🔞༒ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 13༒🔞

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//TW: Mature Content/ consensual non-consensuality/ non verbal consent🔞//

You pushed his face away from yours, trying to put some distance between you two which was almost impossible as you were sandwiched between him and the table behind you.

"Horn Dog", was all you huffed out before trying to walk past him, "You're quite the hard one", Ran said amused, "I like that!"

Ignoring his comments, you walked to the back of the shop to organize the Blazers.

He aimlessly followed you to the back, asking, "Where is your boss?"

"She's taking a lunch break.. she'll come back soon, don't worry!", you replied, even though you knew that this was a lie. She wouldn't come back so soon as she just went to lunch break.

Though you hopped this little lie would be enough to make Ran leave you alone.

"Where?", "Why do you wanna know?", you turned towards him, resting hand on your hip as you eyed him with a raised brow. "Just curious, is it wrong for me to be curious?", "yes.. Yes it is, mister bonten executive", making him chuckle in response.

You turned back to the blazer, continuing your task when he continued talking.

"I assume she's not here, if she were you would've probably said so", he said, standing next to you as you were straightening out the blazers on the hangers.

It wasn't even necessary work to do, if you were honest. There wasn't anything that needed to be done in particular. You just honestly didn't wanna give him the time of day. Giving him an opportunity to do something or say something as it seemed like you were busy with work.

He kept his gaze on your form, occasionally eyeing you up and down, smirking to himself. "I like that blazer", he suddenly replied, pointing to the one you had in your hand. It was a dark purple blazer with soft grey vertical stripes. You glanced towards him, as he asked with a smirk on his face, "can you give me the whole suit with a matching dress shirt?"

"Why do I have a bad feeling about that", you muttered to yourself, making his smirk widen, "I don't know what you mean and I feel quite offended that you're assuming things..", "don't be so fucking obvious! How can I not assume shit with you.. ", you frowned, rolling your eyes at him. Taking out the right sized blazer for him and the matching pants, you looked for a matching dress shirt.

As soon as you had everything, you handed it to him, ushering him into the dressing room.

Reminding yourself, a customer is a customer after all.

Standing patiently next to the dressing room, you waited until he was done. Though after a while, you decided to ask, "Ehm, Ran? You good?", as several minutes had passed and he hadn't come out yet. "Doll, could you help me here for a second?" Rolling your eyes, you cursed under your breath.. obviously he would need 'help'.. who would've fucking thought.

"What do you need help with-", he swiftly pulled you inside the dressing room as it had just curtains for cover, pushing you slightly against the wall. Not even giving you a chance to finish your sentence.

"What the fuc-", "The button is stuck", he pointed towards the dress shirt. "How?", he shrugged his shoulder innocently as you just looked deadpanned at the buttons. "Help me, would you!"

Closing your eyes, for a brief second, you sighed before helping him with the buttons. Which wasn't as easy, since you had long acrylic nails newly did.

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