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On the other side of your small town, total of 10 men was currently sitting around a table, discussing some 'matters'.

Sanzu let out a sigh. He was getting bored, eyeing Koko, who was just as equally bored as him. Absolutely annoyed at the current situation they were facing. Koko was clearly pissed off for many reasons. One of them was the fact that they had to fly out of japan into a foreign country just because the men, they were currently meeting up with, decided it would be safer.

For who? For them?!

Unnecessary money spent on a stupid unnecessary flight, for a stupid unnecessary meeting, for a stupid unnecessary deal.

It wasn't even 'unnecessary' to begin with but got that way, as the deal that the fat man in front of them made, did absolutely make zero fucking sense. At this point it would've been easier for everybody, to just shoot this motherfucker in the head and take over the gang.

He could see from the corner of his eyes how Mikey was literally uninterested in the words that the man sprouted from his lips.

It was stupid, all of this was stupid.

The fat man in front of them chuckled nervously, sweat dripping down his face as he wasn't getting any reaction from Mikey. Making the man feel uncomfortable, afraid and threatened. Fearing slightly for his life.

"Well, you can think about the deal! We can make and adjustments any time. We obviously want the best for both parties", he nervously said, taking a handkerchief to wipe his sweat.

Rindou and Koko scrunched up their faces in disgust. Both feeling like it was starting to reek of sweat in the room.

"I'll think about it", Mikey replied in a monotone voice, deprived from any emotion. "of course, of course, take your time", he breathed out, the fat man obviously struggling with his weight and the amount of oxygen he needs, to even be able, to continue the conversation. "My... my subordinate can show you around town if you're interested?! I own the best clubs and bars here and we great shops-", he replied, hoping to ease the tension but got interrupted, "I'm not interested", Mikey simply replied before standing up.

"the others are free to do what they want", was all he had to add leaving the room.

After a moment of silence, Sanzu grinned, "Well, since we don't have anything better to do, show us around... little boy. A little sightseeing, since we're already here, won't hurt". "As Long As you don't try to kill anyone", Kakucho sighed before standing up, Sanzu replying with a wide grin, "no promises."

Kakucho didn't really wanna go around town. They were here for business after all but the thought of leaving Mochi, the Haitani Brothers AND Sanzu alone was giving him shivers down his spine and a weird headache.

He just knew that leaving them alone would stress him the fuck out and cause much more commotion than necessary. This was supposed to be, just a quick and short meeting trip with a quick and short trip back home to Japan.

But that obviously was wishful thinking.

Wanting to cause as less trouble as possible, he had no other choice but to go with them. He couldn't leave them alone, he felt like a damn Babysitter for grown ass adults, making him sigh out again. "If nobody pisses me off, we're good", Sanzu shrugged with a laugh. "Fucking Maniac", was all Kakucho mumbled before letting the Subordinate show them the way around town.

After awhile of walking around, trying to stop Sanzu, the Haitani Brothers and Mochi from murdering people, Kakucho had already enough. Wanting nothing more than to just go back to the hotel.

Though, the subordinate stopped in front of a clothing store. Having one thing to do.

"I have to get a new suit and dress shirt for my boss. This is one of the best clothing stores here in our town. The women that work here are amazing, so if you need anything, you can ask them for help", he said a little nervous.

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