༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 49༒

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"You look good in my Shirt", Sanzu said, leaning on the island with his elbows planted on it, sipping his coffee, shirtless in joggers. Grinning at your 'lost' and 'confused' form. 

Your hair was sticking out as your make up was smudged from the sleep you had. 

Sanzu had only undressed you and switched your outfit with a T-Shirt of his so you could sleep comfortably. 

"I'm gonna wash up", you murmured with half lidded eyes as you made your way towards the bathroom. "Second door left", you heard him yell after you. While you were washing up, he prepared breakfast for you. 

He hummed a tune, thinking about todays meeting. 

He and the executives had to meet up again for more details. Sanzu had called up Mikey and Koko already to make sure the deal was alright and for Mikeys satisfaction, basically making sure that it was alright to finalize the deal. 

His thoughts drifting to your shenanigans yesterday. 

Sanzu couldn't just let you go out like this again. No no, not on his watch, you were gonna wear some pants! That's for sure. He wasn't gonna let them stare at you again like this, no, not even gonna give them the chance to stare at you like this. 

It had pissed him off so much, his thoughts drifting back to the hungry eyes, almost burning the eggs he was cooking. 

You came back, freshly washed up and looked at Sanzu who was looking into the distance, lost in thoughts. Coming closer, you booped his cheek, making him snap out of his thoughts. 

"Are you alrig-", "you're gonna wear pants today", "Why?", "Because I Said So!", he snapped. 

"HeLlLooOooO~ExCuSE YoU?! I look hella good in a skirt?!", "Yeah and people with missing eyeballs look good too!", he said. 

You sighed, "damn.. party pooper..", you mumbled before settling down on a chair by the island.

He placed your breakfast on a plate, putting it down in front of you. "Thank you. btw..", you started digging into the food he made, "i have a weird feeling about the executive!", "how about chew and eat first before you talk?", Sanzu said, raising his eyebrow at you. 

"Whatever", you said with your mouth full before continuing, "he was hella weird yesterday when he 'threatened' you", you said, pointing your fork at him. 

"What do you mean?", "he was legit eyeing Me, when he threatened you, like 'try me and she's gonna get it'-type of stuff", Sanzu just laughed, "As if.. you think you're that important that people would do something to you to get to us? You're just a pretty little accessory to accompany us and distract those folks to agree to every possible shit. Got it? That's why he was staring. You're nothing special." 

If you were honest, that did kinda stung.

It threw you back to your past, flashbacks of the guys you met throughout your life that only wanted you as their pretty little fling. 

A pretty little accessory to show off. 

It hurt. It hurt to know that at the end you were still just a body, nothing more and nothing less. 

"Sorry for overthinking his stare?", you said annoyed, "are you scared?", Sanzu grinned. "No. Just cautious", "if you say so", he laughed. 

You continued to silently eat your food, not wanting to talk more as you were pissed off at his statements. "I'll go get you an outfit, ain't no way I'm letting you choose an outfit again", he said, without being able to utter another word he left you all alone in his apartment. You huffed out annoyed, "great.."

"Pants.. and Blazer..", "yeah", "I like it!", "wait- really?", he asked you unsure as you eyed the clothing enthusiastically! 

"Yeah, lady boss type of shit, I like it!", "I mean, I wouldn't have let you wear anything else anyway but it's a lot easier if you actually like the outfit!", he said, making you roll your eyes at him, "you're such an ass", "You're still stuck with me for the rest of the day so better get used to it!", "HA! Yeah, no", you said, making your way towards his bedroom to get dressed. 

He followed you, almost getting the door slammed into his face when you looked at him with a frown, "can I help you?!", "I have nothing to do, I'll take a nap while you get ready", he said, planting himself on his bed. 

"Wait. Where did you actually sleep tonight?", "on the couch", "why didn't you just let me sleep on the couch?", "I was contemplating but I didn't wanted to deal with your face first thing in the morning when I wake up and get my coffee", he said, turning his back to you while snuggling into his pillow. 

You looked at him absolutely offended, ready to bash his head in but decided to let it be. 

Muttering a "fucker" out before getting undressed and dressed again. "Sanzu, you do know that I don't have any make up here right?", you heard him groan before sitting up and rubbing his face, "fuck.. I forgot", he mumbled annoyed out. 

He sat there for a few seconds before getting up, "Let's go, I can't believe I have to drive your ass to a stylist again"

"Glad to see you back, Haruchiyo Sanzu!", the executive bowed. 

You sat down next to Sanzu again on the opposite couch of the executive. Sanzu threw his arms on the backrest of the couch, sprawling out. 

"So, do we have a deal?", the Man in front of you asked, his eyes momentarily shifting towards your form. He was a bit disappointed to see you in Pants and Blazer with a cropped turtleneck on, today. Wishing to see you in just a mini skirt and bra if he could.. stopping himself from letting a mischievous smile out. 

Without you or Sanzus knowing he had the perfect plan to obtain Bontens little new play thing.

(Y/N) (L/N), your name echoing in his head. 

You were nothing to Bonten, he knew that, you were just something to show off nothing more and nothing less. He wondered if you even knew that you were nothing but just that. Probably, he assumed, every Bitch would spread their legs and play pretty if they get money shoved up their asshole by Bonten. 

He wouldn't even do it differently if he got his hands on you. 

"Yeah, we got a deal. Hajime Kokonoi will send you all the formalities", Sanzu said waving his hand dismissively. "That's good, that's good. On this occasion. How about I invite you two and the rest of Bonten for a nice trip out in a bar or club as a celebration for this successful deal?"

Sanzu eyed him, a stoic unpleased look on his face which turned into a grin in a matter of second when the executive continued to talk, "I'll have the best drinks served and.. the best 'stuff' prepared for you and the others."

You looked a bit.. confused at the thing he mentioned. 

Like, you knew your Japanese but that word, that slang was something completely new to you.. You had to ask Sanzu later for it. "Sounds like a good invite!", oh boy... 

In the car...

"Sanzu?", "mh?", "what did he mean with.. 'stuff'?", "drugs", "oh... okay"

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