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You were twirling around in Akashis office chair, mindlessly looking upwards with your head thrown back. Akashi, who was leaning on his table next to you, had asked you probably an hour ago, if you wanted to go home, change into something more comfortable than your dress and rest.

You ignored him though, dismissively walking past him into his office as soon as all of you reached the HQ.

None of them tried talking to you except for Akashi, everyone just assumed you needed space after Torada had screamed those 'confessions' into the night sky.

Akashi himself, not sure how to properly approach you. He was already pretty aware that Nat had died as you were also the one to tell him this. He didn't know though that you already knew that it was all Kazuyas doing.

So now here he was, looking down at you in worry at your twirling form.

"Can you please stop ignoring me?", "you had ignored me before, deal with it", you suddenly, nonchalantly replied.

Akashi furrowed his brows when he sighed, remembering what you meant.

"I had a lot on my mind-", "you were pissed off, angry and ignored me-", "I was mad because I didn't know how I should tell you the news", turning the chair you faced him upside down, looking up at him with furrowed brows, "that day.. Mikey gave us the news that your 'childhood' friend, wreak havoc in your town and had killed Nat and others dear to you. I was pissed off cause I saw how you just felt better and I didn't want to break the news like this to you, just to see you break down again. I was pissed off at the way you went to Mochi and I was pissed off that I couldn't do anything. The only thing I can is try to protect you here-", "I knew that Kazuya killed Nat", "what?" "If you wouldn't have ignored me that day and the following days, you would've known by now!", "how do you know?", "I have my sources", you started to twirl around again.

"I'm sorry", Akashi suddenly said, making you halt again.

Looking at him, you stood up, cupping his cheeks and giving his nose a peck. "Let's go home.. I'm tired", you smiled, Akashi feeling his heart warming up at the sight. "Yeah, let's go home", he answered, pecking your lips before putting his jacket on you and taking you two home to his.

You practically threw yourself on your bed, your cat following. Snuggling into the sheets as you went through today.

You were honestly happy that Sanzu came before anything further could happen. Reminding yourself to thank him tomorrow, as you didn't got the chance to really do it tonight.

Akashi knocked on your door, before entering, "you hungry?", turning around, in the bed, you looked at him and nodded before saying, "I don't wanna get up though", making him chuckle.

He nodded his head, going away before coming back with a food tray, settling down next to you on the bed. You sat up and took your plate and he took his before you two started eating. Complimenting him on the food.

"I'm glad you were okay and nothing happened", "thanks for worrying", you said, leaning your head against his shoulder. He turned his head slightly, pecking your forehead."we really have to check all the subordinates. There has been too many traitors in the last few weeks", "understandable, bonten is getting bigger and bigger, day by day, right?", "yeah, try to stay out of danger. You seem to get yourself dragged into so many things as well", "no promises", you laughed, making Akashi shake his head.

Your cat snuggled up between you two, stretching his feet towards Akashi and his paws on your lap. Basically, lying on top of you two. You both chuckled, Akashi stroking his fur as your cat, bub, fell asleep.

"You're forbidden to move now", you laughed. "There you go with your English again", "you understand me though, so stop complaining", "I have to clean the dishes", "no no, forbidden to move", you said, pointing at bub. Akashi sighed before looking at you with a teasing smile, "means I have to sleep here, you know", "yeah and?", his smile instantly gone.

He thought he could tease you, make you a little flustered but then he remembered, you were sitting in front of him. And you were a little special.

"Can't even tease you", he sighed once more, making you laugh. You took both your plates and put them down on the little table beside the bed before slowly and carefully lying down. Looking up at Akashi with a smile, though it dropped instantly when you remembered, "shit.. the light."

Akashi was about to stand up but you stopped him. You carefully slipped out of the bed, to not disturb your cat, turned off the light and came snuggling back into the comforter. Akashi, defeated, laid down beside you as bub got more comfortable between you two.

Akashi wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. Bub sleeping in between your tangled bodies like a baby next to it's parents. And so you fell asleep in Akashis arms, bub snoring away in delight as he basket in the love and warmth you two emitted and Akashi was honest, he would do anything to have those moments everyday for the rest of his life.

You smiling at him, looking at him with love and no resentment in your eyes. You in his arms, your body close to his as he felt your steady heartbeat against his own chest. You two eating dinner together, in bed or in the kitchen as you talked about your day.

He was willing to put his all in.

For you he would.

You were charming and so so beautiful.

In his eyes you were everything.

Just with a glance from your eyes, you had everyone on their knees and he loved it. Loved how you were so carefree. Getting along with everyone and even though he didn't like the thought of it, you were so quick to charm yourself into everyone's heart that you managed to seduce a man, in a supposed mission, to get info.

It was scary how much hold you had on everyone and he saw it with his own eyes, the way the other executives were hanging on your lips. Not wanting to admit it but even a blind man was able to see how everyone felt like a lost abandoned puppy without you.

You had them really wrapped around your finger.

But tonight he felt like the luckiest man among the others as he was able to hold you tonight in his embrace and kiss you on the lips. Listening to your calm breathing as you were in deep slumber.

Is this what it felt like to be in love?

Your cat answered this as he shifted around, stretching himself a bit when he laid down closer to Akashi, licking your nose and then his as a good nights kiss before falling asleep again.

Yeah, that was love and he didn't want to miss it ever again.

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