easy' and you honestly fucking loved it. 

You loved deceiving men.

In all of those years being treated like garbage by men you started to use it to your advantage. Playing dumb, playing naive and pretending to be easy, that was your scheme. Your best friend once describing it as fools walking into your den, a lions den. 

Toying with them until you were bored. 

Throwing them away like a piece of gum. It excited you. The black widow of the human world.

Rindou scoffed in disbelief, "What the fuck?-", "little princess and I made a deal, if I buy her a milkshake and some nuggies she's gonna be mine♡︎", you munched on the nugget he gave you with a small smile and closed eyes, nodding your head. 

Before you could even react though, Rindou practically snatched your wrist. Your burgers falling to the floor. Taking the milkshake out of your hands he threw it also away before dragging you back to his car. You looked at the thrown away stuff in shock and hurt before he opened the door to his car, throwing you aggressively into the passenger seat. Slamming the door shut.

In a swift movement he sat down on the drivers seat, without another word he speed out of the parking lot, the others standing there in disbelief. 

"This fucker just drove away and left us here?!", Sanzu snapped.

"You think you can whore around like this? Are you fucking dumb or just plain brainless?!", Rindou snapped, speeding up, "Actually, I think you're just fucking brainless!"

"bitch", was all you mumbled back before you heard him hit the breaks, throwing you almost forward if you didn't had a tight grip on the door handle. "What the fuck-", "repeat that shit!", he turned towards you, a daring look in his eyes, threat lacing underneath them. 

"Bro, You literally halted in the middle of the streets! Move!", "Repeat that shit again!"

You aggressively sighed out, "I said, Bitch Move!

Without another word he sped up again, driving silently somewhere. You could tell he was pissed off by the way he was tightly gripping the steering wheel. His knuckles almost turning white from the pressure, his breathing rigid while you sat next to him with your arms crossed in front of you, a frown on your face as you eyed his behavior. 

A swift turn to the left caught you off guard, making you fly against the door, cursing under your breath when he halted again. Trying to straighten yourself up again, you turned your head to look where you were, when his sudden hand on your throat snatched the air out of your lungs, aggressively pushing you back towards the door. 

You tried to claw his hands, the air literally getting knocked out of your lungs. 

When you managed to make eye contact with him, it scared you how calm and lazy his eyes looked, a smirk almost appearing on his face. 

Desperately clutching onto his arms, your sharp acrylics digging into his flesh, slapping against it you opted to reach for his face, as nothing seemed to work. Noticing what you were trying to do he put more distance between you two, your fingernails failing to reach his eyes or his face in an instant. 

He laughed at your failed attempt of poking his eyes or scratching him while you still desperately tried to loosen his grip even just a little bit. 

Fuck, why did he have to be so strong.. 

you felt your vision getting blurry as you slowly lost conscious. Your eyes were about to roll back when he released his grip from your throat, instantly bringing you back, your body jerking from the shock, trembling. You were coughing, your body desperately trying to get the missed air back, the pressure giving you a headache, feeling like you were gonna pass out from the pain in your lungs and chest.

As you were practically fighting for your life, you didn't notice Rindou unbuckling his seatbelt. Only noticing his close presence when he started to rub your back. Mockingly cooing at you, "aww, poor baby, it's alright. It's alright! I'm here."

You wanted nothing more than to slap him, kick him, anything to inflict some sort of pain to him as he was sitting closer to you. 

"Should I call your boyfriend? Nat? Or do you rather want Hanma? Hmm?", "fuck off", you coughed out, making the younger Haitani raise his eyebrow, a hand instantly reaching towards your jaw, turning your face. 

Your faces so close you could feel his breath against your skin, "I see.. I still need to teach you some manners, hmm? Gotta fix that attitude for you. Can't stand when some low whore thinks she can talk back like that without consequences. Talking back like she's someone important when she's nothing but just some dick hungry hoe." 

You scoffed, pushing against his chest, when he merely just chuckled at your weak attempt.

Pushing you aggressively down onto the seat, he grinned, "If you wanna act like a whore I'm gonna treat you like a whore. I'll teach you some manners, little one"

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