༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 48༒

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Here you were, sitting next to Sanzu on a big brown leather couch. His arm was lazily thrown over your crossed legs, in his other hand a gun that he was playing around with. He was a bit annoyed, not because of the man in front of him but because of you. You both had fought again. 

The reason, your outfit. 

He had no other choice than to throw his arm over your legs instead of letting his hand rest on your thigh due to your outfit choice that he almost wanted to shoot out of your brain. 

Your skirt was doing nothing to cover your shit. It barely covered your ass. 

His arm was draped over your legs in a way that covered your crotch, the palm of his hand trying to cover as much of your exposed outer thigh and ass, as he could. It didn't only piss him off how the men in the room were hungrily eyeing you but also how sexually frustrated he got. 

His possessiveness towards you slightly showing through, when he gripped your thigh while eyeing the men. A daring look playing in his eyes. You next to him, a shit eating smile on your face. Readjusting the choker on your neck, that you had underneath the collar of the half blouse you wore, the sleeves transparent enough to show your tattoos, your collarbones exposed, chest covered with a bandeau top. 

Showing enough skin. 

Their eyes went to the ring of the choker that you tugged on, making sure you weren't 'suffocating'. Shifting a little in your seat to stir up some more reaction, you readjusted your mini skirt a little, switching your leg, giving everyone a little peak of your black lacy underwear before you crossed your legs again. 

Sanzu next to you was almost loosing it, ready to shoot eyes out and take you here and there like a dog in heat. 

The top executive in front of you cleared his throat, "so... ehm, to come back to the deal! We're gonna exchange prostitutes and money for your protection against the Mogambo." 

Mogambo, a new rising underground Criminal Organization that is just as ruthless as Bonten. Taking out gang for gang. 

"Yeah", Sanzu shortly answered.

He wanted nothing more then for this meeting to be finally finished and done. Getting you away from the hungry eyes. "Are we done now?", he asked a bit impatiently. "Ah, yeah yeah.. sure, there's just one more thing", Sanzu was about to get up but eyed the executive in front of him, "we expect full protection! If you fail to meet our standards we're gonna have a problem with each other", making Sanzu laugh, "who do you hold us for? I don't think I have to remind you that we're Bonten."

A thing that gave you a weird gut feeling was when the executive 'threatened' Sanzu while eyeing you. 

Instantly getting the feeling that if something went wrong, you were the first one to take the punch. He had you in his vision. The executive just merely nodded his head, Sanzu standing up and stretching his hand out for you to take it. 

As you stood up you fixed your skirt, following Sanzu out of the room, your heels clicking against the wooden flooring. You felt their eyes follow you, some fixated on your legs, some on your ass.

Though the executive had his eyes fixated on your back, examining the tattoo that was peeking out from the little skin that was showing. Peaking his interest. As soon as you two were out of sight he instantly let his subordinates do the job. 

Getting Info about Bontens new bitch.

"Next time you wear something like this, I will personally gauge everyone's eyes out and lock you the fuck up", "romantic", you chuckled teasingly. 

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