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I just wanna ask for something pretty simple and literally the bare minimum. Cause I'm legitimately tired and I was being polite and nice long enough!

Please do NOT Insult the characters, especially the protagonist.

I have mentioned in my q&a (at the end of the book) before, that y/n is heavily inspired by a lot of people (in my life) including myself and it is quite insulting to see people bash her actions and her thought progress. Other relate to her character and personality as well.. So you literally insult several people that feel connected with the character and finally understood.

And I have Indicated it and mentioned it SEVERAL TIMES (throughout the story) that she acts, she is a natural actor and a manipulator.

I don't want to sound rude or be rude but after reading comments and getting the same over and over again. Deleting or trying to ignore them. I'm tired and fed up! Genuinely!

Does anyone even read the book PROPERLY or are you just flying over the words???

I write every chapter with so much thought progress and make sure that her character keeps consistent and human! While also trying to keep y/ns goal and character in mind!

It's insulting, blatantly insulting to me, my friends and people who relate to her!

If you don't like aspects of her, her decisions, her clothes (theres literally a page with pictures of all the outfits) or the plot. Shut the fuck up and leave or be blocked by me! 

Also, there's several warnings in my storie bio AND it's literally in the name BONTEN x reader, meaning VARIOUS BONTEN members x reader.

So YES, there is several sex partners! And NO, it's not being a whore/hoe/bitch to have several sexual partners!

It's absolut misogynistic and internal misogyny!

It's not alright, in any circumstances, fictional or real life to call someone a whore for having intercourse with multiple people. This is having a healthy sex drive. If you have other believes, keep them to your fucking self and LEAVE!

You're not comfortable? LEAVE!

If you still insist on being rude, misogynistic, bitchy and so on..

i will simply block you :)

Regarding the comments for the 18+ nsfw chapters, theres an educational page for you as well, cause I'm sick and tired of people not understanding certain words (cause apparently google isn't a possibility and NOT for free) and calling everyone under the belt a 'r**ist'.

On that note, If this shit continues, I will disable comments. Which I really don't wanna do but I gotta if this doesn't stop.

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