༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 14༒

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"I'm hungry...", you mumbled to yourself.

Still having two more hours to go, until you could close the shop, you found yourself bored. Wanting nothing more than to be finally off work.

Your boss had already went home for the day while you stayed. It was by your own choice, since you needed a few more extra hours so you could take a couple days off. That was your plan at least.

But now you found yourself regretting making that decision. As you were now hungry and on top of that, you felt yourself getting more and more tired with each passing minute.

Your feet were also starting to hurt, as you have been standing for a good 30 minutes straight, on the same spot, just scrolling through your phone. Never fully understanding, why you were still open at this time of hours as the last two hours where completely unnecessary. In your opinion at least.

The last two hours, mostly consisted of you standing around on your phone as barely to none customers showed up.

Letting out a sigh, you continued to think about what you could eat later when your gaze wandered to the dressing room you were with Ran in, three days ago. Feeling the butterflies in your... lower region. Remembering what he exactly did and how it felt.

Huffing out in frustrating, you groaned, "Ah, I wouldn't mind doing something like this again"

Though for a short second you paused, "well.. maybe not with him again", snickering to yourself.

You were surprised though, as you haven't had a visit from him nor the others, again yet. But also relieved, still holding onto that tiny itsy bitsy bit of hope that they would leave you alone, after all. Again, wishful thinking yet you were hopeful. Your thoughts getting interrupted shortly when a man in a suit walked in. His demeanor calm, eyeing your shop before he spotted you behind the cash register.

When you took notice of the man, you instantly straighten your hunched over back, putting your phone away.

A smile appearing on your face as you started to greet him, "Hello sir! Can I hel-", though you were shortly cut off mid sentence. "Are you (Y/N) (L/N)?" You were a little taken aback but put on a smile again, not thinking too much about it, "yeah, that's me! How can I help you?", "perfect", he said before a wide grin spread on his face.

His reaction was odd to you, your mind instantly wondering which customer of yours gave your name to this weirdo. Maybe I could ask him later while he tries on the stuff-....

Your eyes widened, freezing in your spot. Facing the hole of the gun, that was pointed directly between your eyes. "Heard you're Bontens new play thing! Fuckers really got some taste. I'm curious how they would react when you're suddenly gone", he laughed. 

Though all you said was, "Bonten... who?", as you looked at him confused, curiosity lacing your voice. "Sanzus obsessed with you, little one! Don't play dumb with me now", "w-who's Sanzu? I- I don't know who that is, sir, I... I really don't know what you're talking about. If you want the money... I'm sorry only my boss knows how to open up the cash register.. please don't kill me..", you said nervously, concern and worry written all over your face.

He saw you starting to tremble, your eyes looking lost. Like a hurt puppy, making him even more confused. If he was being honest, looking at you, he wasn't even sure himself anymore.

Your cow printed top with the white pants, didn't really make you look like you would fuck with any gang members at all.

Unsure about the whole situation, he mumbled, "Huh.. but.. but you are (Y/N) (L/N)...", "y-yeah but sir... I really don't know who you're talking about", you said, a sincere look on your face.

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