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"so.. from what I understood.. you're gonna stay with Baipā, hiding from Kazuya and Bonten?", Haruka asked, his voice getting higher at the end. You nodded your head, as you looked outside the car window while Haruka was on the passenger seat, Baipā driving. 

You heard Haruka sigh, "I can already see my casket and my gravestone at the end of this fucking tunnel..!", he mumbled making Baipā laugh, "don't worry don't worry. You have my full protection! We're a team now!", "It still doesn't sit right with me!", Haruka said, eyeing Baipā with a straight face. 

"I mean, aren't we in the same situation?", "how?", "you are with Bonten but you're working under and with (Y/N). I'm with Kazuya but working under and with (Y/N), we're practically affiliated but are under different names... which obviously nobody has to know!", he winked at Haruka. 

Now it was your turn to chirp in as you scrunched up your face, sticking your head between the two guys in the middle of the seat. 

"And I still don't know when I missed the memo of me becoming y'alls leader..?", "Sssh, just accept your fate", was all Baipā replied, making you roll your eyes. 

Sitting back, your mind drifted towards Madame Rouge. The opportunity to flee the country right now was there, the door was at the end of the so called, tunnel, Haruka was talking about. You had Baipā and Haruka on your side. Madame Rouge was warming up to you and she did say she would basically sponsor your trip and new start.

You just had to make the first move but you knew you had to calculate it precisely, cause one fuck up could cost each of their lives and you're not only talking about Haruka, Baipā and Madame Rouge.

"keep me updated, Baipā has my phone number!-", "How about be careful to not get caught!", Baipā said, leaning against the door frame behind you. 

Haruka scoffed, "I have literally saved you up as 'pizza guy'", "Pizza Guy?! But Bae, I thought I was your main chick?", Baipā fake pouted making you burst out in laughter. "You little-", "hope your main chicks don't look at your phone and then ask who the fuck Pizza guy is, when I text you one of my nightly pics", Baipā winked at Haruka, making the other sigh. You turned around with a raised brow, "main chicks?", "yeah, Bonten!", Baipā shrugged, making your mouth turn into an 'ah', nodding your head. 

"You two are so.. Annoying!", "We're soulmates, Haruka. All three of us, when will you finally accept it", Baipā pouted as he came closer to you two, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pressing you close to him. Resting his head against yours as he grinned at Haruka. 

A call, on Harukas phone, interrupted your little moment, "speak of the Devil.." 

Excusing himself, he walked a bit further away, while Baipā ushered you inside, just in case.

Shortly after he also got inside, "Haruka has left, Bonten started officially, actively, looking for you. You know the drill, don't open the door, don't get to close to the windows, yada yada...", he said, waving his hand around.

You nodded your head as you sat down on the couch, when he told you to wait for a second. He disappeared into a room before he came back with a gun in his hand. 

"Keep this one close wherever you go in the house. Better safe than sorry!", "alright..", "Okay, let me just think for a moment. 

So, the maid has her own key, she usually comes in the morning. Works for like 3 to 4 hours max and leaves. 

My subordinates usually don't come here unless theres an emergency, if there is, they usually contact me first. In that case, I would contact you first. If you get hungry and you wanna order something, tell me. I'll take care of that", "okay", "yeah.. all in all, we have to make sure that nobody plays pretend and gets in.. but we don't have to worry about that if we make sure they don't figure out that your corpse wasn't a corpse and that you're pretty much alive as one can be", "nice way of describing my current status", "on the other hand...

Haruka and I had an idea. An idea that I can execute without problems!", "tell me", "We're gonna take a corpse, burn it a little so it's nice, crispy and unrecognizable, give them the same wounds that you had and let them find it"

"Basically, let another person pretend to be dead me!", "yup!" 

You nodded your head, "sounds like a plan!", "good good! Another thing, your little escape plan?", "Do you know Madame Rouge?", "oh, ho, hoooo, who doesn't know this boobilicious lady?", Baipā said, his thoughts drifting to her cleavage when you grimaced at him and snapped your fingers in front of his face, "focus little guy!", "ay, he's not little!", he pouted, when you rolled your eyes, "whatever-!", "wanna see?", "Bro Focus!", "ah yeah, sorry sorry", he chuckled.

You sighed, when you turned back to the topic, "Madame Rouge said she can make sure that I'll get a plane ticket, leaving me with enough money to start my life over", "how?", "she'll sell me off as a 'prostitute' under a false Name so Hanma and Bonten won't raise suspicions, unable to trace who I am and so on.. I'll just have to make sure that I can change my name and all that ish up before anyone can trace my steps. Though when they think I'm dead that shouldn't be that much of an issue.."

"i can get you a fake ID for the time being. I can also take care of the papers, new name, apartment, job etc.", "you would do that for me?!", "of course! Though! You have to promise me something. Nothing comes without a fee of course!", he grinned.

You furrowed your brows, ready to take a step back when his sudden aura changed. Almost feeling like you walked into another trap. Starting to overthink everything. Cursing your naivety and his godly charm but found yourself wide eyed, cheeks heating up when he gave you a closed eye smile, uttering words that made your heart flutter.

"promise me you're gonna wait, wherever you go, for me!", "what..", "I'll come after you and then I will pursue you and hopefully catch your heart to myself..", "you mean that?", "of course! I know right now is not the time to pursue you. Your mind is occupied with hundreds of other things. From being kidnapped to fighting death, on top of that you lost people close to you and Kazuya is getting crazier and crazier each day. He isn't taking the rejection to well", Baipā said, his tone almost mockingly at the end, waving his hand in front of his face with a grimace on his face. 

A chuckle escaping your lips. 

"So... promise me, when you settled into your new life, your mind is relaxed and at ease, that you will send me a small little message, even just a little heart.. And I'll Promise You, that I'll stand at your door the next day with a bouquet of your favorite flowers, chicken nuggets and a chocolate Milkshake in hand and ask you to go out with me!"

You felt your eyes sting as you gave him a small smile and nodded your head before giving him hug and burying your face in his chest. 

Uttering out a small, "thank you, Baipā", before he wrapped his arms tightly around you too, burying his face into the crook of your neck, "anytime, beautiful.. anytime.."

Authors Note

Just a friendly reminder, that's how Haruka and Baipā look like!
Good looking Mafia/Gang guys, with crackhead energy and gentlemen attitude!

Just a friendly reminder, that's how Haruka and Baipā look like! Good looking Mafia/Gang guys, with crackhead energy and gentlemen attitude!

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