༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 36༒

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You were sitting in the passenger seat while Kakucho was driving. 

Behind you, in that order, Koko, Akashi and Sanzu, meaning Koko sat right behind you, Akashi in the middle and Sanzu behind Kakucho. 

Sanzu was glad though, that he sat behind Kakucho, that way he could keep admiring your side profile. Every now and then you turned around to them, checking if they were alright before returning your gaze to the front. 

Sometimes Koko kept playing with your hair ends before retreating his hand just to find his way back to your hair. 

The whole ride though it was silent as neither of you had anything to talk about, you were also low key glad that nobody pestered you with questions of your past and stuff. It was already work enough to get Kakucho of your back with the questions, trying to always throw the attention to something else. 

With 4 guys it would be a lot harder to avert the attention to something else as Akashi and Koko were usually silent and observing. 

They would instantly catch on if you try to change the subject. It was too risky. So at the end, you were glad that nobody uttered a question. Not even Sanzu. Which did surprise you a bit, to be fair. 

After a while though, your thoughts and attention went to something else when you saw a mass of people. As Kakucho drove closer to the place your eyes sparkled, "Oh my god! We're here!!", "I have to find a place to park the car, we might have to walk as it seems like everything is occupied", Kakucho said, making you shake your head, "I don't mind!"

And he did find a place to leave the car. Shortly after you saw Rindou pull up, parking close by as Kakucho send him the location since there wasn't a lot of free spaces to park a car, anyway. 

Waving at them as they all got out of the car, Ran instantly went up to you. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders to pull you closer, leaning his forehead against your head, whining, "when we drive back we're gonna drive together. It was awful with them. Sanzu can take the other car", making Sanzu glare at him before pushing him away, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you with him.

"Are you excited to see Harajuku, Angel?" 

You chuckled at his behavior and just nodded your head before Kakucho called out to you, "(Y/N), keep close by and don't wander off anywhere without letting us know. Harajuku is a busy street and full of weird people. For your own safety please stay close", you nodded your head once more. 

Without further ado you all made your way towards the busy streets of Harajuku and as soon as you saw how busy the streets actually were you instantly knew what Kakucho meant. Subconsciously you reached your left hand out to the closest person next to you, intertwining your hands with the person as you felt a light panic settle in, your heart rate increasing.

You hated big crowds. 

It was something you would probably never get used to as the fear of getting lost in a big sea of people was terrifying to you. On top of it all, in a foreign country as well! 

It was a habit that you developed over the years, reaching out to the closest friend near you and intertwining your hands with them to not get lost as soon as you saw a big crowd. Ran looked down at your intertwined hands when he noticed you grabbing him, his gaze shifting towards your face, ready to make a teasing remark when he noticed your blown eyes and distressed look.

He pulled you a little closer to him, releasing your grip on his hand before wrapping an arm around your shoulders, keeping you close. 

Kakucho shifted his gaze towards you two when he also suddenly noticed your state, he bend down towards your ear, "are you alright? Do you wanna return?", you instantly shook your head, "I'm fine!", "you don't look-", "I'm Fine!", you said more sternly, your tone coming out a bit harsher than you intended. 

Trying to reassure yourself as well that everything was fine and didn't just seem like it. 

You looked around, distracting yourself when you pointed towards a clothing store, pulling against Rans blazer to catch his attention. "Hm? You wanna go there?", he halted, asking you, making you silently nod your head. 

The others instantly stopped as well when they noticed you both standing and not walking anymore. Looking into the direction you were pointing towards. Ran pulled you towards the shop, the others following suit. As soon as you were inside you let out a huge puff of air out, not even noticing that you were holding it before. 

You wiggled yourself out of Rans arm, looking around when Sanzu came up to you, smiling, "get whatever you want, alright doll?" 

Hesitantly nodding your head, you started to walk around, grabbing a few items here and there. Soon you gathered a few items and went to Kakucho who was close by, "I'm gonna try these on.. do you know where the dressing rooms are", he turned to you, nodding his head before escorting you towards them, settling down on a lounge chair while you went inside, ready to try on the stuff you got. 

Koko looked around, trying to find you as he found a dress that he thought would look good on you but was met with only the others, "where's (Y/N)?", making everyone perk up except for Akashi. "Huh? Don't tell me-", Sanzu started but got interrupted by Akashi, "she's changing."

Not letting the pink haired male continue his thought. 

Koko nodded his head making his way towards the dressing rooms when he saw Kakucho sitting with his phone in the lounge chair. 

He knocked against the changing room door, "hmm?", "I got a dress for you, try it on", Koko replied. Opening the door a little, you reached your hand out for the dress. Swiftly closing the dressing room door again as soon as he gave it to you.

Looking at it you were surprised with the dress he picked out for you. It was undoubtedly beautiful! A princess like dress, you could say. 

Peach in color it was midi by length, puffy sleeves and bolstered skirt layers, like a petticoat. 

You tried it on and twirled around in the changing room, feeling like a little Cotten candy cloud. 

Opening up the door of the changing room, you stepped out, showing the dress off as Koko was admiring it on you. Your short white blonde hair and the dress, complimenting each other so well. He took your hand and twirled your around, a loving gaze in his eyes as he suddenly pulled you closer, "you look beautiful!" 

Kakucho was looking at Koko with a raised brow, the sudden change in demeanor towards you was making him slightly wary.

"I'll get this dress for you! It looks gorgeous on you!", Koko said once more, admiring the way it was fitting you. You gave him a bright smile, feeling a little shy towards his compliments to you.

"I'll go change!", "you should keep it on", "It's too fancy to wear out for shopping", you pouted, "it's a dress for like a fancy dinner or something", you continued. Koko looked at your for a split second before averting his gaze, "how about I'll invite you for dinner", locking his gaze with yours again he smirked, "and then you can wear this pretty dress just for me." 

You chuckled, "if I'm allowed to", "of course! You're with me, there shouldn't be a problem", "alright!", you chuckled once more, entering the dressing room to change.

Kakucho was eyeing Koko, he definitely had to ask him later why he's suddenly so... interested in you. The entire time he kept his distance and now... 

little did he nor you knew that the moment you walked out of the dressing room in the beautiful peach colored dress that laid upon your body, Koko didn't saw you but someone else.

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