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You don't know how long you have been standing there, in the middle of the restroom, staring at nothing. 

Madame Rouges words, echoing in your head, over and over as she has already left, leaving you alone with your thoughts. It pissed you off. Knowing that those mere words were affecting you more than they should have in the first place.

You knew from the very start that you were 'nothing' to them. That's why you had a whole plan, on how to escape, from the very beginning but why... why did it stung so bad? Why did it hurt your chest a tad bit too much? 

You knew the answer but didn't want to believe it. 

Merely shrugging it off as 'Stockholm syndrome'. Yeah.. that was probably it... Stockholm syndrome... at least that's what you wanted to believe. 

The ringing of your phone, catching you off-guard, startling you as you tried to fish it out of your boots. A frown emerging on your face as you looked at the ID, "Mochi?", "(Hey there, tell me little one! Are you perhaps with the others? Are they nearby?)", "sorta, why?", "(no ones picking up their fucking phone!)", "oh, yeah.. because ehm.. they're well, we are, at a meeting", "(oh? Why did you pick up the phone then?)", "because.. because ehm I'm taking a small break?", you almost cursed yourself out loud from the way you were hesitantly answering him, ending your sentences like questions as you were still thinking about the words of Madame Rouge. 

Mochi obviously picking on, "(did something happen?)", "eh? No... nothing in particular-", "(do you want me to call Kakucho? You wanna talk to him?)", "n-no, it's fine-", "(who's on it?)", "((Y/N), here)", "No, Mochi! It's fine-", "((Y/N)? What's wrong? Are you hurt? Did something happen? Where's Koko? Are you alone? (y/n)? (Y/N)!)"

Upon hearing Kakucho and his concerned voice, you looked up at the ceiling, your eyes blown wide as you tried your hardest not to start crying. Your vision getting blurrier and blurrier as you desperately tried to keep your tears at bay, trying to regulate your breathing. 

"((y/n)?)", he softly called out, your silence making him feel uneasy. 

He threw a concerned look towards Mochi who shrugged his shoulders, muttering about a 'meeting' you and the others were attending. He turned back towards the phone, his attention solely focused on you as he softly called out your name once more, "((y/n), did something happen?)" You didn't trust your voice, afraid that you would actually start crying, so you opted to just hum a no. 

Which wasn't better as you let out a cracked hum, a clear sign that you were on the verge of tears. 

Kakucho sighed, "(are you sure? It doesn't sound like nothing happened)", he asked, his heart breaking when he heard your small voice say, "I wanna go home", as the tears were now freely falling. He knew what 'home' you meant and he could understand perfectly fine but... he couldn't let you go. Not you. "(Where are you right now?)", he softly asked, as you sobbed out a, "I don't know", "(listen! Alright? Can you do that for me?)", "yeah", "(send me your current location, alright? Can you do that for me?)", "yeah", "(is there a possibility for you to wait outside?)", "yeah", "(can you do that for me, too?)", "yeah...", "(okay, I'll be there as quick as possible)", you hummed out a yes, sniffling as you tried to calm down. 

"(Don't worry, okay? I'll be there as quick as I can and then you'll be home in no time. Okay?)", humming out another yes, he bid you goodbye, telling you once more to send him the location before hanging up. You did as said and not even a second later, he wrote you back that he'll be there in 10 minutes.

You turned towards the mirror and decided to clean up your eye make up, as streaks of mascara were running down your face. 

Letting a bit of cold water run over your wrists, you remembered hearing somewhere that it was supposed to calm your nerves down, letting it cool you down a bit. Reducing anxiety and stress.

When you were finished, you made your way out of the restroom, walking through the restaurant and seeking the entrance when you felt a hand wrap around your wrist. Looking back you saw Rindou, "where are you going? And why do you look like you cried?", "I'm going out", "why? You were awfully long away", "didn't thought you noticed...", you mumbled as the frown on his face deepened slightly. 

"What do you mean? Of course I noticed. You're the loudest in the room, it's weird when you're not there", he confessed, stunning you a bit as your eyes widened upon his statement. "Not that I care though", he grinned, obviously teasing you, "now why did you cry?", "I didn't..", "you obviously did, don't lie", "kakucho is on his way", you said, changing the topic. "I thought they're on a mission?", Rindou said, quirking his eyebrow as you just shrugged. "He told me to wait outside", you answered before continuing your way towards the entrance and outside, Rindou following suit.

As soon as you both were outside, he took out a cigarette to smoke, eyeing your silent form. Puffing out some smoke he turned towards you, "I'm not good with words but whatever's bothering you, you shouldn't get it the best of you. Don't eat that shit up!"

Nodding your head at him, the headlight of a car appeared, recognizing instantly Kakuchos Bentley Flying Spur. 

He parked the car and instantly got out, approaching you with his typical stoic face, yet his eyes had worry written all over them. "Why are you here? I thought you had a mission?-", Rindou not even able to finish his sentence, got interrupted by Kakuchos concerned questions towards you, "are you alright? Do you feel better?", a grip on your shoulders as he leaned down towards your level.

You merely nodded your head, avoiding his eyes. 

Pretty sure you were gonna start crying again if he's gonna continue looking at you with those eyes. Those eyes who seemed to care, yet you couldn't trust as her words kept spinning around in your head. False concern, all lies. 

You were pretty sure of that or maybe... maybe not? 

Maybe he did genuinely care. 

Maybe Rindou did care as well... maybe Mochi cared and Akashi. 

You didn't know, your thoughts were getting too much. If you could get some time alone, maybe you would be able to comprehend the situation, maybe even stop getting distracted from your plan that you more and more started to forget. If Madame Rouge was right and Mikey was waiting for you to break.. he would definitely reach his goal soon. 

Cause as of right now, you didn't know how much you could still take. 

The sweet words swaying you away as the harsh words smashed you back to reality. The emotional whiplash too much for you. Your inner balance was getting disturbed, making you crumble in pieces as you desperately hung onto Kakuchos concerning voice. 

His sweet sweet voice that was lulling you back to him, like a cursed spell. 

It was itching your skin. 

And despite how much you wanted to deny it, you loved it but oh how much you hated it as well. But you couldn't lie to yourself... for once, you wouldn't mind crumbling in his hands. Falling apart and letting him use you as you felt your heart skip a beat when he engulfed you in a hug, cradling your head towards his chest as you felt his undoubted skipping of a heartbeat.

Subconsciously synchronizing with yours.

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